chapter snowball fight

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Jackies pov
Eric throws another snowball at me, "your in for it now" kristen says with a swirl of my hand i make a giant snowball and chase after eric and andrew. I through it at them and when the swirls of snow vanish the too boys where trapped in a giant snowball. Kristen and I start to laugh "you too look like a snowman" they try to move to get out "its not funny" they both say just then my mother passes with my father "help" the boys yell "Jackie what did you two do to your cousin and brother let them out now" i sigh i swirl my hand and and the ball of snow disappers and the boys go over to the fire to heat up. Now mother looked back at us "why would you do that?" "It was only a game and they started it anyway you have to admit it was really funny" my father starts laughing, mother looks at him telling him stop laughing "next time dont put ... ow Eric"
Eric had thrown a snowball at mother instead of shouting at him mother swirled her hand and made a snowball and threw it at Eric he ducked and it hit Andrew soon a massive snowball fight broke out aunt anna and uncle kristoff joined in rapunzle and eugene also joined roselyn was asked to join in i prayed she wouldn't and by luck she said she was going to go read in her room i don't like roselyn not at all.

So what do you think of my first chapter it may not be as good as FrozenJelsa13 but i am trying please tell me how it was in the comments.

cookie0823 @FrozenJelsa13

Jackie, the daughter of Jack and Elsa (Jelsa fanfic) (Hiatius)(slow Updates )Where stories live. Discover now