Oh Primus!

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Phoenix's POV
I woke up feeling better than I had in years, Optimus still had his arm around me when I opened my optics. I looked up and saw Optimus gazing down at me with a smile "good morning sweet spark..sleep well?" I smiled "of course I did I feel better than I have in years." I kissed him gently and laid back down. I groaned when Optimus moved to get up and heard him chuckle "we have too sweet spark otherwise we'll be missed". "I don't wanna get up the berth has excepted me as its own, it'll be mad if I leave". He laughed at this and picked me up spinning me around. "Ok ok I'll get ready." He put me down and started helping me with my armor.
When we made it to the hanger everyone looked at us the started laughing. "What's so funny!?" I asked putting my servos on my hips. Ironhide looked at Optimus " Prime from what we heard last night you must be very skilled which reminds me...can you give me some pointers.?" Optimus turned a darker shade of blue but my optics flashed green when I realized that he and my sister interfaced, Optimus must have felt my anger because he grabbed my waist and pinned me against him. "Calm down Phoenix you know she's of age and she's hard helmed also." Everyone continued laughing while Bee and Blade shook their heads.
Arcee and Bulkhead walked in as everyone was calming down. "What did I miss? Bulkhead asked "Nothing important!" Optimus and I said together which only caused Ironhide to laugh. "Our fearless leader got him some last night, you two couldn't hear since you're on the other side of the base." I shot Ironhide a death glare which earned a laugh from Optimus. Arcee remained quiet for a moment then spoke up "Optimus are you sure she's worthy to be your mate, you saw how dangerous her temper is how can you trust her in a hostile situation!?" This earned Arcee a trip across the room into the wall. I walked up to her as she struggled to get up, " let's get one thing straight ok, never question my loyalty to Optimus understand, second if you have a problem with my temper I suggest you stop pissing me off are we clear? At this point I was towering over her and my optics were bright green, the others were standing  behind me ready to intervene at the first sign of a fight. Arcee sighed " you're right I'm sorry, if it wasn't for you and Optimus, Bulkhead and I would have been captured. I nodded my helm and walked over to Optimus. "So anything in particular planned for today love?" I asked "yes we are going on another mission.
Ratchet picked up an energon reading while you were occupied... We are all going this time since this seemed to be a fairly large energon mine and it's sure to be swarming with deceptacons, so I want everyone ready to leave as soon as possible so get your gear together. I heard Blade snicker, 'get your gear together haha'. I rolled my eyes and followed Optimus to the weapons room.
As we were getting our weapons I felt a surge of power deep in my core, it didn't hurt or anything it just felt...odd. "Are you alright Phoenix?" Optimus asked "yes I'm fine." He nodded and began loading his gun and cannons, I shook my helm and put my twin swords on my back. I learned how to summon my bow and arrows so I could have my swords on my back again. After we finished we met the rest of the team in the hanger where Ratchet was preparing the ground bridge. "How's it going Ratchet?" I asked walking over to him "getting there, I wanted to make sure I got these ready before the ground bridge." He pointed to a box with some strange devices in it, "ummm what are they for?" "Ah yes these will monitor everyone's health during combat, I'll have the control monitor so I'll be able to asses the damage quickly. When someone is injured , it'll send a report to mine allowing me to know how badly the wounds are and if they'll need immediate attention. Also I can monitor you and your sisters to see when you're close to reaching your ultimate transformation that way I'll know what to look for when you start to change again." I nodded my head and placed one of the devices next to my spark as did everyone else. Once we were all ready Ratchet opened the ground bridge. "Shall we?" I asked Optimus,he nodded his helm "ROLL OUT!" With that we all charged through the ground bridge to Primus knows where.
"I swear Prime why can't we ever find an energon source that's not in the middle of a forest!" Ironhide grumbled behind me. "At least it's not on the bottom of the ocean, can you imagine trying to fight underwater?" I looked back at him after I said this and he just nodded his helm. Optimus chuckled "keep your optics open and stay quiet, Ratchets sensors are picking up energon readings." "What about deceptacons?" Blade asked beside me. "I got nothing." Ironhide was looking at his scanner with a frown, I drew my swords as did Blade and Arcee. "I don't like this Optimus." She said looking up at the thick canopy of trees above us.
Optimus's POV
Phoenix looked at me with a worried expression, I took out my gun and took point, "Arcee you and Blade and Bumblebee scout ahead but stay out of sight, Ironhide you Bulkhead and Shadow take flanking positions around Ratchet, and Phoenix... Stay close to me." She nodded her helm taking out her bow instead, she stood close to my side while still staying behind me, once everyone was in position I gave the order to move up. Everything was good so far, Bee and his team kept sending reports of no deceptacon activity ahead or in the surrounding area. I was worried, something wasn't right and every wire and sensor in me was telling me to abort the mission, but we couldn't. Phoenix and her sisters would need large doses of energon should they reach their ultimate transformation and I wanted to be prepared! We already had enough to last us at least a year and a half but just one of them could need all of it should they transform at the wrong time.
As we got closer to the clearing I heard Blade yell over the com link. "Prime it's a trap abort the mission! Abort the mission!!. " An explosion went off just in front of us, I felt Phoenix's anxiety hit me in waves as I looked back at her I saw her optics flare pink and energon tears well up. I knew I couldn't abort, not now. "Stay close to me!" I said "Always" she said. "Autobots attack!" We charged through the clearing, Bee and Blade were pressed back to back firing at the deceptacons surrounding them, Arcee was fighting Knockout . Shadow and Ironhide barreled past us blasting a path to the others. Bulkhead took up a flanking position next to Ratchet while Phoenix fired her arrows as we ran to her sisters, "damn these Vehicons, they're like ants!" Phoenix yelled. I looked back to see her slashing her swords through several deceptacons, but for every one she cut down three more came at her. It was then I began to notice something, the rest of the team were handling the deceptacons rather easily, Phoenix however was being worn down. I ran to her side blasting several away from her, "autobots to me protect Phoenix!" Everyone formed a circle around Phoenix as she hit her knees from exhaustion how she became exhausted so quickly worried me. I wanted to get her out of here but we were surrounded. Just then a ground bridged opened and Megatron walked out with blackout and Starscream right behind him, "oh you've got to be kidding me!" Phoenix breathed behind me. She was on her pedes now but I could feel how exhausted she was, Blade and Shadow jumped in front of her blocking Megatron's view.
