Our new Lives

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*there is some sexual content so if you don't wanna read it just skip over it*

I was in deep recharge after everything that happened, apparently after I transformed my human self basically died. I heard someone knock on my door but couldn't bring myself to wake up, they knocked louder but I still couldn't wake. I felt servos on my shoulders then I was being shook. My optics flickered online for a second before going out again. I was shook harder again this time and my optics snapped online as I looked up to see a very worried Optimus. "Are you alright!?" Optimus asked tighten his hold on my shoulders, "yes I'm fine, remember Ratchet said I would be in deep recharge after what happened." I placed a servo on his face plate and smiled. I sat up with his help and swung my legs over the edge of the berth. "This is gonna take some getting used to." I laughed using Optimus to stand, I vented heavily and leaned on him.

"That fight must have taken the last bit of energy I had from me" I mumbled "possibly, I'll take you to Ratchet and let him check you." I hummed and let Optimus guide me out of my room, when I had taken a few steps my legs gave out from under me but Optimus was there to catch me. He picked me up bridal style and started carrying me to med bay, " I can walk!" I grumbled while squirming in his grip. "I'm sure on a good day you could walk just fine but for now I'll carry you." He stated firmly and continued to walk, when we reached med bay Ratchet was already there with Ironhide, Bumblebee and my sisters. "What's going on!" I demand pointing at my sisters on the berths. "It's ok they are just weak, the same as you I'm guessing since Optimus is carrying you."

Ratchet motioned for Optimus to lay me down on the berth closest to him and his computer. "After your human bodies were destroyed and your cybertronian form took control it took the life energy from the human side to do it. So you three basically died, now in Samantha's case when she transformed it was anger that jumpstarted hers." Ratchet explained while attaching me to the monitors. "Whats that got to do with why she's weak?" Optimus asked holding my hand. "When Samantha transformed the amount of energy that caused it destroyed her human body she didn't draw on its energy like her sisters did. She went from human to cybertronian in a matter of seconds instead of minutes like Heather and Tori." Ratchet told Optimus. "Well what do they need to get them back on their pedes..they need to be trained." Ironhide rumbled across the room beside Heather. "All they need is a shot of high quality energon and they'll be good as new." Ratchet said waving his hand through the air. "Hey since we're cybertronian's now shouldn't we change our names ?" Tori asked from beside Heather. "Yea to make it official!" Heather piped in.

Optimus laughed and looked at me "I'm down with it, after all it's kind of strange calling a giant robot by a human name." I laughed and looked at Heather, she always had a temper plus she was a hot head and loved guns like Ironhide and when you pissed her off nothing could stop her. "Hey Heather what do you think about Shadow Gun? Heather thought for a moment then pumped her fist in the air "Pit yea I love it!!" Everyone laughed but Ironhide had this look in his optics which had a slight purple tint and he was grinning like an idiot as he looked at Shadow Gun. I shook my head and looked at Tori..she had a slim build and she was very agile, and she favored blades over guns so I knew the perfect name for her. "Tori what do you think of Blade Runner?" I asked, she tilted her head towards me and smiled. "Blade Runner sounds awesome!" She giggled and Bee smiled nodding his Helm at me. Optimus turned and looked down at me, "what name shall we give you then?" "Hmmm I don't know, you're smart I'm sure you'll figure it out." I smiled mischievously and winked. He chuckled and thought for a moment before saying. "You shall now be known as Phoenix Fire." I hummed slightly letting the name repeat in my head, I honestly loved the way it sounded rolling off his tongue.

"That sounds perfect Optimus." I laughed because he was blushing. "Ok now that you have your names lets get you ladies back on your pedes." Ratchet said while walking over to my sisters. He attached cables to their sides and started pumping the high quality energon into them. About five minutes later they were bouncing off the walls, "Ratchet why are they acting like kids that have had way too much candy?" I asked staring at my sisters. "It's just that this energon is very very high energy, we actually distill this and it causes our kind to feel..as the humans call it "drunk" but it affects us all differently." Ratchet walked over to me after he finished with my sisters. I laid back and tried to relax, Ratchet attached the cables and started pumping the energon. It felt weird at first but then I started getting a nice tingling feeling in the center of my stomach and I'm not even sure if it's called that but it felt good. My optics flickered off line and I fell into recharge or so I thought.

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