Chapter 7

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So it's been requested by several people recently that I continue this story. This chapter might not be very good because I'm writing it on my phone but I'll try my best to make it decent. Also I made slight changes to the other chapters to try to fix them but I didn't do that much because I would've had to completely rewrite them to make them perfect.

Jeydon's pov
Awhile after breakfast we decide to go to lunch and do some shopping. We are walking to look for a place to eat. I'm meant to be looking for a place as well but I'll admit that I was preoccupied staring at Mir. We finally decide upon a small, friendly looking, diner.

We get seated and we're just making small talk when an interesting topic comes up.
"Where are we going next?" Mir asks
We both look at Landon for a response since he's the one with all of the information on this trip.
"Ireland" he says excitedly
This excites Miranda and I too and our follow up question is when we're headed there.
"In a few days. We have to have our London fun first guys." Landon says laughing
We agree and once we finish eating we go to the Vans store because Miranda really wanted to.

We walk in and Mir's eyes light up with excitement from all of the shoes.
"This is amazing" she whisper yells and heads off to look at some shoes.
Landon heads off to a different area of the store and I go to look as well. I buy some pretty cool shoes and then I just continue to look around until Mir calls me over to her.
"Jey come here"
"Yeah?" I ask
"Which ones do you like? I'm buying two pairs." She asks as she shows me a couple different pairs of shoes. I look at all of them and tell her my opinion.
Just then a worker walks over to us. He has long black hair, lip rings, and he's wearing a band shirt, skinny jeans, and vans.
"Hey, I'm Johnnie. Do you need any help?" He asks Miranda
"Oh I was just trying to decide which two pairs of these shoes to get" she states and he looks at the shoes and then at her smiling.
"Well I definitely think the maroon colored ones. The color would look amazing on you and I'd also say to get the high black ones" Mir blushes at the compliment and thanks him. It's kind of annoying honestly. I almost say something but I look over and see Landon is standing in the next aisle watching us.

"Well I can check those out for you. Would you mind putting her other options back for me?" he says and she follows him to the register.

Now I'm ready to punch this kid in the face. Who does he think he is?! I angrily put the shoes back and then walk over to the register to see him giving her the shoes and a piece of paper. What?

Miranda's pov

(Back a few minutes)

I follow Johnnie to the counter. He starts talking to me as he rings up the shoes.
"So what's your name?"
"Miranda" I smile at him
"Oh that's pretty. How old are you? I'm sixteen, but seventeen soon enough"
"Me too actually" I laugh
"I'm usually not this straight forward but I think you're very cute and I'd like to hang out with you some time" he says and I start internally dying.
"Oh thank you. I'm sure we could do that" I say. He seems nice enough to hang out with before I leave. Just as friends though obviously.
"Great" he smiles as he writes his number down and hands it to me with my shoes.

Just then Jeydon walks over and Landon is already outside so I say goodbye to Johnnie and we leave.

"Mir that kid was so into you. Why weren't you being flirty back?" Landon said
"I thought I was nice. I just wasn't interested" I say and hope he drops it because I don't think now is the time to explain Jey and me. Luckily he does and we just do some more shopping.

By the time we're done I'm exhausted but I got some pretty amazing things. London is definitely living up to my expectations. We get back to the hotel and all I want to do is sleep. Apparently nobody else wants that though because Landon puts in some random movie and insists I watch it with them. He claims it's the best movie ever and I quote "you won't regret staying up for it I swear". Needless to say I regretted staying up for it. It was such a boy movie if you know what I mean. It only had humor that they would enjoy. That being said Jeydon didn't seem too enthralled with it either. I did decide to go to sleep soon after though. I told them both goodnight and headed to my room. I stayed on my phone for awhile then eventually tried to sleep. When I was almost completely asleep I heard my door open.

"Mir? Are you awake?" It was Jeydon
"Barely, why?"
"I just wanted to ask you something but never mind it was stupid anyway" he says and starts to leave the room.
"Jeydon wait. I'm sure it wasn't stupid. Just ask me." I say as positively as I can in my current state of half asleep.
"Okay well I was just wondering if you were going to text that guy Johnnie." He says and I look at him kind of confused and try to fight a laugh.
"See I knew you'd laugh and I told you it was stupid" he pouts
"Jeydon I'm only laughing because you think you have anything to worry about. I like you, you dork." I laugh again and he smiles at my words.
"I would usually be offended that you called me a dork but I'll accept it just this once" he says jokingly and then comes over and hugs me. I hug back and when we pull away I lightly kiss him and then tell him goodnight. He returns it and then leaves so I can finally get some sleep.

Tell me what you think of the chapter in the comments. :]

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