*Dark evil laugh* "you think you can stop me this time, your precious Phoenix is drained of all her energy and the rest of you couldn't hope to defeat me. This time she's mine and there isn't a thing any of you can do to stop me!" I felt rage flare up inside of Phoenix but also fear, it made no sense she wasn't afraid of Megatron, but then I heard Ratchet whisper three words through the com link that made my spark stop, "Optimus she's sparked!!".
Phoenix's POV
I was shocked, I knew something was wrong but I never would have guessed I was sparked! I felt sudden spikes of energy while I was fighting but thought little of it until Ratchet told me. Right now all I could thing about was getting out of here safety, after kicking the bolts out of bucket head a few times. "Come Phoenix why don't you make this easy for all of us and come with me now!? We could rule this world together with you by my side we would be unstoppable!" I rolled my eyes after Megatron said this then nearly gagged when I saw his optics roam over my body. Optimus growled and stepped in front of me aiming his gun at Megatron's chest, Starscream, Knockout and Blackout along with the rest of the deceptacons aimed their weapons at us. Just thin a blur of blue and yellow flashed by then came to a stop beside Optimus, "figured you needed some assistance here Prime." "Thanks for joining the party Smokescreen!" Ironhide said "hey wouldn't miss kicking bucket head in the teeth for anything." I giggled after smokescreen said this then drew my bow. "What the pit are we waiting for an invitation lets kick some deceptacon butt!!" Blade yelled twirling her daggers. I fired three arrows at blackout each hitting him one in his right shoulder the other in his left leg and the third close to his spark, a second later they exploded leaving him out of commission for now. "One down three to go, plus these little guys." Smokescreen laughed "I like her" Megatron charged for me but Optimus tackled him to the ground sending them both across the clearing into the surrounding cliffs. "You won't lay a single digits on her!" Optimus yelled, his optics glowed yellow as he swung his sword cutting Megatron across his breast plate. I saw Starscream coming up behind him so I drew my swords and ran towards him, I swung my sword up cutting his side open and taking a wing off. He  howled in pain and swung his fist toward my head, I realized he was trying to knock me unconscious so on my next swing I aimed for his arm cutting it off then kicked him in his chest sending him flying into the cliff burying him in the rocks that fell.
Something hard hit me from behind making me hit the ground on my side, a pede tried to step on my helm but I rolled away. I looked up and saw Knockout he was grinning as he drove a sword into my left shoulder pinning me down, "Lord Megatron will reward me for capturing you!" I gasped as he twisted it severing the wires and pushing his blade further into the ground. "That's if Optimus doesn't defeat him and we all that know that's not gonna happen!" I said between clinched teeth. I heard Optimus yell and felt a wave of pain from him as Megatron thrust his sword into his arm, "She's mine prime!" "NO SHE ISN'T!" I looked over to Blade and saw her optics glowing with yellow flames and her entire body glowing brighter and brighter.
Blades POV
As soon as I saw Phoenix get hit I felt something snap inside me, I felt power surging through me and it just kept getting stronger. I vaguely heard Ratchet shout to the others about my transformation but it didn't matter, all that mattered now was saving everyone. My optics filled with yellow flame and I felt myself growing, a bright light filled the area and then I was flying. I felt heavier but also stronger, when I looked at my reflection in a lake I saw that I had grown to a monstrous size, I had three pairs of wings , a tail and deadly claws. My pedes transformed as well as my entire body, I looked more dragon now than autobot. My metal armor was gone it was replaced with scales that glistened in the sun but were hard as cybertonian steel, a yellow gem sat in the middle of my chest. I looked down and saw Megatron advance on my sister, I let out a fierce cry that shook the ground driving everyone to their knees as they covered their ears. Then I dived to the ground landing between Megatron and Phoenix, I hit Knockout with my tail sending him flying across the cliffs, then I raked my claws through Megatron chest causing energon to pour onto the ground. A group of vehicons came running towards me weapons raised, I took a deep breath and blew a stream of yellow fire killing them instantly.
A ground bridge opened and Megatron ran threw with Starscream and Blackout behind him, and few of the vehicons made it threw but the rest fell victim to my teeth and talons. The rest of us tore through them in a matter of minutes and as soon as they were all defeated we turned to Phoenix and Optimus. I took a few steps in my new form before I felt myself weaken, I was surrounded my yellow flames as I returned to my autobot form. Bee rushed to my side and picked me up cradling me close to him, "I'm fine Bee just tired." "Even so I'll carry you, you did just turn into a dragon and reduced half of those bastards to a puddle of metal!" I laughed and laid my helm against his chest, Ratchet said I would be fine after we got back to base and I was given a good dose of high quality energon. I felt happy that I had finally been able to rescue my sister like they had done for me for so many years
Phoenix's POV
Again I was shocked, my sweet baby sister had just turned into a fire breathing dragon and scared the spark right out of Megatron.... I'm so proud!. Optimus was at my side in a flash after Ratchet took the sword out of my shoulder. "I'm fine Optimus really" I told him but he wouldn't listen, he made Ratchet do a full body scan while the others carried crates of energon back to base. After it was confirmed that I was ok Optimus helped me up only to pick me up and carry me to med bay.
"Optimus I can walk seriously!" I grumbled while I tried to squirm out of his grasp, "sweet spark you may as well stop I am not letting you walk." I vented but eventually I gave up and leaned against him listening to his spark hum in his chest. When we got to med bay Blade was already receiving her massive doses of high quality energon, she was sleeping and Bee had his helm beside her asleep also. "I still can't believe she transformed into that, she so gentle!" I told Optimus as he sat me on the berth across from her, "Neither can I but I'm glad she did, she saved all of us." He looked over to her and smiled "Bee and Blade truly make a great pair." I hummed in agreement, just then Ironhide, Shadow and the rest of the crew walked in, smokescreen was last and he kept eying Blade. "What in the name of Primus was that!" He shouted, I vented the looked at Optimus and Ratchet. "Could you two explain this time?" Optimus chuckled.

