1-Fear of Falling

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Riley's POV 

"What if he doesn't recognize me?" I ask my best friend ever, Maya, as I block the door to our class; where Lucas is. 

"Riles. It was only a week that school was out for spring break. I think that he would remember you." She says with a sarcastic tone in her voice. But her eyes look hurt when she says it, almost like she has to force herself.

"Are you okay?" I ask, tilting my head.

"I'm always okay. Why would you ask?" She says while shrugging her shoulders. 

"I don't know. You just look a little tired." I lie through my teeth. I hate doing that, but I have to sometimes. 

"Well Farkle kept me up all night telling me how excited he was about seeing everyone, especially me. Now go in there and say hi!" She quickly pushes me into the room before I can do anything about it. And right there, sitting on my desk, was the one and only; Lucas Friar. When he heard my footsteps, he turned towards me and just stared. I walked up to him, and he didn't move. 

"Lucas?" I wave my hand in front of his face, to get him back in focus. 

"Wow, Riles. You look...amazing..." he smiles brightly, and I can't help but smile back. 

"Thanks, but I haven't really changed that much since last week." I awkwardly laugh.

"I know, but you just light up a room when you walk in. You're just that beautiful. And I'm sorry, but I can't help but stare." He says, making me blush and smile widely. I quickly hide my face by using my hands. 

"No...don't hide your face. It's cute when you blush." He says, causing me to blush even more. And smile even wider. 

"Your smile...I love it." He lifts up my chin and looks into my eyes, then smiles. And I smile. He then pulls me in to a hug. I feel so protected when I'm with him, and I love it. 

Maya's POV

I have been watching them since I pushed Riley into this room. And it's tearing me apart. But I'm doing this to myself. I'm pushing them together, and I've told myself that, that's a good thing. 

I am in love with Lucas, and have been since we first saw him on the train. But Riley wanted him, so I never told her about it. And every time that they are together, I have this fire build up inside of me. My jealousy gets the best of me and I have to leave. 

It's tearing me apart. I just haven't done anything because I'm afraid of falling. Cause, if I fall, I won't get back up. 

Lucas' POV 

I missed Riley so much. When she walked in, she was absolutely stunning, and I can't get her out of my head. I just want to hold her in my arms for the rest of my life. 

I hold her tightly, to make sure she doesn't ever let go. After a while of just sitting there with her in my arms, we hear the bell ring. I let her go, and we sit down, but there's no sign of Mr. Matthews. 

"Oh yeah! Guys, he's sick, so I don't think that we have class today. He couldn't find a sub." Riley announces. Everyone cheers. "But maybe we should wait another five minutes just in case." She adds as everyone sat back down. 

"So, what now?" Farkle perks up all of a sudden. I didn't even see him come in at all. 

"I don't know. Maybe we could talk." Maya says sarcastically. 

Maya's POV

I give Farkle the, 'seriously-I-thought-that-you-were-smart' look. Riley leans over towards me. 

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem a little tense." She gives me a worried look. And, once again, I put on a smile for her. 

"Just a little annoyed at Farkle for last night. And a little tired. But I'm okay." I smile wider so she believes me. 

"Okay. Tell me if you need anything or if you need to talk about anything at all. Okay?" she says. All I can do is nod, so that she can't hear the lump in my throat. 

The five minutes pass, and we confirm that there is no teacher coming, so we all roam around the halls except for our little group. We stay in the classroom so we can talk. We ended up sitting up against the wall, underneath the chalkboard after a couple of minutes. I sit on the right side, next to Riley. Then it's Lucas and Farkle after her. 

We all talk for a while about anything and everything. Soon enough, the bell rings for school to end. But we all choose to stay for a couple hours to hang out. Riley ends up resting her head on Lucas' shoulder and he wraps an arm around her. Tears start to fill up my eyes as I wish that, that was me. Then I quickly look away, and blink the tears away. 

Maybe one day everything will be different. Maybe one day I'll be happy with a guy that I deserve. Maybe one day I'll have someone to catch me when I fall. But, for now, I'll just have the fear of falling.  

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