Pt.1 Meeting the Hemmings

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The next morning I woke up at 9:30am and took a quick shower and changed into black shorts and a white Nirvana loose crop top. I left my hair open in its natural straight way and just put a black beanie on top of it.

I went downstairs to the smell of pancakes.

"Oh hi Pops!"

"Hey honey, I made breakfast because your mom is gone to the store to get some grocery shopping done"

"Oh okay thanks" "oh dad the neighbours next door will be dropping by today"

"Okay, that's fine!"

When I finished eating breakfast I went to my room to scare Luke like he did to me.

I opened my window and climbed on the tree and leaned in to open his window.

When I opened his window I quietly came into his bedroom and saw him still sleeping on his bed with his head leaning towards the side and drule coming out of his mouth he honestly looked kinda adorable.

"Luke!" I screamed In his ear which quickly woke him up.

He groaned and sat up "Carter what the hell? I was dreaming about Penguins!" He said while he rubbed his eyes.

"Well sry I had to wake u up from your beautiful dream about penguins" I said in a giggle.

"Wait what r u doing here in the morning?"

"Nothing I was bored so I just came here"

"Oh, okay but let me get changed then we can do something okay?"

"Yah sure" I responded as I was playing with my bracelets on my wrist

"Turn around so u wont see me naked"

"I don't want to see u naked anyways" I laughed as I turned around.

He quickly changed into a black Niravana t-shirt and gray sweat pants with a red beanie.

"Oh, so now ur dressed like me?" I said as I eyed him

"Yah, so now we're matching" he said with a smile on his face.

For a whole hour we just stayed in his room and talked about random things and did really nothing, until his mum came into his room.

"Luke, we are going to see the neighbou-" she cut herself off when she saw me "uh who is this young Lady?" She asked with confusion in her tone.

"Oh mum this is Carter, from next door, u know my friend that I was hanging out with yesterday" Luke replied to his mum as we both stood up from the floor.

"Oh, your Carter the new girl who moved in next door right?" She said with a smile on her face.

"Uhh- yep that's me!" I said while I hugged her. Even though we just met I hugged her and she gladly hugged back, I know it's weird but it's a nice thing to do and it's kind so I just do it.

"Well I'm Lukes Mum you can call me Liz"

"Okay" I said as I smiled at her.

"Well I was just going to tell Luke that we were going to see your Family since we haven't met your family, is that alright?"

"Yah, no problem you can come right now if you'd like?"

"That would be great, we will be there in a few minutes" she said as she left the room.

"Luke your mum is so nice"

"Yah I can tell she really likes you"

"Oh that's really great but I've got get back home because u guys r coming soon so see u in a couple minutes!" I said as I climbed out his window into mine.

I ran downstairs to tell my parents that the Neighbours would be here soon.

In a couple seconds the bell rang which meant it was Luke.

"That must be the Neighbours" my mum said as she and my dad went to get the door.

I was kind of nervous because my parents said That I should bring Aliesha along. They thought Carter would make good friends with her, but I doubt that would happen like they are nothing alike, Aliesha is more girly and Carter is more on the edge. Aliesha likes listening to solo artist while Carter likes listening to Bands and Rock like me.

Aliesha might make Carter sick or they just might hate each other.

"Luke is the girl next door hot?" My brothers asked in laughter as we were about to leave.

"Guys stop it!" I said in annoyance as Aliesha just glared at them which made them stop.

We entered their home and my parents introduced themselves and my brothers then Aliesha to Carters parents.

Carter just smiled at all of us and we just smiled back.

Luke introduced me to his Dad, brothers, and his girlfriend. She seemed pretty nice but I felt really self conscious with her because of what I was wearing compared to her and what my hair looked like compared to hers.

She was wearing a pink plad skirt with a off white shirt and dress shoes and her hair was short and blond that was pinned with on one side.

While I was wearing something more edgy and something with more of a rock style to it.

We went up stairs to my room and just sat there until Aliesha whispered something into Luke's ear which I could tell made him fake a laugh then frown as he looked at me then down at his feat.

I was wondering what she said to him. 'Is it something about me?' I thought to myself. I started to feel really uncomfortable and self contiouse all off a sudden.
Okay like did u hear the new song She's Kinda Hot! It came out a day after Lukes 19th Birthday!! Like OMG I'm like obsessed with it, I'm so proud of them!!!

Oh yah I changed some things in the last chapters so Luke and Carter are actually 14 NOT 13 ALMOST 15! So remember that! Also I changed the cover, so if u don't like this one just tell me and I might change it back.

But there's actually gonna be some fight between Aleisha and Carter in the next chapter, because Aliesha said something rude about Carter into Luke's ear! I was gonna put it in this but it would be too long so I'm putting it in the other one!

Also Carter cuts herself so there will be some stuff with that in a chapter coming soon, mostly next chapter idk..

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