Baby news and an early Christmas Surprise

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The weeks passed quickly after our last battle with Megatron and his deceptacons, Blade recovered from her transformation faster than Ratchet anticipated. After she woke up she discovered that she could transform at will but Ratchet warned her not to do it very often, only in extreme circumstances was she allowed to do so. A transformation as large as hers took a lot of energon to help recover from, but with time she wouldn't need as much. The look on Bumblebees face when she woke up was priceless, he scooped her up and spun her around before kissing her. She blushed when she noticed I was looking but I just waved her off.

Christmas was almost here and the three of us were excited, the guys however had never heard of it. We decided that this year we would celebrate and to make it even more exciting Optimus and I decided to announce that I was sparked with twins instead of just one. Ratchet was keeping a close eye on me as well as Optimus, all was well so far and the sudden sparks of energy had finally stopped. Turns out those sudden sparks were the twins growing, normally a cybertonian carried their sparklings for a year. We found out that a Cybertonian Angle could deliver in a early as six months maybe sooner; this news unsettled me a great deal but I was very excited. Optimus however panicked when Ratchet told him. He wouldn't let me go on scouting missions anymore since then, now I stayed at base helping Ratchet with his projects and decorating the place for Christmas.

"Phoenix what are you doing up there!? You could fall and hurt yourself!" I sighed when I heard Optimus yell at me, he was so overprotective it was adorable. I felt him become slightly aggravated through our bond but it only made me laugh. Knowing that I had him as my mate was amazing and sometimes I thought I was dreaming. I finished hanging up the lights and just to irk Optimus I did a back flip from the ladder landing on my peds behind him. I felt panic well up inside him and then slight anger so I braced myself for his rant. "Have you lost your core processor you could have injured yourself and the sparklings! Even with your healing powers I don't think your body could.." right there is where I stopped him. "Optimus, love calm down I am well aware of my current state and I can assure you if I had any doubts about my sparkness causing my athletic abilities to be difficult to preform I wouldn't have done so but I know for a fact that I'll be fine for at least another month or so before I'm unable to do so." Optimus pulled me close to him and kissed my helm, I felt his worry ease slightly and I smiled. He was so worried that Megatron would somehow get his claws on me and harm our sparkings but I had another secret to tell him

"Optimus I have something else that I need to tell you." He leaned back and quirked a metal eyebrow " Our sparklings cannot be harmed, the are wrapped in a how should I put this... its like a human amniotic sack, but its a lot stronger and has a catch to it. The only way for it to break is for the baby to be born naturally or to have the father cut it open. I made it so that should anything go wrong during birth you could help, the sack will respond to your touch and your touch alone." Optimus stood dumfounded until he pulled me into a tight hug nearly crushing me. " You are full of surprises sweetspark." he kissed me then we heard a slight cough behind us, when we turned around we saw Ratchet watching us. " What?" we both asked "oh nothing I just wanted to run some more tests on you, I mean you are the first sparked Cybertonian Angel in a long, long time." I chuckled and followed Ratchet to med bay with Optimus behind me.

I was laying on the berth while Ratchet attached numerous wires to me the machines blinked to life as Ratchet turned them on then moved to his computer. " So where did you send everyone today Optimus?" I turned my head towards him while I waited on Doc, just laying here made me crazy. " Smokescreen had gone to bring back a friend of his says that he had to hid her after the war began to keep he safe from Megatron." " Wait she??? you mean there is another femme out there?" I was excited there were so few of us left that it made my spark ache but knowing there were some still out there gave me some peace. " Yes she's also an old friend of Bumblebees I'm sure he'll be happy to see her again." I laughed and he looked at me " what's so funny?" " I'm not sure Blade will be very excited about this love." He nodded his helm "yes, you and your sisters are very territorial." I smirked and hit him lightly on his chest. "Only because we love our mates." he hummed and settled on his knees to lay his helm on my stomach, it hadn't grown much but the beginning signs of motherhood were starting to show. I stroked his helm as I laid mine back " Oh I forgot to mention Arcee also has a femme friend she's bringing I hope you don't mine." I chuckled. " no love the more bots we have here the happier I will feel this Christmas, I only wish our parents were not forced to hide again."

