Ivonna Petrovich"I SEE YOU'VE FOUND MOST OF THEM." I nod towards the caskets.
Niklaus glares me down. Obviously most of them weren't good enough.
"She's not here!" He yells.
I knew exactly what she he was referring to. He wouldn't be as angry if it was Rebekah's casket missing. Which only left one person — Esther. Niklaus was afraid of very few things, if anything. In that very small list of a few things, Esther Mikaelson was on it. Having a white oak stake would be a great weapon against Niklaus. However, Esther Mikaelson was the greatest weapon to be wielded against her children. I take a seat and cross one knee over the other. I can't help the smile that crosses my face to watch thy big bad wolf squirm. It's quite hilarious.
"Where's Nadia?" Niklaus questions.
I choose to ignore his question. He only keeps asking after every few breaths.
"I asked you a question!" Niklaus yells.
"So temperamental." I tsk.
"Where is she?!"
"Same place she's been."
It could be months before Nadia woke up, or it was even safe for her to. However, Breanne and I thought it best not to admit that to him. Temperamental, Niklaus is but no man would be able to tame his anger when he hears that news. I wonder if I should tell him now. It might be best, anger is easily controllable when you are the one controlling the situation. I doubt Niklaus would handle it well if he hears it from someone else.
"I'm going to see her." Niklaus states.
It causes me to laugh. He must mean Esther, his mother because there's no way he'll be seeing Nadia. At least not in the way he wants.
"What are you laughing at?"
"You can't go see her. It's not possible." I shrug.
"What are you going on about? How is it not impossible?"
My brows furrow at the question. I run my tongue along my teeth and shrug. There was nothing confusing about the word, impossible meant just that: Not possible.
I tsk, clicking my tongue.
"She's in a sleeping spell, has been for some time now."
Niklaus shoots me a look that if looks could kill, it would have surely stuck a white oak stake dipped in my mother's blood through my beating heart. His thoughts are in my ears as if it was his own voice. He wants to kill me. He's going through the consequences in his head. Beg for forgiveness rather than ask permission.
"She can't be too long with or too long without, it was a lose-lose situation, Niklaus. This was the best solution."
"This was not a solution!"
It was expected for Niklaus to be angry. I would be angry hearing the love of my life is currently on the other side of the world in a coma that can only be brought out of with magic. It must really suck to love someone as much as those two love each other. I wrack my brain for memories of how Nadia handled Niklaus' growing anger. Soothe him, calm him, talk him down.
"It was for her safety, Niklaus. Imagine if she would of lost emotions and feelings indefinitely?"
Niklaus thinks over my question. However, my memories forget to mention one thing. Even with the looks we share, I am not Nadia. It doesn't matter how she looks or what she wears, he is in love with her as a person. As she is. Sometimes, I must admit, I am envious. I set Niklaus with a hard look, contemplating my next actions. It feels odd setting my hand across his forearm. I take a deep breath or a few.
"She's going to be okay. A couple weeks and she'll be back." I soothe.
I give an encouraging smile, however not even I am convinced by my words. If a blood moon doesn't come soon, there would be no waking Nadia up. Those were the words I couldn't communicate to Niklaus — whatever the hell his middle name is —Mikaelson. I don't think I'd want to hear them either if I was in his place. I nod my head and spin on my heels. There was nothing left to this conversation. Niklaus' voice stops me in my tracks and I don't dare turn around.
"I don't care what spell you have to do or how many amulets you have to lock away. Wake. Her. Up." Niklaus' voice is seconds away from pleading.
"I can't."
"Then I'll get some other witch to."
"And that's exactly why I can't tell you where she is. She's not in Rome anymore." I admit.
I swear I could see a vein almost pop out his forehead from hearing those words. Niklaus walks towards me and I raise my hand out of instinct. We hold each other stares. The look of contemplation evident on the Mikaelson's face once again.
"Do not mistake me letting you live as cowardice."
Niklaus takes a step closer, the vein in his forehead protruding even more. I have known the man long enough to know when he's angry.
"You don't want to do that, my twin isn't here to save you."
"Do not threaten me!" Niklaus roars, his teeth baring and his eyes glow yellow.
"I could kill you with a thought, Niklaus. Nadia is naive enough to love you. I am not Nadia."
I raise my hand to prove my point, bringing Niklaus to his knees. He hollows in pain, every bone in his body breaking. His eyes glow a brighter shade of yellow and I kneel to his height. I watch as he turns into a wolf right in front of me. Niklaus grows at me and I laugh.
"What ever will you do without the one person that truly cares about you?" I purse my lips.
I plop down on the couch as soon as I get home and yell into the empty space. It was an odd space to be without my twin sister. Guilt was creeping into my stomach and I frown. There was no reason to feel guilt, Niklaus deserved what I did. I tried to kill him once and didn't feel guilt then. Nadia was even there for it. Was it that I felt things more strongly in the absence of my sister? Nonetheless, guilt was twisting knots into my stomach. Nadia would not forgive me if something would happen to Niklaus by my hands. I stand from the couch and clutch my head. I let out an ear piercing scream and glass shatters around me.

Bloom • Mikaelson
FanficA rosebud is beautiful in it's simplicity, but it must bloom for you to see it all. •Full description inside Rights reserved© Tianna Mature content - Read at your own risk.