Cold, Wet, and Scared

288 13 4

(Your POV)
"Hey Miyuki! Open up, captain Unohana's got some pills you have to take!" Renji said as he knocked on my door. He knocks again, "Miyuki open up! I'm your leiutenant and I order you to open up!" I opened the door red faced, "Yes lieutenant Abarai?" I looked down avoiding all eye contact. He lifted my head up with his finger, and stared me straight in the eyes. "Captain Unohana needs you to take these pills." All I could imagine was Renji in his lotus robes.

My face grew hot, "Tttthank you...lieutenant." "Oh and another thing, how did you know my first name?" He rose his eyebrow waiting for me to respond. My hands started to get sweaty, and my heart was racing. "Iiiit came to me in a a a...dream."

There was long moment of silence before Renji rubbed the back of his neck. "Just remember I'm your lieutenant, and it's disrespectful to use my first name." He coughed and looked me in the eyes. I don't think he knew how uncomfortable I was, and there was a moment where he blushed for a split second. "Just remember to take those pills." He said before placing the pills in my hands and closing my door.

I laid on the ground holding the pills tightly. I took off my kimono and observed my stomach. Shouldn't there be a bandage? Shouldn't there be stitches or something? Squad four either got really good with there healing, or it was all a dream.

Later I went to the women's bathhouse. As I entered I placed my belongings on the rack. It was completely crowded and stuffy. I walked around for thirty minutes straight, so I decided to wait until the bathhouse was completely empty.

I waited for hours.

The bathhouse was finally empty; the place was a ghost town. I took off my towel and stepped into the warm water. I sighed and stretched my arms. I closed my eyes, but my peace and quite was soon ruined by loud and heavy footsteps. "I guess you beat me to it." A large busty woman was casting a shadow over me with her breasts.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh."  She laughs, "Yeah that's everybody's first reaction." She said stepping into the water. "I'm Rangiku by the way." She said smiling at me.

I smile weakly, "I'm Miyuki." I said looking her in the eyes.

"So what squad are you from?" She asked me with a smile on her face. "I'm from squad six." "Oh you're in Captain Kuchiki's squad!" I nod and she smiles.

"And that also means your lieutenant is Renji." She put her finger on her chin. I immediately start to blush. She raises an eyebrow and smirks, "Oh you've got a thing for Renji!" She giggles loudly.

I blush madly, "I don't! He's not even interested in me anyway." "Oh you do have a thing for him! Don't hide it sister!" She scoots over to me and grabs my hand. "I'll teach you had to get him if you want." I blush and hold my knees to my chest. "It's fine I don't really like him. He's just intimidating."

Rangiku smiles and scoots away, "Whatever you say Miyuki."

We both cleanse ourselves and go our separate ways. "It was nice to meet you Miyuki." "Same to you Rangiku." I said as I tied my robe tie, and walked to my living quarters. The wind blew against my wet skin, and blew my hair.

I walked for a couple of seconds before sensing that someone was following me. I decide to pick up the pace. I held my towel in my right hand, so I brought it up to my chest. The feeling got stronger and stronger.

"You'll catch a cold if you don't dry your hair." I heard a rather creepy voice say. My body froze in fear; my arms were to my side. Someone's pure white hand was placed on my shoulder. His right middle finger had a very long nail. "I'd have to run tests to see what made the virus spread throughout your body." He turned me around, "I don't believe we've met. I'm squad twelves captain, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, and I'd love to see what makes you tick."

I stood there unable to move. Was this captain really gonna dissect me?

"I'll be gentle since you're a woman. I'll open you up with my sharpest scalpel, so that you won't be able to tell that I'm cutting you. And just for you I'll cut down the time I'll spend opening you up and examining your insides. I'll most just run tests that revolve around your brain. I have an excellent machine that allows me to peek in your brain without cutting your head open." He chuckles while cracking his fingers.

"Pick up your feet Miyuki!" I thought to myself. "Pick up your feet and run!" My thoughts yelled at me. I finally had the will to move, but before I did someone's voice broke my fight or flight instinct.

"Oh Miyuki there you are! I've been looking all over for you!" It was Renji. He placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me the opposite direction. "Thanks captain. She gets lost a lot." Renji smiles and rubs the back of his neck. Mayuri frowns a bit, "Oh lieutenant Abarai it's you." "Well thanks captain for finding her. She's a bit of a trouble maker."

"I guess we'll be going now." Renji said pushing me away from Kurotsuchi.

"There's goes a perfect test subject." Mayuri said with a sigh.

Renji's fake smile disappears and he lowers his lips to my ear. "Miyuki try not to be alone with that guy. He's missing some screws." Renji whispered with his arm around me. His warm breath sent chills up and down my body.

Once again Renji has saved me from sudden death. "Okay." I said still a bit shaken up.

We reached my home, and before Renji left he grab the towel out of my hands and began drying my head. "You'll catch a cold if you leave you hair wet in cold air." He focused on drying my head.

I blush and nod, "Okay."

"You don't really say much do you?" He stopped drying my hair and looked me in the eyes. I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. Renji closes my mouth, "Close your mouth, or you'll catch flies in it." He starts drying my hair again. I study his gorgeous face, and memories of my dream return. My face turns bright red, and Renji stops drying my hair.

"There ya go all dry." He smiles at me and hands me the towel. I smile back weakly, "Th...and you." "No problem. Well good night Miyuki." He starts to walk away. "Oh and don't forget to take those pills!" He yelled back at me.

I close my door and lay on my bed.

"What a night."

((Sorry I haven't updated in awhile I caught a case of writers block. I hope you enjoyed this chapter ^3^))

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