Optimus kissed my stomach and vented slightly, "they will make contact when they can sweet spark I promise. Its to ensure the safety of your entire family that they remain hidden as best the can." I vented and pinched the bridge between my eyes, " I know but its just so frustrating not knowing how they are doing!" My optics watered with energon tears that I blinked away, Optimus rubbed my stomach soothing my rising temper and I smiled " you never told me where the rest of the crew was." He laughed " Bee, Blade and Arcee are scouting out some of the mines we took from Megatron while Bulkhead, Ironhide, and Shadow are retrieving some more high quality energon from our hidden mines. Ratchet has informed me that you will need it after the birth." "Yes she will and it looks like we can expect two new sparklings running around our pedes around June maybe early July." Optimus and I shared big smiles and then something happened, I felt movement and I really did shed a few tears. Optimus saw and worry creased his handsome features, " are you upset that it will be so soon I thought you would be excited." I felt his anxiety rise and I took his servo and let it rest on the small bump, then his optics widened when he felt them. " They are moving, so soon." his optics sparkled with excitement and he knelt beside me and placed both servos on me and started speaking to the sparklings. "He will make an excellent father Phoenix, an overprotective one but a great one none the less." I smiled up at Ratchet but I saw a question behind his smile. " What is it Ratchet?" I socked my helm to the side " I'm curious, Primus said that you could determine the sex of your you know what they are?" I had been waiting on this question all day and I felt Optimus lift his helm up so I turned to look at him " we are having a femme and a mech." Optimus hugged me as Ratchet disconnected the cables so I could get up. " everything is in order, the sparklings have strong spark beats just like their mother and father. I would like to do monthly checkups to keep track of how quickly the are developing, in case you end up being able to give birth earlier than six months." I hugged Ratchet which caught him off guard but returned it anyway. Optimus and I walked out of med bay to the lift that would take us to the cliff above.

When we stepped out the sun had already set but the stars were shining brightly above us. Optimus led me over to a fallen tree that we sat on as we gazed up. I leaned my helm on his shoulder and held his servo tightly in mine, he squeezed it in return but then he started to fidget slightly. " What's wrong Optimus?" he turned to look at me "nothing is wrong I am just...nervous" I tilted my head slightly "nervous why would you be nervous?" He moved to kneel in front of me and took both my servos in his. "do you remember when I left for space to search for any signs of our people?" "Yes I recall asking if you could stay and do it from here but you said this was a special circumstance that required you leaving just this once." I very upset that day and couldn't sleep because I was so worried but I could still feel our bond. " well I lied about the reason but not the circumstance." he reached behind him and pulled out a black box with silver engravings all around it, I felt my spark leap to my throat and I couldn't speak. When he opened it I gasped, inside sitting on a bed of midnight blue silk was the most beautiful gem I had ever seen. It was set in a silver band with cybertonian writing around it, the stone was shaped like an orchid and it looked like the stars danced with in it. "this is a cybertonian crystal, one of the few still in existence I had Ratchet track it down for me the night we merged sparks. The day I left I went to get it but I also trapped a shooting star inside and wielded the crystal to change shape. I told you the truth when I bonded with you, I did not lie when I told you that I wanted to become true spark mates and now I'm making that promise come true. Phoenix Fire I love you with all my spark and I want nothing more than to spend my entire life with you and our sparklings. Will you marry me?" I had energon tears sparkling on my face plate as I looked at him, I felt his love for me and knew he told the truth. Being human I thought I would never have these things but now I did and I was never going to be alone again. I had a family of my own now, I looked into his optics and smiled " yes Optimus I will!" We both smiled as he slid the ring over my digit and it tightened so it would never fall off during battle, Optimus picked me up and spun me around before crashing his lips on mine. I had never been this happy in my entire life but now I was engaged to the mech of my dreams, acquired a new family and I was sparked. I couldn't be any happier and I couldn't wait for Christmas to get here.

* hello my lovelies I decided to post this chapter instead of doing an early Christmas one, I will post the next one on Christmas eve so everyone can have a Christmas with our lovely autobots. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed writing this, I will go ahead and say that our autobots are in for once heck of a ride when the new femmes arrive and also when the twins are born. love all of you keep voting and commenting your comments are what keep me going!

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