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Geez, you would have thought I walked outside with two heads, fifty arms and playing multiple accordians.

"Hey." I waved at the two wrestling boys. The winning one, Chad, smiled and waved back while the other guy, Nathan, was just staring at me. Whatever.

"Do you where the balls are?" I asked Chad who nodded, while Nathan roared out laughing.

"There right here!" Nathan shouted, gesturing to the South of his body. If he wasn't careful, he may get a kicking there.

"Ignore him. There this way," Chad told me and he smiled down on me. Was everyone at this camp a giant?! Eddie was really tall, so was Chad...and Nathan looked very tall! He brought me to a shed behind the building.

"So, why are you at this camp?" He asked me while I searched through a stack of footballs.

I sighed. "My parents sent me by accident."

He chuckled. "They musn't have read the website. It said on nearly every page 'Boys Only'"

"It was on short notice," I stated, even though I laughed as well.

I looked around the stack for a bit, searching for a good ball to play with. (Authors Note: Dont have a flithy mind!! :P)

"Why don't you help me?" I asked him, looking up at the balls on top. Of course they would have to be the best ones, wouldn't they?!

"I quite enjoy my veiw here, thank you very much." I blushed and started to jump for the balls on top. Damn this shortness. Wait, maybe if i pull out a ball at the bottom...

"Don't you dare knock that stack over," Chad warned, as if he could read my mind. "I'll get the balls for you."

He walked over and reached up for the ones that I wanted, and I got a whiff of his smell. Oh my god he smelt so goooooooooood!!!!

"Here you go," He said and handed me a ball. I looked at him and wanted to JUMP on him.

"You look at little old to go to this camp," I blurted out. Oh no, not the word diahhrea again!

"Yeah, Im a bit of a camp supervisor, but I rarely do anything superviser-y. I take part in all the activities." He smiled down on my again. "So I'm basically a camper, except I dont have to pay to get in."

"Cool," was my reply and we walked out of the shed. "So, thanks."

"Your welcome." He gave me one last smile and went back to Nathan, who was ogling again. Pervert.

I put the football on the ground and started to kick it around imaginary cones. I needed to control the ball, to focus on the ball...where did the ball just go?!

"Awh, and I thought you would be a good player, girlie," a brown haired boy called out in front of me. He was short too!!

"My name isn't girlie, it's Callie," I told him, but ran towards the ball. I got a leg between his legs and kicked the ball out with my heel. He laughed.

"Im Cody," he said, and bowed to me. I did a curtsy back and we laughed.

"Well, Cody, wanna play a game of soccer, one on one?"

He looked me up and down. "Sure shorty."

I was outraged. "You're short too!"

He laughed and ran off with the ball, me chasing after him screaming.


"I got lasagna!" I rubbed in Cody's face as we got dinner. He pretended to be hurt with my words and we brought our trays to a table. We were sitting across from one another.

"So, where are you from?" I asked Cody.

"New Jersey." He leaned forward and looked at my plate. "Can I have some?"

I slapped his face playfully. "Bad boy!"

"Awh, please-" he paused and looked behind me. Oh no, not this part! I read scenes like this in books and seen it in movies, where the girl turns around and the jerk is just standing there...

"Hey, Callie," I heard a voice saying. I sighed.

"Hey, Nathan, isn't it?" I replied. Chad must have told him my name.

"Yeah, it is," I looked him in the face with a bored expression.

"What is it you want?"

His smile went into cheshire cat mode. "I was thinking, you, me and a movie."

I pretended to think. "No."

His smile faltered. "Huh?"

"I don't wanna watch a movie with you alone." I stood up and picked up my tray. "Lets find another table, Cody."

Cody stood up too and we started to walk away. Nathan grabbed my wrist.

"A girl has never said no to me," he growled lowly. Oh no! I was so scared...not. I was a girl of Tennessee, for crying out loud! I have seen chickens scarier than Nathan.

"I broke that record then, didn't I?," I told him before shoving my lasagna onto his shirt. He yelled and let go of my wrist, and I walked cooly over to a table where Cody was now sitting. There was Chad sitting there, with Eddie and another guy I didn't know.

"That was awesome," Cody told me but Chad was frowning.

"You shouldn't have done that, he will be so mad!"

"So what?" I replied, shrugging. I took a handful of French fries from a plate and munched on them.

"He might tell Mrs. Greene."

"Ill tell her he was hurting and threatening me." I looked at my wrist. He must have been holding on hard because bruises were already forming. "Plus, I don't think he would tattle on me."

Eddie looked up from his plate. Damn that boy was shy! "Why?"

"He wanted me to watch a movie with him."

Chad laughed and took a long sip from a milkshake. "I think he may want you more after this incident. He always brags how no girl can say no to him. You're different."

I shrugged and ate another French fry.

"Im sorry for my brother's actions, Callie," the other boy said to me. I looked at him. 

He had long auburn hair swept above gray eyes. I looked at him and felt like drooling.

"You're brothers with Nathan?" I asked him. How could two brothers be so different? Nathan was cute but this guy was HOT!

"Yeah. I'm Scott." He put a and out for me to shake but it was quite awkward because I had to lean across two other guys. Cody was on the other side of the table and was laughing like a looney because I nearly had to crawl along the table to shake his hand.

"Shut up, Cody," I muttered when I sat down.

"Nope," he smiled and ate his food, laughing ever few minutes.

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