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Hey guys! I'm dedicating this to xXChocoChipKookieXx because her story, " I May be Tough, But That Doesn't Make Anything Easier", doesn't have many views. Go over and check her out, please, and leave a few comments :)


"Callie! Wake up!" Mom's voice had ruptured my dreams of meeting Lady Gaga and have a cute dinner with an even cuter Logan Lerman.

"Huh?" The blinding light in my room was unneseccary to my eyes. "Can you turn off my light?"

"No, because you'll fall asleep again," Dad told me. I saw him standing behind Mom.

"Hey Daddy," I said, waving at him lazily. I barely saw my dad because he was so busy as a lawyer.

"C'mon." He yanked back my blankets and I shivered from the sudden coldness.

"What time is it?" I moaned and clung to the mattress.

"4:30" Mom told me and I groaned. Somehow, and I will never guess how, they got me out of that bed get downstairs for breakfast, though I acted and felt like a total zombie.

"Why is Dad here?" was my only question.

"Im taking you up to camp, like always," he said, and smiled at me. I just stared at him, my face was too stiff to move.

I shoved on a pair of jeggings and an oversized beige sweater when I was finished breakfast. My converse found their way to my feet.

"You have everything?" Mom asked before we left. I was feeling much more awake now, and the nerves were kicking in.

"Yeah, I packed last night."

"Good." Mom looked me in the eye. "Be careful."

"I will." I gave her a quick hug and walked out of the house. It was only 5 am now, but it already felt warmer.

"Call me when you get there!" Mom shouted at me and I smiled. Like I would!



The drive up was so awkward. Dad and I had nothing to talk about. At all.

"You still really like soccer."

I looked at him like he was an idiot.


"But don't you like anything else?"

I thought. "Music. and writing."

Dad smiled. "Ah, so I may have a modern Jane Austen as a daughter."


Dad's smile slid off his face. "Never mind, Callie," he sighed and continued driving.

We stopped for dinner and supper, before finding a small B+B to stay in for the night. We got up early again and drove for a few more hours. Finally we reached the camp just on the outskirts of Denver.

I didn't think I would be so happy for a car drive to end, but I surprised myself. The second the car stopped, I jumped out and embraced the sunshine and the chance to stretch my legs.

"Heres your suitcase," Dad said from beside the boot. I took it off him and smiled. Maybe I would like it here after all.

"I'll sign myself in, Dad." I looked at him, hoping he would get that I wanted him to leave and he did. He gave me a long hug first and then got into his car.

"Callie." I turned around and saw his head sticking out the window. "Be good." and then he drove off.

I turned away from the car and looked in front of me. A giant building made entirely of wood was sprawled out, and cars were parked all around it. A sign beside me pointing towards it said "Registration".

I walked inside. The room was large and cool, with a furry carpet and seats everywhere. I walked up to the front desk and told them why I was here. The girl at the desk stared at me like I had pink hair.

"Can I just see the woman whose running the camp?" I asked her instead, in case she wasn't "all there" if you know what I mean, and she obliged. A large woman came stomping towards me.

"You must be Callie!" she greeted me warmly. I stood there and smiled awkwardly. "Well, I'm Mrs. Greene. I run this here camp, and I want you to know that your welcome here!"

I nodded and grinned like a a bobble head, but I was wondering if she treated all the people here like that...

"Now, as you know, you'll be the only girl so I have had your separate room organized so just-"


"I organized a separate room for you-"

"I heard that part. The other part about me being the only girl? I never knew that!"

Mrs. Greene blushed. "I did tell your mother that I would bring you in as a special case....I must have...."

I breathed in slowly. "Why DID you let me come here anyway?"

"I have heard about you in the past. You're the best goalie in your State!"

I nodded. "Okay, so you brought me in to boost your reputation, got it."


I paused for a moment. "Does this mean I'm stuck here with boys for a few weeks?"

Mrs. Greene nodded and I swallowed. She brought me to my room and explained so many things to me, but I couldn't concentrate. See, even though you may think that I had taken the news fine, I was planning multiple forms of murder in my mind. All for the woman in front of me-

"And the rest of the rooms are the boys. Any questions?"

I shook my head, even though I had no clue what she had said for the past 10 minutes.

"Okay, I'll leave you unpack. This schedule" she handed me a piece of paper "has our activities planned out. Dinner is at 6 o'clock every evening."

"Got it," I said, doing a little thumbs up at her. When she left, I ripped my phone out of my bag.

"Taylor, you're not gonna believe this! I am at an all-boys summer camp!"

Annd send.

I looked around the room. Sure, it was pretty, but there was nothing to do in here.

"C'mom Nathan! You can do better than that!" I heard a boy's voice drift up into my room. I walked over to my window to check what was going on.

Two boys, only in shorts , were wrestling around in mud. The boy who was losing (he was pinned to the ground) had sandy brown hair that was brushed to the side. The boy winning had short blond hair that was spiked slightly.

"No fair, Chad!" the guy pinned to the ground shouted up at Chad. So I guess the other guy was Nathan.

A knock on the door interrupted me from watching the show going on below. I skipped over and opened the door.

A tall guy stood in front of me. And the first thing that struck me were his beautiful blue eyes. They were gorgeous, but were behind a pair of Woody Allen style glasses. His hair was black, but mostly hidden under a beanie.

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry. I thought this was another campers room," he mumbled, blushing furiously. I smiled slightly.

"I AM a camper!"

The guy stared at me, before looking at his feet again. "Uh, well, this is an all boys camp and-"

"There was a mix up before I came here, but I'm staying." I smiled again and this time the boy smiled back. Barely.

"Im Callie," I told him, outing out a hand.

"Edward, but you can call me Eddie."

"Okay Eddie," I said.

"Bye," he said and this time he did smile properly. I waved as he scuttled away and the closed the door. I laughed so loud and flung myself on my bed.

"They better not all be that awkward around girls!" I said and opened my suitcase to retrieve a pair a triainers. I was gonna show these boys how awesome we girls are.

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