PT.1 Goodbye mom

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It was starting to get dark it was about 8:00 now. We were walking in silence for a couple minutes.

"Luke, how much longer until we get home?" Carter asked

"Umm... Wait I know a short cut" I responded

"Okay where is it?" She asked

"Well we have to go threw this alley and then threw that tunnel thing and then cross the next street and then we'll be at our destination"

"Ahhh... Luke I don't think that's safe" she replied when we stopped walking
"Like what if theirs some bad guys" she asked worried.

"No, trust me it will be alright I promise" I said

"Okay fine but you have to hold on to my hand the whole time because I'm gonna fucken freak if something bad happens" she said as she grabbed my hand.

"Okay let's go!" I said in a laugh. Why is she so scared it's not like anything bad is gonna happen. (Or is it) (lol okay JK)

We walked into the alley, it was getting darker by the minute I swear. We were walking for about 5 more minutes until Carter broke the silence.

"Luke, did you here that?" She asked in a whisper

"Here what"

"I swear I heard a piercing scream" she squealed while she squeezed my hand.

"Okay. Are you messing with me?" I asked with laughter

"No Luke I swear I'm not. I fucken heard it from their" she pointed to an opening where their was a small hallway tunnel thing.

"Okay let's go see" I said as I walked towards it

"No Luke are you crazy! Were gonna die!" She whisper/screamed.

"Come on just to be sure it's safe" I told her in a whisper

"Okay fine, but only because I trust you" she replied. I gripped on to her hand tighter as we peeked or heads threw the corner and saw something. It was so devastating, my breath hitched in my throat.... It was a dead body... A women's and it was in a lump on the ground I knew who's it was... It was Carters mom... Mrs. James.

Carter stared at the now dead human lying in a lump on the alley floor with blood painted on the floor.
"Lu-Luke, don't tell me who it is" she said in tears as she fell against the brick wall.

"Carter-I'm-I'm so sorry I said as I gripped her fallen body.

"how how could this happen? why would she be out this late at night?" she asked herself threw sobs.

I didn't know how this happened. Why would her mom be here in this alley late and night? Who would off killed her? What would happen to Carter? These questions kept ringing in my head as I held a crying Carter in my arms.

She screamed and cried so hard my shirt was probably soaked from her tears. We sat on the floor for about an hour, I guess. She struggled to get up with a painful look on her face, it looked like her legs were gonna tremble  on her because of how week she looked I helped her up and supported her back.

She stood up and faced the brick wall that we were just sitting against. I was wondering what she was gonna do. Without a word she started to punch and hit the wall with her fists and she just screamed out all the pain that she felt mentally and physically as she kept repeating her actions.

I tried to grip her now bleeding hands down but she kept trying to escape my grip.

"Carter please stop!" I said to her softly with tears that stung in my eyes. She ignored me and kept trying to escape.

"Carter please, Babe please I'm sorry okay! I-this-no-one knows what happened to her, but please stop your hurting yourself!" I begged while I was trying my hardest to tame her. Before I knew it I was crying too.

"CARTER STOP IT!!!" I yelled at her at the top of my lungs when she finally stopped struggling she stared at me with her watery puffy eyes.

"Come here" I demanded and gave her a tight big hug as she hugged me too and cried into me hard. I cried into her neck too.

"It's going to be okay, We're going to be okay, Your going to be okay." I kept repeating into her ear in sobs.

We stood their hugging each other until she calmed down a bit. My phone started to ring so I answered the was my mom.

"LUKAS ROBERT HEMMINGS!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEENITS 12:00 MIDNINGHT!!!!" She screamed  at me from the other line,

"Mom, calm down something horrible happened to Carter and I need you to come pick us up right now at '51439 Sydney Gateway'. Okay?please hurry!"

"Why what happened!? And why do you sound like your crying!?!" She yelled in concern over the phone.

"Mom please just hurry! I will explain when you get here! We are at the closing in the alley please hurry Carter isn't okay." I said.

"Oh okay I will be their" she said in a rush as she hanged up.

"Cart's my mom is coming right now" I said as I sat on the floor next to her.

"okay, thanks Luke" she replied as she looked up at me then back at her shoes.

I wrapped my arms around her body-as she was shivering from the cold.

I bet you guys didn't see that coming...LOL

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