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The alarm on my phone went of, blaring Katy Perry's "Firework" in my ear. I groaned but sat up. I hadn't taken a shower in three day, and my hair looked disgusting. Instead of it's normal bounce, it was nearly flat and slick with grease. Ew. I really needed a shower.

I went into the bathroom and tested if the water was warm. It was absolutely boiling and I snatched my hand back. I stripped and got in, putting on a mix of warm and cool water. I relaxed as the streams hit my back, and the song "Singing in the Rain" popped into my mind. I started singing it as loud as I could, not caring who could hear me.

When I got out, it was 8:00. I looked through my suitcase to find some cute clothes to wear. A pair of short khaki shorts and a short sleeved jersey for the Tennessee Titans. Yeah, I love American football too!

I let my dark brown curls dry naturally, before running a brush through it quickly and tying it into a pony tail. Make up or no make up? I weighed the pros and cons of each, before going for a light bit of eyeliner around my chocolate eyes. Not literal chocolate, of course, but if they were that would be so cool! Shut up, idiot brain! You're what made me fail science last year!

"8:15" I checked the phone and time seemed to barely move. We had to be ready for 9, so I had a good 45 minutes to spare.

I picked up my phone and went onto the internet, going through my usual websites. Checked the time.


"Argh" I threw a pillow at the wall and thought of what else to do. I remembered I still had a piece of paper the Cody had given me last night.

"212 555 1212 - Cody :P" It said. I quickly jabbed the numbers into my phone and pressed the 'call' button.

"Hello?" He was really tired.

"Hey Cody, it's Callie."

"Oh, hey!" His tone immediately brightened up. "Why did you call so early?"

"Cody, it's only half an hour till we have to go to the cafeteria. I was just bored so I was wondering if you would come down to my room."

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Cody said and I could hear him standing up. Sadly, something must have been tangled around his feet because I could hear him fall. I winced.

"See you in a minute. I'm room 167."


Cody came to my room in a grey hoodie and a pair of shorts. But barefoot.

"Um, Cody, where are your shoes?" I asked, suppressing giggles. Cody was bleary eyed and looked down.

"Crap, I must have forgotten them," he said, and smacked his forehead.

"Go into my room. I'll go get your sneakers," I told him before leaving. "What room are you?"

"Uh," he scratched his head. "211."

"Got it." I closed my door and ran up some stairs, passing all the other rooms.

"209, 210..." I slowed down and walked forward.

"211!" Cody had left the door to his room wide open. I shook my head and walked into the pig sty. How did he get his room so messy in the space of one night? 

I looked into his bag and found a pair of black converse. I grabbed them and ran back down to my room, closing the door behind me.

"Cody?" I called out, opening the door quietly. I heard him groan and I got worried. What had happened to my friend in the few minutes I had been gone? Did a murderer break in and stabbed him in the chest? Did someone tie and bound him up?

Oh, no actually. He just fell asleep in my bed.

"Wake up," I said, and jumped onto the bed. "Wake up!"

"Im awake!" he yelled and jerked up. I laughed and fell down so we were sitting side by side.

"You are now," I said. A silence settled over us, but it wasn't awkward. It was just where we both knew that neither needed to speak.

It only lasted for a few moments, when Cody asked for the time.

"8:47" I told him and he groaned.

"Cant I go back to sleep for the last few minutes?" he asked but I refused.

"Meanie," he said and we laughed.


In the end we went down to the cafeteria early, and just grabbed some mini cereal boxes so we could eat them outside.

"Did you get any drink?" Cody asked me when we sat down. I shook my head.

"I'll go get some," I offered, standing up.

"No, I'll get it myself. You got my sneakers."

I sat down again and resumed eating my cereal while Cody jogged off.

"Can I join you?" a familiar voice asked me. I turned around to see Nathan's brother, what was his name again...

"Its Scott, if you don't remember," he said as if he could read my mind.

"Hey Scott," I said. Oh god, his eyes! So intense..

"So can I sit down?"

"Yeah, sure," I moved Cody's food to my other side and he sat down. I couldn't help but stare at his beautiful face for a few moments.

"So what are you doing out early?" I asked him.

"I get up early," he told me and we fell silent. I didn't even know if this silence was awkward. All I knew was that most of the boys here were irresistible.

"Oh," I said and we fell silent again. Luckily, I spotted Cody running back towards us with most of the boys following. I stood up and brushed the crumbs off my clothes.

"Well, looks like practice is about to start," I said and Scott stood up as well. We grinned at each other awkwardly.

"Hey!" Chad shouted towards me and ran faster. I waved at him and Cody who were both running at the same time.

"Well, you're keen," I said, as Chad reached me first. He laughed.

"Okay, kids, today I just want to do some bonding exercises," Mrs. Greene told us. "So just divide into teams and have a few matches."

"Ill be with you," I said automatically to Cody, who had just stopped at my side.

"Sure," he said, and his eyes lit up.


"Run, Callie, run!"

I ran as fast as I could, the adrenaline pumping through my veins, my head throbbing, panting. I ran, streaking past all the other guys. The ball I was kicking was weaving inbetween different legs.

"Pass! Callie, I'm open!" I could hear Cody screaming but when I looked up, he was far away. I decided the best thing to do would to be to try and score on my own.

I kicked, getting closer towards the goals. Just a few more feet...

"Yoink!" Nathan jumped in front of me and took the ball. My foot, reacting slowly, kicked straight into the ground. I tripped and fell onto my back, but I couldn't help laughing.

"Oh shit! Callie, you okay?" I heard Cody above. I laughed even louder.

"I'm amazing!" I yelled at him. "Help me up, will you?"

He extended an arm and I grabbed it, yanking him down. He fell right on top of me, but I didn't mind.

This camp was turning out to be pretty damn brilliant!


So, chapter 4 is finished! I know I took ages, but I kept adding things on.

Thanks for reading!!!


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