Chapter 8

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He had to accept him, he would. I'd make him. He had to let my brother be apart of this gang or I don't know what I'd do. This is the only way to keep him safe. Shawn has to let him join. We all walked in his office, me walking in first.

"I don't appreciate the fact that you think you can just walk in whenever you want." Shawn growled.

"My brother is joining us." I stated loud and clear.

Oliver and Kyle shifted uncomfortably beside me.

Shawn laughed dryly, "No."

"No? What do you mean no?" I hissed, I wasn't just gonna let him say no.

"I mean no, I don't care who he is to you he's not joining us." Shawn stated.

"Sir, he passed the test." Oliver spoke up.

Shawn turned his attention to Oliver, "The hell with the test, I said no."

"I'm not taking no for an answer." I laughed dryly.

"I don't like repeating myself."

I stared at him for a minute before picking up the gun from his desk and pointing it at him. I knew I shouldn't have done it but I needed him to say yes. Oliver and Kyle immediately drew out there weapons and aimed at me.

"Kacey put down the gun." Bryce spoke up.

"Listen to your brother." Kyle said.

Shawn had a smile on his lips, "Let her be."

"You think I'm playing?" I asked and loaded the gun, Shawn knew I wasn't going to kill him. I mean it was obvious that I wasn't, but a threats a threat.

"Do it." Shawn taunted.

"Kacey we don't wanna hurt you, put down the gun." Oliver said cautiously.

I pursed her lips before speaking, "My brother is going to join us."

"If I say no?"

"Then there's gonna be a bullet through your chest."

Shawn laughed, "Leave me and Kacey alone."

"But sir-" Shawn cut Kyle off.

"Leave us!" He shouted and they left us alone, closing the door behind them.

"Put down the gun sweetheart." Shawn said sitting back further in his chair.

After a minute I placed the gun back on his desk.

"That was some stunt you pulled."

"My brother will join us." I stated sternly.

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah why is that?"

"He's all I have left of family."

"Yes but don't you think letting him join us increases his risk of dying?"

"I won't let him die, I can protect him."

Shawn stood up and walked infront of me, "You can barely protect yourself."

"That's not true and you know it's not." I argued.

"Make him prove he's worthy to me."

"Trust me, he's worthy."

"He better be."

Before I could walk out, he pulled me close so his mouth was by her ear.

"If you ever try that little stunt again, I promise you there will be blood shed and it won't be mine." He swore coldly.

Chills immediately covered my entire body and I moved away, walking out of the room. The three boys looked at me waiting for me to say something.

I looked at Bryce, "You have to prove your worthy."

"And how do I do that?" He asked.

"Easy, kill someone." Kyle shrugged.

Oliver punched him, "Shut up!"

"What? That's what Kacey did." Kyle said and I immediately wanted to punch him as well.

"What?" Bryce asked in disbelief.

"Its not what you think." I said.

"You killed someone!?"

"I had no choice, I-" Bryce cut me off.

"Your going to pull that card?"

"Bryce-" he cut me off again.

"Im not listening to what you have to say." He said and walked away.

I started after him but Oliver grabbed my arm, "I'll go get him, you just stay here." And walked after Bryce.

"I fucking hate you." I snapped, not looking at Kyle.

"It was going to get out sooner or later, did you really think he wouldn't have figured it out?" Kyle asked.

"I wanted to tell him at the right time."

"There is no right time to tell anyone that, you just have to rip off the bandage and that's exactly what I did."

"You had no right!"

He laughed dryly, "I had every right. "

"Alright then you wont mind me telling him about you getting too attached to someone right?"

In a swift motion, Kyle had me pinned against the wall by my neck and I was terrified.

"Don't you ever bring that up again, if you dare mention a single word about that ever again I wont hesitate to kill you. You are no one to me and I'm not afraid to kill you." He stated harshly and let me go.

I took in a huge gulp of air before catching my breath and watched as Kyle walked away and Oliver came back with Bryce.

"I'm sorry for freaking out." Bryce sighed.

"It's okay," I dismissed it, "hey, why don't you go and look around."

"But-" I cut him off

"We'll find you later, I have to talk to Oliver." I explained.

"Alright then." Bryce mumbled and walked away.

Oliver turned to me, "What was that?"

"What happened with Kyle?" I asked suddenly.

"Hell if I know! I stopped to see if he was okay and he-" I stopped him.

"No, I mean who did he get so attached to?"

Oliver stared at me for a couple of seconds before shaking his head, "It's not my place to say."

"Oliver please," I pleaded, "tell me."

He shook his head once more, "No, if he wants to tell you then Kyle will."

"Yeah well he just threatened to kill me if I bring it up again."

"Then you better not bring it up again."

I groaned in frustration, "Your so difficult!"

He smiled then suddenly his face dropped, "Hey, uh, I'm sorry what happened today about your-"

I cut him off before he could finish his sentence, "Do you have any idea where my room is or something? I just want to be alone for a bit."

"I know an empty room that no one's currently staying in." He shrugged.

"That'll do."

"Follow me then."

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