Chapter 6

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Catherines POV

I'm so tired! Today was one hell of day I said to myself. Dragging myself to my room, I slowly opened the door and dropped my bag to the floor.

Jumped on my bed and just lied there and smiled like an idiot.

My first day of school wasn't bad after all. Already have three best friends which is enough for me. Most of all, that hot playboy Chase. My oh my, he is gorgeous! Face! Body! Everything!

But why does he have to be a bloody playboy?! He doesn't want me. Well he does but not in that way. Ughhh idk! I know he's a playboy but why do I have that feeling when I'm around him? I blushed hard core when he said "laters baby". I never blush! Ughh! Why does my crush gave to be a player?

Omfg!!! You like him, my concious telling me. You like him!!!!

No I don't! Okay maybe! Idk! Pushing my concious away, I covered my face with a pillow and fell alseep.


Knock knock. Cat?, my dad calling me from my door.

Yes? I asked him in a tired voice.

Dinner is ready, mum cooked your favorite he said in a happy voice.

Yayyy! I love my mums food! It's so good, especially when she cooks her chicken marinara. Yuuummmm...

Okay, I'll come down soon. Just need to have a shower first I said; yelling from my bed.

Alright then, just hurry up okay. We have visitors. They have a son who goes to school with you, maybe you know him?

No wonder why, I never eat at the table. Always in my room. So that's why they want me to come down.

Uhm yeah okay. I'll quickly get ready.

Okay my dad said in a deep voice walking downstairs.

I wonder who's coming? My parents never invite people over unless they are really close friends so they have to be really close with my parents.

The main question for me is, who could their son be?, asking myself walking to the shower. Stripping my clothes off, I hopped in the shower and turned it on warm.

Ahhh that was a nice shower, I said to myself walking out of my bathroom.

Walking into my walk in closet, trying to decide of what to wear.

Since its a special dinner, I should wear a dress. Going through my dresses, I didn't want to wear any of those dresses. Too fancy for just a dinner.

Still looking through my clothes, I found my navy blue jumpsuit. It's just perfect! Grabbing a matching bra and pantie I dropped my towel and put my clothes on. The jumpsuit is strapless by the way. I look good.

Walking back to my bathroom to add a little make up to my face. Putting on mascara to my long eyelashes. Adding red lipstick to my perfect shaped lips.

Letting my hair hang down, perfectly straight from the top going curly to the bottom.

Walking over to my shoe shelf, I grabbed my black wedges. Sitting on the bed I put them on.

Okay I think I'm done. Walking to my mirror for one final look.

Wow, I said to myself. I look hot asf!!! No doubt about it! I think I'm in love with myself. I look stunning.

The navy blue strapless jumpsuit to the make up and my hair, to the black wedges. The jumpsuit wasn't long so it showed my sexy legs. Last but not least, my hazel eyes stood out, my long eyelashes flickering.

Walking towards my door, twisted the nob and walked out. I could hear people downstairs so I'm guessing that's them. Walking down the stairs, I heard a voice that sounded so familiar.

Omg, it's Chases voice! No no it can't be. I'll just have to see for myself.

Kept on walking slowly down the stairs, I felt eyes on me. Looking up flipping my hair back. My eyes met Chase eyes. Damn he looks good in his suit. Rephrase that, he looks hot! My eyes couldn't leave his. We just stared at each other.

As I reached the table, my dad introduced me to Chases parents sitting on the opposite side of my parents.


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