Chapter 34// Hurt me

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WARNING: Rather short, but next Sunday you guys are in for a surprise!

'Niall! Oh my God, it has been forever since you called me!'

'Yeah, I know haha,' Niall laughed, trying to make the situation less awkward. It wasn't working at all. Niall had decided to call Louis, since Lou was his best friend. But the last time they had seen each other, Louis had first kissed him, then passed out and then woken up as Niall was having sex with Harry, whom he had cried about to Louis a few hours beforehand.

Yeah, kinda awkward now.

'So... How have you been?' Louis asked, obviously uncomfortable too. You could cut the tension with a knife, and Niall wanted to address the situation but he didn't really know how to do that. Should he juist go ahead and say 'Yo, remember that time when you kissed me and then I had sex with Harry and you saw it? Yeah, those were the days, man!'

Nah. Not really a good idea.

'Errrr... great! Yeah, great, I feel way better,' Niall laughed, and he could hear Harry chuckling in the background. He had told Harry about his plan to call Louis and become best friends again (I mean, he thought they still were, but you never know). Harry had just laughed and wished him good luck, laughing at him.

That little bastard.

'Has you feeling better got anything to do with a certain curly haired lad?' Louis asked, his voice uncertain, as if he wasn't really sure whether this was an okay thing to ask or not.

'Wow. Oh, yeah. Euh. Yeah. Er,' Niall started, scratching his neck. His mind literally went blank, all past plans wiped from his memory. Fuck, what was he supposed to say?

'Niall?' Louis asked. 'You okay?'

'Er, yeah! Of course, why wouldn't I be? I'm fine, super fine even! Super duper fine!'

He wasn't fine at all, obviously.

'You suck at lying and you know it, Ni. If you are fine, why aren't you answering my questions?' Louis asked, and Niall had to admit his best friend had a point.

Damn it.

'Errr. No reason in particular.'

Harry wasn't really doing a great job at hiding his laughing, because even Louis could hear it now.

'Is that Harry with you, Niall? Are you with Harry?'

'Euhm what? Nooooo, that's my... my grandma! Yes, my grandma!'

Smooth, Niall thought. Really smooth.

'Your grandmother is dead, Niall. I literally went to her funeral,' Louis objected.

Fuck me and my horrible lying skills, Niall thought.

'Damn you and your best friend skills, Louis,' Niall said, sighing.

'Yes, I am at Harry's place, no my grandmother is not alive.'

'I fucking knew that already,' Louis laughed, the tension just a tiny bit better.

'So, you guys are back together?' Louis asked, his voice trembling a little. Niall could hear that Louis thought it was a bad idea. Let's be real: it probably was. But Niall didn't gave a flying fuck.

'Er, no,' Niall answered truthfully.

'Niall, don't lie to me,' he started, sounding fed up.

'No, I swear, Lou! I'm not really sure what we are...' Niall trailed off, looking behind him at Harry, who raised his brows.

'But?' Louis pressed, desperate to be done with all this drama.

'But I forgave him,' Niall said, still looking Harry in the eyes. He could see the smile growing on the guy's face, his freckles showing in the sunlight.

'You forgave him.'

'I forgave him.'

Louis just sighed on the other side of the line, and Niall prepared for what was about to come. Screaming, maybe? Or just a rant about how he was stupid to forgive him, about how Harry was going to cheat on him again? Niall didn't want to hear that, but he was prepared to listen to Louis' ranting if he had to.

'Okay,' Louis said, followed by a sigh.

'Okay?' Niall asked, unsure about the whole situation. No rants? No yelling? No stupidity?

'Okay,' Louis said.

'Why just "okay", Louis?' Niall asked, fidgeting with his nails. It was a bad habit, he always did that when he was nervous.

'Because it's your choice, Niall. I can't make you hate him. But when he breaks your heart again, I won't be there to glue your broken pieces back together, okay? I'm just going to tell you 'Told you so' and leave.'

Niall gulped and looked over at Harry, who was still frowning. He bit his lip and looked at the green eyed lad. Harry didn't hear what was going on or what Louis was saying, so he was very confused.

'He won't hurt me again, Louis,' Niall objected, fighting against the tears forming in his eyes. Why was he crying? Why was he such a cry baby?

Niall was next to him in a second, taking the smaller boy in his arms and hugging him close to his chest.

'But he will, Niall. He will break you once more, and we both know it.'

Niall started crying and hid his head in Harry's chest. He wanted to go against Louis, but he couldn't, because he wasn't sure of it himself. What if what Louis was saying was true? What if Harry would break him again?

Harry took the phone and brought it to his mouth.

'I won't,' he said. 'I will never hurt him again.'

Then he ended the conversation and put the phone down, hugging Niall close to him. He picked him up and brought him to the couch, sitting down and bringing Niall onto his lap.

'Shhh, don't cry, Angel. You know Daddy doesn't like it when you cry.'

'I- I am.. I am sorry,' Niall said, hiccupping in between every syllable.

'Shhh, don't talk. Just calm down, Angel. It's okay. We are okay, we are fine.'

And so they sat there on the couch, Niall crying his eyes and Harry trying to comfort him. Once Niall had stopped crying, Harry gripped his chin and forced the boy to look him in the eyes.

'I will never hurt you again. I promise.'

Niall hiccupped and Harry embraced him once more, hugging him tight. He never wanted to let go.

'I love you. I love you, Angel. We are going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay. I promise.'

But it wasn't going to be okay. Promises are made to be broken. 

AN: Hello! Hope you all are okay! What did you guys think of this?






Ineke xx

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