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Phoenix's POV

It has been three months and in that time my twins have grown faster than Ratchet predicted, it could be do to the fact that he has been giving me large doses of high quality energon; or it could be my body speeding up the growth rate in order for my final transformation to happen. Ratchet feels that all these theories could be possible so I have been asked to keep my monitor in order for Ratchet to keep a more watchful eye on my health as well as the sparklings.

Ha as if I needed to be watched any closer, Optimus has made sure I stay behind at the bunker instead of going on scouting missions. That I get; but not allowing me to train!, that's entirely different. I could handle light sparring of that I'm certain, but Optimus wont have it. Even after Ratchet said I would be fine he still forbid it. If it wasn't for the bond between us letting me feel his anxiety, love and concern for me and the sparklings I would have ignored his order a long time ago. Lucky for him however I love him and until I understand my new bodies abilities I will listen.

Ratchet has been collecting data from my dream encounters with Primus as well as my sisters, Primus releases a little information on our unique species each visit. So far we've discovered that some Cybertonian Angles have actually given birth within three months and others have taken entire an entire year. He said it was due to the conditions of the surroundings during wars for example, if a Cybertonian Angle became pregnant her body would help the sparkling grow very quickly. Most likely depending on how bad the war in her location was she could give birth in a matter of weeks, while others took a month.

Although the fighting here wasn't as bad we still had small battles with Megatron and his disceptacons every few days, sometimes weeks. While I was stuck here at the base Ratchet decided to teach me how to help care for the injured autobots. Since my sisters couldn't heal others like I could we've had a few of the others coming in with some pretty bad wounds. Optimus once again forbid me from using my healing abilities on the others for fear of becoming to weak. Instead I helped Ratchet patch them up the old fashioned way. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be as a human it was hard for me to grasp a new subject this quick but thanks to my new form and uniqueness I learned the entire Cybertonian anatomy in just a few days. The tools he used were just as easy to pick up as well, I was content for a while but then as the weeks went by I started to become restless again.

Optimus's POV

I knew Phoenix was becoming restless I could see it in the way she walked around the base, she reminded me of those cages animals the humans kept in their zoos. Eyes darting around looking for exists, muscles clinched ready to pounce on the first thing that spooks them, not wanting to eat anything. We all tried to help her relax but nothing we did lasted long, a few weeks at the most. Ironhide and Shadow had already shown her how to clean the cannons and other weapons, they leave her for twenty minutes then come back to see that she had polished every weapon in the room as well as making modifications.

Ironhide was impressed he ever took her notes and added his own modifications which Shadow was all to eager to test. Poor Blade and Bumblebee tried to get her to play the Xbox and Playstation's with them. that didn't work either. Goliath was able to keep her calm when I wasn't here, he would lay beside her on the couch while she watched a human t.v show called Supernatural. She watched it everyday and it seemed to keep her from wanting to tear the walls down and kill the first deceptacon she saw. I had just come back from an uneventful scouting mission with Smokescree, Star, Ironhide, and Bulkhead when I saw Arcee, Blade, Shadow and Storm sitting around with Phoenix crying. I though something was wrong but then I heard someone yell Bobby and looked to see Supernatural playing on the t.v.

"Is this the one where Dick shoots Bobby!?" Star ran over and sat beside Blade who was holding a pillow to her chest. "Yes and it always makes me cry. Maybe even more since I'm sparked" Phoenix hiccuped and turned back to the t.v. Just then an idea hit me, when I first met Phoenix she was working on her truck then when I came to her house she was working on her Impala. Sitting here was driving her insane because she had nothing challenging to do. "Smokey, Ironhide come here" I motioned for the two to follow me , "What's up Prime" Smokey asked. "I think I know how to help Phoenix relax and it actually last longer than a few weeks this time". Ironhide and Smokey perked up and looked behind them "what do you have in mind." Smokey tilted his helm." When we first met Phoenix and her sisters they were still human, but Phoenix was the one that worked on my engine that morning. She was working on her truck before she checked mine, then when we went to her house she was working on a 67 Chevy Impala". I felt like I had finally found a way to help my sweet spark relax a little without feeling trapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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