Chapter 9// Join me

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Niall opened his eyes, and the first thing he noticed was a warm, breathing body lying on top of him.

Well, that was new. But welcome.

Harry's head was resting on Niall's chest, his curly hair buried in the crook of Niall's neck. His arms were embracing Niall so tight, like he was planning to hold him forever and never let go.

Niall smiled as he brushed his fingers through Harry's soft curls. The memories of the night before came crashing down on him, but instead of freaking out, Niall just sat there and smiled at his roomie/boyfriend/ possible daddy.

Harry was so perfect, it wasn't normal anymore. He was too perfect.

That kind of scared Niall, but it also made him happy, because he knew Harry was his. Even though they hadn't known each other for very long, to Niall, it already felt like he had known Harry for years. And he wanted to continue to know him.

He placed a soft kiss on Harry's nose.

Harry started to stir in his sleep and mumble some weird words. He then started to sit up, yawning as he blinked trying to get used to the light that shone through the curtains.

'Was happenin?' he asked, still half asleep.

'Nothing. You can stay asleep if you want to.'

'What time's it?' Harry asked, immediately taking his pillow (Niall) again and resting his head.

Niall placed his hand on Harry's bedside table and started feeling around, hoping to find his phone.

He honestly couldn't remember where he had put it the day before. Had he even held it once? He didn't think so. For all he knew, Twitter could've exploded! All his followers could be calling the police right now, thinking he had been kidnapped or something. And he had probably missed about ninety Youtube video's. Shit.

He then felt something, and he prayed to God that it was his phone as he pressed the home button. Shit, Harry's. The screen lit up and Niall couldn't suppress his smile. Harry's lock screen was a picture of them both, taken on their first date out. Niall was smiling into the camera, and Harry was holding a glass of wine and smiling at Niall.

'Ni? What time is it?' Harry repeated.

'Ow yeah. Euhm, wait, lemme check...'

Niall had been too busy watching himself and his boyfriend being cute to look at the time. The screen had already turned black. Eurgh phones.

Niall pressed the home button again and looked at the time.

'It's half past eleven.'

Harry sighed and mumbled something once again.

'Haz, it's quite time to wake up.'

'Nooooooo', Harry whined, embracing Niall a little tighter.

'I wanna sleeeeeeeep.'

'Harry, you can't. We can't just sleep the day away.'

'Yes, we can.'

'No, we can't.'




'No, Harry!'

'Eurgh, fine.' Harry said. 'But if this day sucks I'm going to blame it all on you.'

'How could it suck when I'm here?' Niall asked, winking at Harry.

'Well, I know for a fact that the day won't suck if you suck.'

What the... 'Harry!' Niall yelled, once he got the joke.

DADDY'S LITLLE ANGEL // NARRY AUWhere stories live. Discover now