Chapter 45

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*the next morning*
I wake up cuddled next to Spencer. I see the time 11:48.
"Spence!" I yell and he squeals and rolls off the bed with a Likud THUD.
"Oww." He squeals. I laugh and lean over the bed.
"Haha" I laugh.
"What was that for?" He complains.
"What are we doing for our honeym-" I start but I get caught off by morning sickness. I run to the bathroom with Spencer behind me. I lean over the toilet and he picks up my hair.
"Eh." I complain as I wipe my mouth with a piece of toilet paper.
"So what about our honeymoon?" I ask.
"That's a surprise, but our plane leaves in a few hours so you need to pack." He says.
"Ugh plane." I say.
"Would you rather drive to Florida?" Spencer says.
"Ooh Florida!" I say.
"Yes Florida." Spencer smiles at my reaction.
"Can you ask Hotch if we can use the plane?" I ask.
"Sure." He says. He helps me up and gets out two suitcases.
He hands me one suitcase and puts the other on the bed.
"I'm gonna go call Hotch." He says and walks out.

-Spencer's POV-
I walk out of the bedroom. I pick up my phone and dial Hotch's number.
"SSA Aaron Hotchner." He answers.
"Hey Hotch it's Spencer." I say.
"Hello Spencer what do you need?" He asks.
"Well if you guys stay in Virginia for a case I was wondering if me and JJ could borrow the jet." I say.
"Of course, but didn't you buy plane tickets?" He asks.
"JJ isn't feelin-" I get cut off by JJ throwing up.
"JJ isn't feeling very well." I say.
"Yeah I can hear, morning sickness?" He asks.
"Yep." I say popping the P.
"Well the jet will be ready in a hour." He says.
"Ok than-"
"SPENCE!" JJ yells cutting me off.
"Thanks Hotch." I say.
"No problem." He says and he hangs up.
I put my phone into my pocket and walk into the room.
"SPENCE!" JJ yells again.
"Coming!" I say and I run into the bathroom and grab her hair.
"What took you so long?" She asks as she pulls her head up.
"I was on the phone with Hotch." I say.
"He didn't hear me did he?" She say embarrassed.
"Umm" I say.
"Aww no!" She complains.
"Hehe" I smile and laugh.
We continue to pack and then we head out. I get into the the drivers side and drive to the BAU. When I pull up the team is outside me and JJ get our bags and walk up the the team, they all hug us.
"Have a great time." Emily says.
"I'm gonna miss you." Penelope says.
"It's only for 2 weeks." JJ laughs.
"But that's a long time for your best friend to be gone." Penelope says and JJ smiles.
"Bye guys." I say and wave.
"Tell Henry and Kaelyn we love them!" JJ yells to Penelope who is gonna take care of them for us.
We get onto the plane and JJ snuggles into my chest. I read a book while she watches a TV show. I hear her laugh, I put my book down and look at what she's watching.
Alvin and The Chipmunks, of course. I laugh and smile. I pull her up a little bit so her head is on my stomach. She unplugs the headphones so we can both watch the movie. I wrap my arms around her. She lays her feet out. I rest my chin onto the top of her head. She snuggles closer into my sweater vest and we continue to watch the movie together.
I hope you guys are enjoying the warming chapters ☺️
This one is really short because I'm really tired 😁
Alright ily 😘💓

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