Resurrecting the truth part two

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*slight mech/human action, nothing serious but I thought I should let you guys know."

"SAMANTHA!!" Everyone yelled when they saw Optimus walk in with me. I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face as I saw my sisters and Goliath along with Bee and Ironhide.
"Hey guys, long time no see." I said as Optimus sat me down on the platform in the middle of the room. I walked over to the large sectional couch grabbed a pillow and flopped down. Goliath ran up the stairs and laid down at my feet while Heather jumped down from Ironhide's shoulder and Tori from Bee's servo. They both ran and jumped on the couch and practically strangled me in a bone crushing hug. "Umm..guys...can't...breath!" I said while gasping for air and trying to wiggle out. They both laughed and let me go moving to different sections of the couch so we're sitting in a triangle across from one another. "We thought you were dead." Tori said while a few tears rolled down her cheeks, I smiled at her "you should now by now little sis I'm too stubborn to die." I jokingly said trying to lighten up the mood.

Heather grunted and looked away from us. "What's wrong Heather?" I asked her, I knew she hated showing emotions and she was probably angry and scared after almost loosing me. "Oh nothing just I don't think it's funny at all! You almost died and you're acting like nothing happened!!" She yelled while standing up and pacing back and forth. She was wearing a pair of black pj pants with a purple and green top and she was barefooted. She rain her hand through her hair before turning back to me and I could see that her eyes were red from where she was fighting against unshed tears. "Heather I'm fine what happened is in the past there is no point in dwelling on what happened, I here now and I'm not going anywhere!" I said as I walked up and pulled her into a hug. She was just a little shorter than me so I rested my chin on her head. I glanced at Tori and saw that she was wearing a pair of light blue pj pants with a thin long sleeve shirt and she was barefooted also.

I motioned for her to come over and pulled her into the hug also. She was taller unfortunately thanks to all the medicine she had put on as a child. She stood just a head taller than me but she ducked her head down so she was nuzzled against my neck. We stood there for a few minutes before Goliath got tired of being ignored and pushed us all down laying across us as we laughed and grunted from his weight. Optimus and the others soon joined in and I could feel the tension lift away like nothing bad had ever happened. We managed to push Goliath off and stood up to straighten our clothes. "So Sam Ratchet filled us in on your sudden did it hurt?" Tori asked glancing at my chest. *sigh* "believe it or not but I didn't feel anything" I said glancing between my sisters and the autobots. "I assume he's told you the whole story am I correct?" I asked while I looked at Ratchet, "yea he told us, and explained what was happening to you and us" Heather said crossing her arms, I looked down at the floor and put my hands on my hips. "We're not mad Sam, a little nervous about it but not mad." Tori said drawing my attention up to her. I smiled and played with the ends of my braid, then I yawned. *deep chuckle * "I think we could all do with a good nights rest, and I'm sure we'll all sleep better now that Samantha is with us again " Optimus said smiling down at us. "Where are we supposed to sleep then?" I asked tilting my head. Bee and Ironhide started shuffling their pedes and I narrowed my eyes at them. "Have they been sleeping with you two!" I demanded my voice becoming slightly higher in pitch. Optimus and Ratchet glanced at each other and smirked.

"We haven't done anything I promise Sam..we just felt more at ease with them in our rooms instead of sleeping on the couch." Ironhide said hastily while holding up his servos. "Yea Sam it's not like we would have interface with your sisters I mean not that we don't want to it's just that..." Bee trailed off when he saw the murderous look on my face, but everyone else in the room was staring at me also. "WHAT!!?" I snapped, "Samantha I think you should calm down a little." Optimus said while cautiously walking up to me with his servos up. "WHY SHOULD I CALM DOWN!!?" I demanded glaring at him "for one you're scaring your sisters and Goliath, Two nothing has happened I kept my optics on them like I promised you, and three you may want to look at your eyes." He said while Ratchet walked up behind him holding a mirror out in front of me. *gasp* I looked in the mirror and almost fainted, my eyes were glowing a bright blue with just a hint of green. I looked around at everyone then walked to Optimus hugging myself with my head down. He lowered his servo so I could sit down and lifted me up. "Good night everyone sleep well." Optimus told everyone before turning away and walking us back to his room.

When we got back to his room I saw that there was a pillow and a blanket on his berth. "I'm sorry for flipping out like that." I told Optimus while looking at my hands. I felt his digit under my chin as he lifted my face to look at him, he was holding me up at eye level and I shivered slightly under his intense gaze. "You had every right, they are your sisters and I know you are very protective of them. Much like how I am with my autobots, we are family and I would die to protect them." He said with such determination, I had to look away from him. Being with him made me lose control of myself and it scared me at times, I knew I was falling for him and I couldn't deny that no matter how much I fought against it. I heard him vent slightly and looked up at him then placed my hand on his helm. He then did something that surprised me and made my heart well spark clinch. Options turned his helm so that his lips were in my hand and he kissed it  gently breathing in my scent and shuddered slightly before looking at me with bright purple optics. "Optimus?" I asked gently not moving my hand away, he brought his helm closer to me and he was just a few inches away. I was holding my breath not daring to move an inch if I could help it, my spark was pounding in my chest and I'm sure he could hear it. He looked at me then his gaze shifted to my lips then back to me before bringing me closer and kissing me gently.

My eyes fluttered closed as I breathed him in,I surprisingly enjoyed the way his metal lips felt against mine. I expected them to be cold but they weren't, they were warm and smooth. I kissed him back and opened my mouth running my tongue across his bottom lip which he enjoyed because I felt him shudder before he pulled back still shaking and turned his vents on. I smiled and put my hand in his chest plate. "Are you alright Optimus?" I asked "nothing I can't handle." He promised,"besides I did this to myself." I looked at him and tilted my head confused "what do you mean?" I asked him "we can talk about it later, for now we need to sleep." He smiled down at me as he picked up the pillow and blanket before laying down on the berth and putting me on his chest near his spark. I smiled and snuggle closer, I felt him lift my head and place it on the pillow before laying the blanket on top. I smiled and pulled it closer, curled into a ball and closed my eyes listening to the sound of his breathing and falling asleep with the help the heat coming from his spark. Just before I fell asleep I felt him place his servo around me as he whispered "goodnight my sweetspark" I smiled and fell into a deep sleep.

*Sam-prime here so sorry this chapter is short but since it was a continuation of the last chapter I had to do it. In the next chapter you guys will start learning more about Samantha's true form along with her sisters. Plus I need some help . You guys think I should start building up the relationship between Samantha and Optimus or keep it the way it is? I hope you guys are enjoying I love hearing from you so keep voting and commenting ^_^

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