Getting answers

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"Ugh, why did Primus have to guard my identity so closely!" I yelled as I ran my hands through my hair and flopped back on the couch. *deep laugher * "Primus was a great mech and from what we know very protective of certain things and in this case the history of your species."Ratchet said while he went back to the computer on the opposite wall. "He could have at least told me something more useful when I was with him." I grumbled "well let's hope you don't visit him like that again anytime soon." Optimus said coming around the corner. "Well I mean if I can't find a way to talk to him I may never know what I truly am or how to unlock these powers I supposedly have." I said as I threw my hands in the air and walked over to the railing. "What if I'm not what he said I was, what if it was a mistake and it was just some weird dream!? I hit the rail and it broke causing me to fall forward and fall. I yelped but Optimus caught me before I hit the floor .

"It would appear that angry is what's triggering your cybertronian powers." Ratchet said as he picked up the metal that once made up the railings. It was bent in the middle and now looked like a V instead of a straight piece of metal. "Sorry about that Ratchet ." I said " it's alright but now that the change is progressing faster I would like to scan you and see if I can find anything new" I looked up at Optimus who nodded "ok " I said. Ratchet told Optimus to take me to the scanner across from the med bay and to wait until he got there. When I asked why he wasn't coming with us he said he was going to get some things to test his theory. I just shook my head as Optimus started walking. "Optimus do you think Primus made a mistake? I asked climbing up to his shoulder to sit beside his helm. "No Primus never makes a mistake and I believe he made the right choice in choosing to make you a cybertronian angel." He said looking at me from the corner of his optics. I smiled and kissed his cheek which cause him to blush.

Now when Optimus blushes he doesn't turn red like humans he turns a darker blue which I thought was adorable. I laughed as he blushed more which only made him shake his head and keep walking. When we reached the scanner I was shocked, it wasn't as freaky as I thought I would be. It looked like a glass shower but it was longer, wider, and taller. Which made sense because I mean look at the autobots especially Optimus. There was a berth inside that was set on a track so it could be pulled out and pushed back in with a button.
"Alright Optimus place her on the center so I can scan her. Ratchet said walking in behind us, Optimus walked to the scanner and pushed a button on the control panel making the doors open and the berth roll out. He held he's servo out in front of me so I could get down off his shoulder. Then he sat me down and I laid back on the berth with my legs straight out and my arms beside me. Ratchet took over after that, he pushed the button and I was rolled back into the scanner and the door closed behind me. "It was less intimidating from the outside!" I yelled and I heard them both laugh. "I promise it will be over before you know it." I heard Ratchets voice threw a speaker. The glass walls were shielded with metal walls and it got very dark, " don't worry it's just so the scanners pick you up and not anything thing from outside." Optimus said "well you could have warned me" I grumbled.

Then a bright flash blinded me for a moment before blue and green lights started to move around. "At first they looked like lasers that would cut right through me but when they moved across me I could see that they were just scanning over me. It continued like that for around 5 minutes before they blinked off and the metal walls retracted. I shut my eyes tight and felt the berth move out and then I was being picked up. "Samantha are you ok?" I heard Optimus ask "yea I'm fine just don't wanna go blind from the sudden change in lighting." I opened my eyes slowly and I saw Optimus in front of my face. I smiled,"so did doc find anything?" At this his optics glowed brightly and he smiled. " yes he did and I'm sure you'll be very happy."

He walked us over to the computer where Ratchet was already busy working, "ok what exactly am I looking at?" I asked Optimus "look at the scans of your skeletal structure, you see the structure of your back?" I looked at what he pointed out and my eyes widened, "it's metal!" I said shocked. "Yes it would appear that your spark is causing you to change faster." Ratchet stated while walking towards me with a large syringe and a very long needle. "Umm Ratchet what's that for!?" I asked while climbing Optimus's arm to his chest and attempting to climb inside his spark chamber. "Now now Samantha don't be like that, you survived an encounter with Starscream but you're scared of this." Ratchet stated while reaching for me, "umm yes I don't like needles!" I tried diving out of his reach but he caught me and held me gently but firmly enough that I couldn't escape. "Oh come on Ratchet besides what do I need that for anyway?" I asked while struggling in his grip and glaring at Optimus who was smirking. "This is energon the live blood of our race." He stated carrying me over to the med bay and started hooking me up to the monitors. "Umm are you expecting me to die or something?" I asked looking at the wires attached to my chest. "I'm not sure how your body will react to the energon so this is just a precaution, if the worst should happen Optimus has already decided that he will give half his spark to you." Ratchet said looking over at Optimus, I turned to look at him and motioned for him to get down on my level. When he was kneeling with his face close enough I stretched and kissed him. He started blushing and coughed."thank you Optimus." I said before laying back down, he smiled and brushed his digit across my check. I looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath, "I'm ready Ratchet"

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