Chapter 8- "taking in the view"

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"How could you be so stupid as to get the freaking baby stuck in a damn tree?! Even someone with half your braincells would have more sense than you"
I screamed at Calum as he leaned on the tree.

"Well at least I wasn't stupid enough as to give the damn baby to someone who's stupid enough to get it stuck in a damn tree!" Calum claimed as he walked closer to me, so now it was in of our face to face fights, except this time I won.

"You just admitted you're stupid" I said crossing my arms along my chest and smiling victoriously.

"Whatever, do you wanna get the stupid thing out of the tree or what?" Calum said sighing as he looked up at the branches.

"I'm sorry I wasn't the one who stuck it up there"

"Well, neither was I"

"What do you mean it obviously was you" I spat at him getting more and more annoyed at him

"It involved the others too" Calum grunted.

"Well then they're gonna have to get it too" I stated looking at the four boys.

"Michael started it" Luke claimed

Michael groaned.

I sat in the dry grass as Michael stepped on each branch trying to reach closer to the doll.
Ashton sat beside me, as he giggled every once in a while, why does he giggle oh my god.

"What actually happened?" I asked curiously.

"Well after you gave Calum the doll, Michael took it, and when we were doing that thing we came here to do, Michael walked into a beehive and like ran away" Ashton started laughing as he scratched off some red paint of his large hands.

I rolled my eyes and asked him to go on.
"And then when he thought he was alright he realised that there was bees on the doll and he threw it to Luke who was confused as hell, and then threw to to me, and I threw it back to Michael, oh did I mention Michael's afraid of bees yeah, and then Michael threw it to Calum, who flung it into the tree and uhm yeah"
My brother took a deep breath and finished.

Wow. So cinematic.

"Well Michael didn't seem to get the doll" I said rolling  my eyes as I watched a clumsy Michael stumble down the tree as he jumped on the patch of grass.

"Luke you're next" Michael said walking away from the tree and sitting beside me.

"You guys are such idiots you know that." I said amused.

"Yeah you've told us many times" Michael said.

He was also trying to scratch of red paint.

"Clifford the big red dog" I said scrunching my nose and messing with his hair.

"Shut up Ari" he groaned as he pushed me away.

I looked at Luke awkwardly climbing the tree on of his long legs dangling from a branch as he stretched his arm to get the doll.

"You can't do it Luke" Michael shouted at like through cupped hands.

I heard Luke moan with failure as he jumped off.

Ashton was scared of heights and he's had a bad thing with climbing trees so the boys excused him leaving Calum to climb the tree.

As Calum struggled up the tree, stepping on all the wrong branches I couldn't help but think how amazing it would be for him to get stuck. I smiled just as the thought of it. 

The other boys were gathered around casually laughing and not to mention not even caring about Calum who looked scared as hell.

"Shit shit shit shit" Michael whispered worriedly.

I looked away from Calum and turned to look at him as he stood up quickly along with the others their eyes all followed to the park security who was walking back and forth.

Before I knew it the three boys were running towards the park gate. I stood up confused as I looked back at them, I looked at Calum who had the same expression on his face. He turned his gaze to me and shrugged.

Another few minutes passed and Calum was still in the tree struggling ever so slightly once in a while.

"You're stuck aren't you?" I asked looking up at him.

He looked away from me.
"No, I'm fine I'm just taking in the view"

"Well your gonna be taking in the view of an F if you don't get that baby out of the tree" I said as I moved toward the tree trying to see where the baby was. It was quite high but I planned a way to get it.

"Calum get down, I'll get it"  I said rolling my eyes.

He said nothing as he just remained in the same pose.

Oh he's so stuck there.

"Cmon Calum are you just gonna stay there or what?" I was beginning to tease him now.

He stood still and silenced.

I sighed.

"Okay just out your foot down on the right branch and then the one beside the hole and then just jump"
He looked down at me and wait was that a smile pfft doubt it.
He did as I told and jumped down landing beside me.

"Thanks" he mumbled

I froze, did he just say thanks what the hell, that's not Calum, should I just ignore it and laugh or what.

"Whatever" I said as I began to climb the tree, it took me less than two minutes to get to where the doll was, I had a lot of experience with trees, Nat and I used to ditch class and get away to this big ass tree near the school and we used to climb it and talk.
But last year they cut it down so yeah that sucked.

I reached my arms out to the doll, no sign of bees phew.

I looked at Calum as he looked at me with his mouth hung open , I smiled and jumped Dow. From the tree as I pushed the baby in his face.
He snapped out and followed me as I walked to the park gate.

"Wow" he said surprised

"Meh" I just said.

"Let's go I'm hungry as hell" I told him

I sat in on his car seat and he started the car.

The rest of the drive was silence apart form green day playing on his radio.

YAY IVE BEEN PROCRASTINATING TOO MUCH GUYS HELP Time_bomb  is like my MUSE and she's too lucky cause she got mentioned twice in a row so yeah x
Hope y'all liked this bc I mean it's alright enough right
-Eshal x

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