Chapter four: Manipulated and Eractictaded

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What's up! Thanks for reading this story! I'm trying to write a chapter every day or every two days. It's vacation so i've got a lot of time to write. And I want this story finished before the vacation is over, since I won't be able to write during school times. Ugh, the things school can take from you. Anyway, let's continue with the story. I'll try to put some Jisbon fluff in this chapter. Enjoy reading!

 "Tell him he should keep HIS friends out of this mess too then" Answered Jane audacious after a short silence. "He was expecting you might say something like that. Don't worry, I'll get rid of them for you." Spoke the nurse, pointing her gun at Van Pelt. Then she pulled the trigger.  

'BANG' The short, loud carving sound of the discharge of the floating small projectile fulfilled the room. Van Pelt couldn't react fast enough to the nurse's fast movement and was surprised by the bullet which was already penetrating her body. The bullet went right through the skin of her shoulder, making her scream out of pain. The bullet exit her body on the other side and made its way through the concrete wall, leaving a small cavity with various cracks around it. Van Pelt let out a strong, deaf-making scream which made the whole team jump, leaving them to watch the red-haired woman whimper out in pain. Van Pelt wrapped her fingers around her shoulder and pushed pressure on the wound. The wound was bleeding measureless and Van Pelt's orange draped circle top was soaked with blood already. Rigsby was in shock after the nurse shot his precious, lovely girlfriend. The bullet had probably hit the scapula bone. The nurse had shot with an. 45 caliber gun which was probably loaded with  9mm FMJ bullets. If an FMJ bullet encounters bone, there is a significant possibility that it will break the bone instantly. If it is a long bone like a humerus, or if the bullet's punched through a flat bone like the ribs, scapula or either the skull , there's also a significant possibility that bone will deflect the bullet off of its original path. FMJ rounds are meant to wound, not really to kill instantly. The military uses FMJ rounds to wound the enemy in order to take 3 or 4 people out of the fight instead of just killing that one individual. Hollowpoints are designed to expand as they pass through a target, but it didn't count for Van Pelt. Wayne Rigsby luckily knew a lot about guns, bullets and the consequences of a shot wound like this. Unfortunately, he couldn't help Van Pelt as the nurse was threatening Jane next.

The nurse laughed disreputable, pointing the gun against Jane's forehead. The cold metal against his pale skin made him shiver a bit, but he didn't show any fright. His breathing accelerated and the nurse was staring into his blue eyes. "Red John only wants you in the game. It's like chess, only two players are allowed. Don't you agree? Otherwise i'll have to shoot your friends again, which I don't mind at all." She played a little with the trigger, smirking inhumane which made Jane utter a nervous, anxious shaking sigh. He followed her fingers. Her slender fingers pressed softly against the trigger, but she pushed too soft to make the gun shoot a bullet through Jane's brains. They were still looking at eachother until the sound of a loud 'bang' howled through the hospital room.

Lisbon tried to untie herself. The ropes around her wrists were cutting in her skin, causing a aggravated stabbing  pain that gushed from her wrist to her arms. She groaned and tried again.

The sound of soft, agonized footsteps stopped her from what she was doing. Her body froze and she was realizing the footsteps were slowly getting closer to her. Lisbon didn't dare to move a flinch. The footsteps were gone now, and she knew someone was close behind her. The warm breath of the person behind her rushed along her cheek, which probably meant his face was very close to hers. "Hello Teresa. Missed me?" The scary voice echoed through her head, as if the voice was trying to kill her from the inside. She held her breath and looked at the bloody smiley. The blood had dried already which made the smiley looking more frightening than before. "It's art, isn't it? I drew it with my friend's blood." Spoke Red John. He was still standing behind her, which made her shiver. "Who's your.. friend?" She asked finally, trying to take a peek of the serial killer, but failed. "You know him." Red John walked in a circle around her, stopping in front of her and staring into her eyes. The brunette shivered as she saw the gruesome red masked killer in front of her, staring at her. It was frightening. "Is it.. Jane?" She asked, already knowing the answer. Red John let out a brief laugh, patting her on her nose. "Yes. He was so loveable to give me some of his blood. You didn't get any of that, because you were knocked out during the process." Annotated Red John. He walked over to the smiley, looking proudly at the disgusting 'art' he had made. "Ruby, bring him in." He said, still looking at the smiley. A door next to the fearsome smiley opened and a very strong bright light entered the room. Lisbon's eyes started to hurt as she tried to look what was happening over there. She started to get a headache and closed her eyes until the light had disappeared. She heard the sound of footsteps, and the person who was there must've been dragging someone inside of the room. Lisbon opened her eyes after a couple of minutes and noticed the light had disappeared. Everything was dark again. The only things she saw were the softly glowing light bulb with the smiley next to it. But she saw something else, there was a chair with a person sitting on it, right underneath the smiley. She couldn't see it quite because the person was sitting in the shadow's. The light bulb only illuminated the smiley. She tried to move the chair by moving with her body. It wasn't such a good idea because the chair fell down on the aspect and Lisbon was still tied up against it. Great, now she was laying on the ground, completely helpless. She looked at the person, but couldn't see any movement. Lisbon let out a disappointed sigh. She was exhausted and the frightening events made her feel tired wherefore she couldn't keep her eyes opened. Before she even realized it, she had drifted off to sleep.

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