Operation "Massive Prank!"

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*ok guys I know it's been a while since I've updated so I'm posting this sneak peak of the next chapter. I've been super busy with school and taking care of my granddad who had a massive heart attack over the weekend. I am so sorry I haven't been posting as frequently. Hope you guys can forgive me. And thanks for all you guys that have been giving me ideas. I'll finish this either tonight or tomorrow hope you like this little sneak peak!!!.

"Phoenix wake up we have to get ready to go soon" I groaned and rolled over, but instead of laying down peacefully I crashed into the floor. "Ouch" I growled and laid there not moving until I heard laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHA" I looked up to see Optimus holding his stomach bent over in laughter, "oh shut up". His laughing fit subsided as he leaned down and picked me up by my waist and slung me over his shoulder. "Oh come on Optimus this isn't funny" I wined, he just chuckled and continued walking down the hall. When we finally got to the main hanger everyone went silent then burst out laughing when they saw Optimus walk in with me slung over his shoulder. I hit his back and he sat me down while I glared at him, he chuckled and kissed my cheek before walking over to Ratchet by the computer, I grumbled under my breath and walked over to sit by my sisters. Goliath walked over and laid down at my feet, I leaned over and patted his helm causing him to wag his tail and smile. I chuckled and leaned back when I heard snickering beside me and turned my helm to see Blade and Shadow huddled close together "what are you two planning over there." I asked raising an eyebrow. They shushed me and motioned for me to scoot closer so I did and I was super excited at what they were planning "we are gonna prank the guys!" Blade whispered excitedly while Shadow peeped over our shoulders.
"Ok the guys have been torturing us for days so it's time for a little pay back!" Shadow grinned as she peeped at Ironhide who was tinkering with his guns. Blade glanced at Bee who was going to town on the "shared " Xbox and I looked over at Optimus who was now practicing his swordsmanship. I looked at my sisters and my optics had a slightly pink hue to them as excitement bubbled up in my chest, "let's do it!". We all agreed to train with the guys like we were supposed to this morning then around lunch we would set our plans into motion.