*10 minutes later*

"Soooo they are the last Cybertonian Angels in existence, also Primus's granddaughters and they use to be human??? Did I miss anything?""Ummm yes actually, I'm sparked." As soon as I said it cheers erupted from everyone, I thought Shadow was going to cry but she held it in. The guys shook servos with Optimus while Arcee and Shadow hugged me. Ratchet came over to fix my shoulder but didn't need to bother considering I heal on my own. It was too early to check my sparkling but he theorized that I would need a check up soon. "We left the med bay to let Blade rest and retired to the main hanger. Smokescreen Ironhide and Bulkhead decided to shoot some hoops while Arcee and Shadow decided to watch tv, some show called heartland. Goliath decided to take the ball from the guys and run around with it like it was a game of chase.
Optimus and I on the other servo sat on the giant couch we build and relaxed. "I can't believe I'm sparked, what if I'm not a good mother or what if Megatron comes after me again!" I never thought of myself as a mother as a human ever but Optimus shushed me. "Sweet spark you will be a wonderful mother and I will never allow Megatron to harm you." He sent a wave of reassurance to me and I relaxed snuggling close to him as he wrapped his arm around me. "You'll be a wonderful father Optimus." I kissed his chest as he kissed my helm, "One thing is for certain our sparkling will be very well protected with all of our friends and family." I chucked after he said that which made him look at me. "What's so funny ?" He asked tilting his helm " 'They', my love 'they' will be protected...its twins!".

I'm finally able to write again, I am so sorry guys I've been sick since the middle of October and I'm feeling starting to feel better. Anyway hope y'all like the chapter and I wanna say thank you for the help I received from saraijh123, she gave me some great ideas when I desperately needed them. The picture is Blades angle form btw. Love you guys and thanks for reading, never thought this story would reach 8k reads thank you all so much!

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