Chapter seven: The Shattered Mask

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Good morning/midday/afternoon/evening/night everyone! How's your day going so far? I hope good! You know who beautiful, pretty and precious is? Read the first word of the previous sentence. So, I was watching a movie called Sex & Death 101 with a friend today, and had absolutely no idea Simon Baker was playing in the movie! It was pretty weird to watch him play hide-the-pickle with various women. Damnit Simon! Well I'll start to write this chapter then, as this conversation is getting a little out of hand. We're not actually having a conversation, but I like to pretend we have one. Enjoy reading!

Jane had enough of this. He wanted to get out. He wanted to get this over with. And before he even realized it, he had told the truth about his feelings for once. "You pierced my soul, you made me skeptical about people and love. And I hate you. I fucking hate you for that. You turned me into this broken mess. You fucked up my confidence and it's my fault my family is dead!"

Jane's pupils widened as he saw Lisbon standing behind Red John. She was completely silent. Lisbon couldn't believe her ears. He'd finally admitted he was broken. The words echoed through her head. Red John had broken Patrick Jane.

Jane stared ashamed at Lisbon who was standing a couple of meters away from Red John. Her slightly shaking hands were covering her mouth, shocked by the words Jane had said a moment ago. She didn't knew he was this sad, feeling this guilty. She hated to see him in so much pain. Why hadn't she noticed before?  Jane's head was hanging down, his chin softly resting on his chest. His eyes were focused on Red John's hands. Those guilty, filthy hands which had killed his precious wife and daughter. He felt a stabbing pain going through his convulsive heart as he imagined Angela and Charlotte brutally getting murdered. He didn't even had the chance to say goodbye to them.. Jane thought about the chances of getting out of here with Lisbon. Would they still be the same after this event? Lisbon was actually the only one he'd truthfully trusted. Yet, Red John would probably kill her too. Jane swallowed, his facial expression changing out of disgust. He was tasting a disgusting mix of spit and blood wherefore he coughed and spit on the concrete ground. He calculated the chances of Lisbon winning the fight against Red John. He had a knife, which Lisbon hadn't. The only things she could use as self-defense were her bare hands and maybe her.. legs? He knew Lisbon could punch pretty hard, he had experienced it. 

Red John noticed Jane's off look and turned around, looking at Lisbon who had unexpectedly jumped at him. She punched him in the face and was beating him repeatedly as they fell on the ground. She punched, scratched, bit, kicked and head-butted. Red John lost the grip of his with Jane's blood stained knife as he didn't expect the woman who was seriously trying to kill him right now. The two struggled and rolled over the ground. Red John was on top of Lisbon right now and wrapped his hands around her neck, trying to strangle her just like he had done with Jane. Except for the fact that Red John's purpose wasn't to kill Jane immediately, he was almost choking Lisbon to death. And Jane wasn't able to do anything besides just watching. 

Lisbon's eyes were focused on Jane as she was unflinchingly holding on to Red John's arms, trying to push him off. She couldn't kick him as it didn't seem to hurt him. So, she kicked the knife towards Jane, simultaneously as Red John was still trying to strangle her. She wouldn't last long, he knew that for sure. Jane tried to pick up the knife with his feet, which were free. Trying to keep balance, he clinched the knife between his feet, bringing it carefully up to his hands. He wasn't agile and it hurt a lot to bring the knife up to his hands. His head was throbbing and his whole body was aching, but he tried to bite through the pain. He needed to do this, for Lisbon. The knife almost fell, but Jane got it eventually. As he rapidly tried to cut through the rope which was tightly tied around his wrists, he saw Lisbon finally kicking Red John off of her. She gasped for air as she crawled backwards, her mouth wide opened and she was breathing out loud. The lack of breath was keeping her incapacitated for a couple of seconds, but she couldn't rest because Red John was already trying to punch her again. She just crawled backwards as she looked at the broken mask of the serial killer. She still couldn't see his face, but admittedly could see his right eye which was bright blue. She startled as she felt the hard fist in her stomach and she whimpered out in pain while she was blinded with flashing colorful spots and craved darkness. She closed her eyes and just wanted to pass out. Pain would throb so violently around her skull that she wondered why it didn't just crack open. She was expecting to receive a hard punch, but was utterly surprised by the voice of a shouting Jane, who had pushed Red John away from her.

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