Chapter 2

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A/n: Here it is, the second chapter of this book! Happy reading guys!

Anders Thorpe -->

I stand there in shock as the were whose existence I basically loathe tells me that my voice sucks. That is the last thing that I expect him to say. I expected him to start sputtering out about weres' superiority and how such a lowlife creature humans are, but he leaves me dumbfounded with his dry humor.

"Excuse me!" I sputter out in shock, "I've never had the chance to go to a singing class since it's always overflowed by the more talented weres. In fact, the whole entertainment world is filled with weres!"

He only quirks his eyebrow disinterestedly while staring me down in amusement. "Yeah? No wonder though if all humans have voice like yours."

My glare only intensifies upon hearing his reply, but it seems to amuse him even more. "One day this voice of mine will change the world! I will bring equality among the men and the weres! And no one will tell me that I have an ugly voice ever again!"

"I don't know which one is more impossible, that you will bring equality or that no one will tell you your voice sounds like a dying cat."

"HAH! I'm right! You just basically told me that weres look down upon us!" I screech while pointing my finger at his face accusingly.

"Mr. Thorpe, I'm really sorry for all of this!" the dean, who has overcome his shock, hurriedly comes forward and bows down so low that he almost kisses the ground, "I'll make sure that this student will get expelled. I swear I didn't know that he would pull off this kind of thing."

My eyes widen in shock when I hear the word 'expelled'. Will he seriously end my college life just because I speak out my opinion? God! He's even worse than I thought before!

"Do that and I'll stop giving this university donations," Anders thunders, making all of the humans cower in fear.

"Th-then what d-do you want me to do, Mr. Thorpe? I c-can't let his rudeness go without being punished," he stammers back while shooting me angry glare. Yes, sir, I know now that I can always count on you when it's about bootlicking the weres.

"There's one thing that you can do actually," the were answers, making the dean surges with hope, "stop talking. Or I'll rip your tongue out of your mouth."

The dean's face pales significantly while I try to suppress my chuckles. Ha. That's what you get for discriminating your own species.

It appears that I'm not really good at holding back my snickers as Anders raises his brow at me, giving me a knowing look. The dean himself scurries away hurriedly, probably afraid that Anders will cut off his tongue in any moment.

"So now, what would I do to you?" he smirks teasingly.

"There's nothing you can do to me. But there is indeed that you can do to your kind. Tell them to back off," I narrow my eyes menacingly at him, but it only amuses him.

"Really? Why don't you tell them yourself? There are plenty of weres behind me."

I don't like the look in his eyes. It's like he's challenging me to confront the weres in front of him. I dart a brief glance at a group of weres behind him, and they look like they can rip my head off with bare hands.

But I won't back down of a challenge.

"Can you guys please stop trying to dominate the world? Humans are not inferior, and you guys are not as good as you think!" I speak loudly, "oh and one more thing, can you stop kidnapping human teenagers? This is not the medieval era anymore when kidnapping is acceptable!"

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