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Hey guys! This is just a first draft, so if it is crap, please just trudge through it and be strong! It may have potential ;D


Ever since I was 5 years old, I have adored soccer. I never knew why, but I found kicking a ball around was my adrenaline fuel. So every summer I would go to a little camp in Florida to practice and learn about soccer, which was an amazing experience. The same girls would go back every year so we formed a type of sisterhood over our love of soccer. But then....

"Hello," Mom answered the phone as I was getting ready for school. I was sitting at the table eating a bowl of Lucky Charms and drinking some orange juice. The sweet juice hit my taste buds and I smiled. Not only was orange my favorite color, it was my favourite drink.

"Oh, hi Mrs. Anderson!" I slammed down my spoon when I heard Mom say that name. Why was Mrs. Anderson calling? She was the woman who ran the soccer camp and she had never called us before, not even when I was starting camp. Every bit of news she had, she delivered it in person. She said it was because she thought that whatever you wanted to tell anyone, face to face made it more thoughtful. I said it was because she didn't know how to work a phone.

"Why is Mrs. Anderson calling?" I whispered at Mom, but she just signaled for me to be quiet. She had a concerned look on her face.

"Oh God, are you okay?" she said said and my heart skipped a beat. Actually, it was more like my heart performing a drum solo, but then lost a drumstick towards the end and...Shut up, brain!

"So camp isn't going to on this summer?" Mom asked.

Wait, say what? No camp?

"I understand. I'll tell Callie right away. Bye, Mrs. Anderson. Get better." And click. She hung up.

"No camp," I said calmly, though my blood was boiling inside. I loved that camp, it was my home away from home. Amazing friendships were made there.

"Mrs. Anderson is severely sick. The money that usually goes towards the camp has to be used to get her better." Mom gave me a pitying look. "I'm sorry, baby girl, but Daddy and I will find another camp. It will be even better, I swear!"

"I don't wanna go to another stupid camp," I muttered under my breath and I got up. Stupid bacteria! Why did they have to go and get Mrs. Anderson sick?

I stomped upstairs to my room like a spoilt brat and found I had a text on my phone.

"See you in school :) xx" it said, and I knew just who sent it. I smiled, thinking of my best friend, Taylor. She was awesome, even though the complete opposite of me. And, I don't wanna sound cocky, but I'm pretty awesome. That came out cocky, didn't it?

I brushed out my chestnut colored hair and tied it into a messy bun, random strains of wavy hair spiraling in all directions. I took off my cute "Miss Brainbox, not Chattterbox" pajamas and instead replaced them with denim shorts and a t-shirt saying "My Eyes are Up Here!" in bold white letters over a black background. I shoved on a pair of blue converse and ran downstairs to say goodbye to Mom and grab lunch money before I was out into the sunlight.

I walked down towards the bus stop and approached a crowd of students at my school. Taylor lived on the other side of town, so I would see her in school. Instead, I saw my skating-mad friend, Jason, who had his back to me so I made a running jump onto him for a piggyback. He yelled, but held my weight.

"Hey, Jasey!" I screamed into his ear and he dropped me onto the hard floor.

"I think I broke my butt," I complained, getting off the floor without help and everyone laughed. I smiled at Jason and we did our complicated handshake which involved a lot of shimmying around and pressing each others noses at the end.

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