New Relationship

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I woke up in Luke's bedroom with a sleeping Luke beside me. His hands were gripped around my waste and his body was literally on top of me.

I noticed that I wasn't wearing the same close as yesterday I was in gray track pants and a black hoodie, wait did Luke change me? That must of been embarrassing. I turned my body over so I would be facing Luke, he looked like the cutest thing. I closed my eyes again and fell back to sleep.

I woke up about 10minutes later too see Luke staring at me with a sweet smile.

"Oh, what are you doing awake?" I asked.

"Nothing just looking at you" he said while I blushed.

God why can't we be dating? I really like him.

"Carter can I ask you something?"


"Kiss me"

"Mhmm" I replied while I leaned in and slowly brushed my lips on his then kissed him. His hand was in my waist while mine was resting underneath his shoulder on top of him. We pulled away and we both smiled, wow I really wanted to do that for a while.

"Carter I really like you" he said

"I do too, I just never said it" I replied

"Well, would you be my girlfriend?" He asked

"Hmmm...I don't know that's really hard to think about" I said in sarcasm

He pouted "fine Luke you already know the answer, I would love to be your girlfriend" I said in a laugh while I kissed him.

"Kids its 1:00 in the afternoon already get up!" Liz said as she entered the room.

I quickly pulled away and blushed, Luke did too.

"Oh, what do we have hear?" She said with a smirk

"Mom! Can we have some privacy!" Luke groaned

"Sorry I had a feeling this would happen!" She said as she walked out the door.

"Luke your mom is amazing!" I said as I got off the bed

He chuckled and followed my actions. We made our way downstairs.

"Mrs.Hemmings does my dad know, did you see him yesterday?" I asked as I ate my pancakes on the table.

"Uhhh... Yah Honey he-well-yah-he has something to tell you" she replied in a stutter.

"Oh-well I better get going then" I said as I finished my pancakes and put the dishes in the sink.

"Thank you Mrs.Hemmings! And thx Luke!" I said as I kissed him. And made my way out the door.

They said goodbye. Mrs Hemmings said I can come back if I wanted but today I wanted to spend the day with my dad since he probably feels lonely that my mums not here.

I quickly walked back home and knocked on the door. Their was no answer. I then tried turning the door nob and it was thankfully unlocked.

I walked inside and looked around for him but I couldn't find him anywhere.

"Dad! Dad! Dad are you home?" I called out. Guess what I got in responses... No answer.

'He should be home' I thought to myself.

I went upstairs and knocked on the door of my dads bedroom because my mum wasn't here anymore, it felt weird.

I knocked a couple times until I opened the door a bit and peaked my head in I paused and my eyes widened In shock! It was a horrid sight.

'D-Dad?" I asked in shock "how could you?" I said as I turned around not daring to enter the room.

Left you babes with a Cliff hanger.

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