V. Complications

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"IT'S LIKE YOUR ALWAYS AROUND, NOW A days." I say over my shoulder.

Damon stands in the doorway for a few minutes longer, watching me. There's a retort coming, I just know it. There always is with this Salvatore.

"Only for you." Damon smirks.

If that was his way of buttering me up, it absolutely sucked. Staring down at my phone, I try to focus on the task at hand and that is retrieving the moonstone. I shut my eyes and take a deep breath before standing and walking to the living room. It doesn't surprise me to see the rest of Damon's friends lounging around my house as if it was theirs. I shoot my sister a look, exchanging words not audible to anyone else. Damon shoots a look in my direction, obviously lost in his thoughts but I don't have the strength to read his mind. I have other things to get done today. Ivonna lets me know it's time to go without alerting everyone else. I eye them all before standing up and putting on my best look of nonchalance.

"I have somewhere I need to be, you have to leave." I motion them towards the door.

"What do you have to do?" Stefan asks.

I can see Ivonna frown, she didn't expect them to ask. She underestimates my level of cleverness.

"Why is it of importance to you?" I question.

"Would this something have to do with the moonstone?" Damon asks, slightly glaring.

"And what's it to you?" Ivonna chimes in.

"Elena's life is in stake, that's what it is to me." The Bennett witch says, rather sassy.

"That's awesome and all, but I plan to get it before Niklaus and returning back to Rome. I'll have it, he won't and he'll never know I even stepped foot in the state of Virginia. It's a win-win."

"And if someone tells Klaus you have it?"

"If Niklaus could find us, it'd be less time that we've saw him."

Damon glares at me as Stefan pulls him out the door. As soon as their footsteps can no longer be heard, I turn and look at Ivonna. She takes a look at her phone and grabs the car keys. She leads the way to our car and hops in the driver seat. I take a look out the side view mirror at the Salvatore's house. Focusing on my breathing, I try to stop the thoughts of him from consuming my mind. Ivonna looks over at me from the driver side and takes a hold of my hand, squeezing it slightly.

My sister knows how scary it is for me to see Niklaus again — and after so long. I'm always afraid too much time has passed and he doesn't love me anymore. Or we keep playing the same song and at the end of it, he will only break my heart. In times like this, I'm grateful for my sister. However, I miss my mother so much. I wish she was here to save me from my own heart. She could give me some advice on how to stop loving one man that constantly proves he's a monster. How do you fall out of love? How do you give up a love as memorable and beautiful, yet tragic as Romeo and Juliet?

"We'll get the moonstone and be out of here before he even thinks about getting here. You'll be okay." Ivonna reassures me.

We speed off down the road, leaving everyone behind as we head to find the moonstone. Driving down the all too familiar roads, I listen to Ivonna talk about these wild fantasies that replay over and over again in her head. Which almost always involve Stefan Salvatore.

"Earth to Nadia. Earth to Nadia." Ivonna taps my temple.

"Yes, sweet sister?" I question, glancing at her for a quick second.

"You can't lie to me, you know that right? I can hear your every thought." She smiles.

"I hate you," I grumble. "Can you hear that one?"

We get out the car and walk up to the Lockwood's house. Ivonna continues her way up the steps as I turn around the corner and search for the window to the office. Quietly lifting up the window, I slip myself through and search for the safe under the floor boards. I find it under the rug, easing it open with a bit of magical help. I search through the few little items left in the safe and find no moonstone anywhere. Running my hands through my hair, I search through the safe one more time and once again don't find it.

"Dammit." I run my hands through my hair, cursing.

"What are you doing here?" Someone interrupts my deep breaths.

I turn my head to see Tyler standing in the doorway, staring down at the opened safe. I stand, walking to him and cup his face in my hands. Focusing on his eyes, I can hear his rushing heart beat and pulsing blood.

"You came in for something but forgot what you were looking for and you suddenly feel sick so you're going to tell your mom you're going to take a nap." I compel.

"I feel sick, all of a sudden." He nods, before turning away.

I bite my lip, moving towards the safe to shut it back and cover it up with the rug once again. I run my hands through my hair and spin around, searching the room for the moonstone. Instead, I find memories of a passed father and nothing that resembles a white crystal stone. Lockwood, Lockwood. The name circulates around my head. Tyler Lockwood. Friend of Elena's, werewolf bloodline — damnit. I take the steps two at a time and reach the front door the same time it opens. Carol and Ivonna stands in the opened doorway, staring back at me as Ivonna smiles as genuine as she can and move to stand beside me. I give Carol a small sweet smile before turning on my heels and towards my car. There's too many damn people that want this stone, something tells me Tyler Lockwood had something to do with the relocation of it this time.

"Did you find it? Can we go back to Rome now?" Ivonna asks.

"No. I didn't find it," I huff out. "It could be anywhere at this point."

"Could he have it? Who's to say he's not here yet."

"No. He's not here yet, I'd know if he was."

"Okay, well then who all wants it?"

"Who doesn't."

"Point taken." Ivonna sags in her seat. "But who do we know as of now that wants it?"

"The Salvatore's, the doppelgänger, the Bennet witch, Katerina, Mason and Niklaus."

"Easy start. Three out of five is a group. We can deal with them as a whole — makes it easier. Mason only wants it for Katherine and Katherine only wants her freedom from Niklaus. We can guarantee her that before Niklaus gets here and without the stone. That only leaves Niklaus, and that man is like a dog with a bone. The only way to keep him from getting it is if we get it and get the hell out of here."

"And how do we find it?"

"We try another locator spell."

I only nod, flipping through the thoughts of others to find that damn stone. Whoever hid it, hid their thoughts along with it. Ivonna sits in the passenger seat quietly, thinking of ways to get the stone without ruining any future chances she has with Stefan. Being here this long and not having the moonstone already truly complicates things. My mind stops searching through thoughts and focuses on only one: my own. No one truly needs that stone besides one person and every one else wants it to keep it from said person. My eyes meet with Ivonna's and we both share a frown.

"No. No no no no." Ivonna breathes.

"Something tells me it's not going to be that easy to get the hell out of here. I've got a feeling all hell is about to break loose." I whisper, speeding off.

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