Training to say the least was interesting, Optimus would kiss me every time we came close or,when he pinned me down he would nibble my ears or whispers things in them making me blush until my face plate was silver. When we were finished we started walking out and as I stepped through the door he slapped my ass, I turned to glare at him but he had this play full look in his optics which were slightly purple. I could feel his playfulness through our bond and couldn't help but giggle at the though of Optimus Prime being in a playful mood. I laughed and ran over to my sisters who were already wolfing down their food, the were in their holoforms which were their human forms from before. I shifted into mine and sat down in front of them and started eating some fruit "Phoenix why don't you eat some meat I mean it's not like we can get fat anymore " Blade said while stuffing a piece of chicken in her mouth. I thought about it for a minute then picked up a steak and sat it in my plate along with some fries and stemmed broccoli, it tasted so good I almost cried ,Shadow was eating the same as me too. We were so busy eating we didn't notice the guys watching us with wide eyes.
Optimus's POV
I had just sat down in my holoform with Bumblebee and Ironhide when Bee started laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked, he pointed to where the girls were sitting and I could barely hold back a fit of laughter. Phoenix and her sisters were scarfing down their food like they hadn't eaten in weeks, I laughed as I picked up a few bbq ribs and those wonderful steak fries. Ironhide was eating the same thing while Bee was eating chicken tenders and fries. I noticed the girls whispering to each other but unfortunately I couldn't hear them nor could I tell what Phoenix was feeling due to the fact that she closed our bond. I had a feeling however that those three were planning something and I'm not sure if I was going to like it.
Phoenix's POV
I was laughing so hard that I was crying, we had come up with some awesome ideas to get back at our significant others. Although Optimus and I were the only two to become bondmates Ironhide, Bee, Shadow and Blade still had a connection. Shadow was going to reprogram all of Ironhide's guns so when he decided to shoot one to test it he would get either bursts of glitter and bubbles or giant heart shaped balloons filled with paint that would pop as soon as they floated over his head. Blade was going to hide all of Bees gaming consoles and games in different locations around the base while leaving clues which were pictures of her doing some very creative posing (that I didn't want to see since she's my baby sis) but each would have a hint as to where his stuff was. My prank for Optimus was going to be epic, he has been driving me almost insane with his playfulness. I decided I was going to give him a taste of is own medicine and being the mech he wasI know he's going to want to act but I don't plan on giving him the satisfaction until he's begging me.
I'm actually nervous about mine, it's been so long since I've done anything like this but if I wanna get back at him I'm gonna have to especially for my own sanity. We all finished eating before the guys so we winked at each other then changed the clothes of our holoforms, I was wearing a black off the shoulder dress that hugged my body tight with silver heal , My hair was black and silver now and I had it down and slightly curled. Blade was wearing a pair of red skinny jeans with a black tank and black high tops, she left her hair white and red but put it in a loose braid. Shadow decided on a pair of purple shorts with green converses and tank, she had her purple and green hair in a high pony tail.
After checking each other over we decided to test the guys reactions so we walked past them to our alt modes pretending like everything was fine. I heard Optimus choke and laughed I winked to my sisters as we switched off our holoforms then we set off in different directions to start our pranks, by the end of today this base is gonna be a battle ground between the sexes. I chuckled as I walked over to Optimus who had just finished eating "Optimus can I speak to you in private...it's very important" I purred while biting my lip. I could have sworn I saw him blush as he cleared his throat "yes of course you can." I turned and walked off to my chambers this time making sure to sway my hips, I glanced back at Optimus and saw his optics turn purple. "Shit what have I gotten myself into " I bit my lip nervously as I walked into the my room with Optimus trailing behind. I heard the door close and lock behind him, time to set my plan in motion I thought....I just hope the other two are doing good.
Phoenix's POV
Optimus has been teasing me non stop since Shadow's birthday which was a month ago and now I've finally had enough teasing. So now it's my turn to tease him, he was standing so close behind me I could feel the heat coming from his spark chamber. I turned around and looked up at him smiling as I ran my servos over his chest, I stood on my toes and brushed my lips against his as he pulled me closer. I ran my servos down his chest and close to his waist as I kissed my way down his neck and back up to his lips. He pulled me tighter lifting me up so I could wrap my legs around him I smiled as he moaned when I bit his lip. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tightened my legs while deepening the kiss as he slipped his tongue in my mouth and fought for dominance. He walked us over to my berth and laid me on my back as he rubbed my sides looking for the buckles holding my armor on, I chuckled and used my strength to flip him so I was on top. I leaned down and kissed him while sliding my servos over the buckles of his chest armor I pulled his chest armor off and let it clang to the floor. I slid my tongue over his chest biting the sensitive wiring making him moan and grip my hips, I smirked and kissed down to his waist removing the armor covering his waist and legs. I looked up at him and saw that he was gripping the sides of the berth and looking down at me with bright purple optics, I licked my way back up and kissed him roughly making him moan and claw at my back at armor. When he tried to unbuckle it I grabbed his servo and pinned it above his head . "I don't think so love" I chuckled and started licking his chest back down to his port cover where I took off and his sensor rod slipped out . I smirked when I saw it because I had a million ideas running through my head, taking a deep breath I slid my tongue down his rod and back up and Optimus gasped and gripped the sides of the berth cracking it. I smirked and continued to lick it I wasn't going to put my entire mouth around it because I knew if I did Optimus would loose it and neither of us would be able to stop. I heard Optimus moan my name and at the moment I heard Ironhide yell followed by laughter, "what's going on ?" Optimus asked as I looked up at him. I smiled evily "that just means our plan worked " I purred. "What plan?" Optimus asked his optics beginning to turn blue again, I crawled back up and whispered in his ear "it's not nice to tease love...payback can be a glitch." I chuckled his optics turned purple again "oh you're in so much trouble!" He said making a grab for me but I jumped out the way and ran out with him shouting my name behind me. I was laughing so hard I was crying. Blade and Shadow appeared behind me laughing too "Phoenix we are in so much trouble." Shadow said while we ran to the main hanger "but it was totally worth it!" Blade shouted I snuck a peak behind me and saw the guys running after us Ironhide was covered in glitter while Bee was dripping wet. Optimus...well Optimus's optics were glowing purple as he ran after me. "Phoenix look!" Shadow shouted while pointing in front of us I looked and saw the ground bridge opening and Bulkhead along with Arcee stepped out. "Hey guys what's going on?" Bulkhead asked but we didn't slow down we barreled through the ground bridge laughing as it closed behind us cutting off the pursuit from Optimus and the others. We appeared on a cliff overlooking the ocean as the sun was setting , we looked at each other and fell back laughing. When we finished laughing we all sat at the edge and watched the sun set, as the stars began appearing in the sky I decided it was time to go back. But as we were getting up a flash of green and blue flashed behind us, we all glanced at each other as Optimus, Ironhide and Bumblebee stepped out. "You three are in so much trouble." Optimus said with slightly purple optics. The three of us gulped as we stepped through the ground bridge and as soon as we were back Optimus picked me up and started carrying me to his room. I looked behind us and saw Ironhide caring Shadow away and Bee carrying Blade. I glanced at Optimus and saw him smile at me mischievously "oh boy I'm in trouble " I said "yes you are sweet spark..what was it you said? Payback's a glitch as you put it?" Optimus rumbled. I chuckled "yes I did" I bit my lip and blushed I'm in so much trouble but I'm gonna enjoy this.

*ok I've finished the chapter finally. Sorry for the wait guys but now that my grandpa is doing better I'll be able to update better. The next chapter is gonna have a lemon scene for Optimus and Phoenix so pre warning , thank you guys sooooo much for reading I love you guys.*

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