Expel 10 - Shepard/Tali

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Garden world called Virmire. That's where Shepard and Tali were. Shepard hated this damn planet, too many memories, but this was the only planet Expel 10 was visiting that wasn't sold out. Not too surprising considering this world has no populace so only hardcore fans were here, except Shepard and Tali as this was their first time. Funny thing about setting a nuclear device off in, a now, big part of history is the planet gets some recognition. The other side of the planet was sealed off as an exhibit, the side of the planet graced with the ashes of a dead friend, but this side was constantly used for events now. Lovely beaches, no permit required and no populace to piss off so why not? Tonight is Expel 10, tommorrow hanar poetry reading. So if your unpopular just get Shepard to blow you up and people will party with you despite the radiation warnings.

The crowd was positively glowing in every sense of the word. Everyone here was either really happy and a little bit tired or had taken enough Hallex to kill a thresher maw. Scratch that, not a thresher maw but Kalros herself. The crowd was littered with species of every kind who were viciously grinding, drinking and moshing together. It made both Tali and Shepard feel old compared to the party goers. The worst part was the music hadn't started yet they were grinding and dancing to the fabricated music created by the drugs in their systems. The usual set up stage lay barren besides some musical equipment sitting ready. One of the instruments reminded Shepard what happened when Garrus ate his grapes that one time. Besides the rubbish littered about the mid day beach front was beautiful.

Shepard glanced at Tali who was holding his hand and sticking close. She was looking around nervously. Great I've fucked up another date. Shepard was no good at anything that didn't involve draining something of its life essence. The last date they went on was a dextrose only restaurant, Tali never knew but Shepard caught on and sucked it up just to make sure Tali had a good time for once. He was throwing up for a week. Why did Shepard think this was a good idea again? Neither of them ever expressed any love for this band. Oh, yeah Shepard could remember. Shepard had a pretty good damn memory especially when it came to the ones he loved and as a result he could remember their little spat on the Alarai. They had a small argument on whether the quarians should throw themselves at the geth and Tali responded with how she couldn't feel without filters, it didn't matter now they had Rannoch back but that doesn't mean it never happened. How she just wanted to feel. Then he remembered how he heard about how Expel 10 just gets in your head and makes you feel. Not sure why he trusted the word of an a murderer but he did. Shepard put what he thought were good connections together at the time but now he wasn't so sure of himself.

"Are you okay Tali?" Shepard asked turning to his nervous partner in the middle of this sweat ridden crowd.
"Of course I'm fine Shepard." She said unsure of herself. "It's just the crowd." Just the crowd? Shepard found it hard to read Tali, it became easier the longer they were together, but this was an obvious feign. Quarians never feel uncomfortable in a crowd because of the cramped conditions of the Flotilla they were used to. "Are you sure?" Shepard asked raising an eyebrow.
"Yes Shepard." She replied shaking off the feeling. It was the least she could do after Shepard practically poisoned himself on their last date. Shepard thought Tali didn't know but it was quite the contrary. She noticed when Shepard awoke at midnight to sneak out to the toilet to vomit. She noticed when his cold, compared to hers anyway, body was missing from the bed. The first human spectre wasn't as sly as he thought. Shepard still wasn't convinced and gave her a questioning look. Tali shrugged it off as the sudden appearance of sound removed both their doubts and garnered their attention.

The band had entered the stage and got everybodies' attention. After the usual, boring formalities that nearly everyone in the crowd fell asleep at, or that yet again might've been the drugs, the band began playing. The music was... Fuzzy? Fuzzy, fuzzy, fuzzy, fuzzy, fuzzy and fuzzy. And warm. In your head though. Like a toaster oven. A toaster oven that someone's been trying to get a refund for, for three years. Mmmmmmm. It was hard to focus. Mmmmmmmmmmm. Shepard glanced over to Tali. Her visor was purple. Purple! No one had a purple visor. Silly Tali.

Urgh, what the hell? Shepard's vision has gone black! Wait, no it hasn't. It was night and the lights were blurred. Night? It was day just a few moments ago. This headache was immeasurable. Head pounding, thumping. Memories crisp, not the way you're think but more burnt to a crisp. Whose idea was this again? Oh, right. The crowd seemed to be snapping back into the state Shepard was in one by one. The band had stopped playing. Everyone was disorientated one way or another. Personnel were waving about for everyone to leave. It was over. Shepard's mouth felt like cotton. Wait! Where was Tali? Something was stopping Shepard's neck from moving so instead he frantically twisted his body to scan the area.

"Urgh, Shepard stop." A three fingered hand braced itself atop Shepard's head. Shepard looked up. Tali was sitting on his shoulders which was why he couldn't turn his neck as it was firmly held between Tali's thighs. Shepard could feel her now he was aware she was there. Feeling was returning, that was a good sign at least. "Keelah, I'm going to be sick."
"You and me both." Shepard laughed. "Are you wearing my shirt?" Tali stared down at her enviro-suit to see Shepard's shirt overlaying it. Shepard was naked from the waist up. "Yes." She groaned rubbing her head. "Shepard, can I keep it for now?"
"Hmmmmm?" Shepard teased dismounting Tali from his shoulders and placing her back on the ground. "I think it suits you better anyways." Shepard smiled and nodded behind them. "Come on we should sit down if you feel as bad as I do."
"Good plan." Tali agreed as they headed to the beachfront arm in arm.

Away from the lingering noise. It was nice and calm. The starlight littered the sky above them and the waves gently lapped against the shore, near the couples feet. The stars bathed them in light and created a beautiful reflection on the ocean. Nearly every planet in the Galaxy has one fundamental beauty; the stars above. If you'd asked that distraught orphan that lived in the depths of deprivity on the green and blue planet Earth that he'd ever travel the stars. Well he'd have called you a fool. If you'd have told him that he'd explore the Galaxy and discover friendship and culture he'd have call you an idiot. And if you told him he'd one day find love among the stars and would be cuddling with them on an alien world he'd have questioned your sanity. But here he was. Tali coiled around him. A date that finally went right. A night they could barely remember becoming one of many great memories to come. Tali snuggled up as she drifted into her dreams. Shepard placed a kiss on her head. "Keelah sel'ai Tali and sweet dreams."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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