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"Fine!" I told Chad. I know, you're probably screaming at me not to kiss Cody. But think of it like this: Chad wanted me to say no, because he had something worse planned.

"Well, uh..go on then," Chad said, suddenly shifty. I rolled my eyes at him and looked at Cody.

"You okay with this?" I asked him and he nodded. A bit too enthusiastically, but I must have been imagining it. Guys don't go for tomboys, I reminded myself.

Cody closed his eyes and so did I, and we leaned in...and banged our noses against one another.

"Ow." Cody was holding his nose in his hand. Blood was dripping out and onto his pajamas.

"Oh, crap, you're bleeding!" I ran into the bathroom for some tissue to stop the blood. I heard Chad saying something about getting some ice and he ran off.

"It's only a nose bleed," Cody complained when I came back in but I held a finger to my lips as a signal for him to be quiet. Thankfully, he did what he was told.

"Head back," I ordered and he complied, putting his head back. I dabbed gently at the blood but could feel his eyes on me.

"Can I ask a question?"

"You just did," I replied but allowed it.

"Were you actually gonna kiss me?"

I nodded and a smile formed on Cody's lips. I glanced down at him. He wasn't bad looking, with a cute face and his dark hair that I always felt like ruffling. But he was my friend...

"Did you want to?" He asked.

I stopped wiping away the blood for a millisecond before answering.

"I don't know."

"But would you-"

"Stop asking questions!" I snapped at him. He looked so sad and forlorn, though, like a little puppy.

"Okay," He said meekly and let me clean up the rest of the blood.

I sighed. This was going horribly wrong. "Cody, look, I'm sorry."

He nodded but didn't answer.

"Cody, speak to me!"

He had his lips firmly shut. I felt like crying, like begging him to speak.

"What can I do to make it up to you?" I asked instead. Cody looked me in the eye and I saw a glint.

"Kiss me?" He whispered.

I acted on a whim. I needed my friend back, but would I really go that far?

Of course I would, I'm an idiot. I leaned down and gently kissed him on the lips. It was just a peck but it gave me more butterflies than when Nathan grabbed my hand, and the fireworks behind my eyelids were brighter than the ones I had seen during the 4th of July back home.

"Wow," Cody said when we pulled apart before bursting into laughter. I looked at him.

"What?" I asked him.

"You- you have a blood-stache," he told me before laughing again. I ran into the bathroom to check in the mirror. A big blob of blood was under my nose.

"Ew!!" I was grossed out and started to rub it off quickly. Uh, it left a pink stain.

I could still here Cody laughing in the other room, and I smiled.

"What's all this laughing about?" Oh great, Chad was back.

"Callie got some of my blood on her face in the shape of a mustache," Cody told him. I hid behind the bathroom door to listen.

"How did she get it on her face?" Chad asked, but I suspected he already knew the answer.

"She kissed me," Cody said in a smooth voice, trying to be oh-so nonchalant but he failed miserably.

"She WHAT?!" Chad shouted. I ran out of the bathroom and back into the room to quieten him. It was two in the morning and I didnt want anyone else waking up.

"Yeah, so I completed the dare," I siad quickly. Chad's face went from angry to annoyed to sheepish.

"Oh, uh...then its your turn," He said, pointing to Cody.

"Nah, I'm bored of this game," he said, yawning. "I think I'll drop off now."

He got up off the floor and ran full force into the bed. I luaghed but Chad didn't even crack a smile. Not even a small one.

"Are you gonna go to bed now, too?" he asked me. I nodded and he rubbed the back off his neck. "Well, goodnight."

And then he left. I watched him leave and then crawled into the small bed I had made on the couch.

"Night Callie Wal!" Cody called out in the darkness after the lights went out.

"Night Cody Wodes!" I replied and we laughed.

Maybe kissing your friend wasn't such a bad thing after all.


SORRY!! for the short chappie!!! ;( it will be longer next time, i swear!!!

Oh and I deditcate this chapter to RaeF1994, for correctly guessing my real name: Caitlin!

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