Love Like This -Sequel Part Seven

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The whole of next day Lisa and Jason were with dad. They had alot of catching up to do and I wasn't going to stop them. I spent the day with John in our apartment. I was frustrated because the only time John and I had was spent with all this drama. He didn't make me feel bad about it but I could tell he was disapointed. So was I.


Dad dropped them off in the night. They'd driven out to the city again. Lisa and Jason looked happy. I hated to admit it but maybe having Dad back in their lives again would make up for alot.

 "You know.." Lisa said "Dad said he would like us to move to New York with him."

"What?" Move with him? Is he serious? 

John looked up

"Yeah, he said he didn't see the point in us being so far away from each other and he has enough space in his house for all of us" she said

"Do you want to move?" I asked Lisa

"I dont know, I mean it would be hard. New school, new friends. But I've missed dad"

She looked so upset something inside me hurt

"Well, I'll talk to him about this" I said "Dont worry, just enjoy having him back for now"

She looked up and smiled.  When everyone had gone to bed John and I stayed up talking 

"What do you think is going to happen?" he said

"I dont know, I can tell the kids really wan't to be with him but I can't just up and move. I have a life here, friends, a job. You."

"But Sara, it's another chance of having a normal family. I'm on tour half the time anyway. Maybe you should think about going" he said 

"But your tour ends in a couple of months. And after that.." I started

"I wanted to move here and stay with you" he admitted "But this is your dad we're talking about, we've done the whole long distance thing and I still love you more each day." He paused and kissed me on the forehead "a few more miles aren't going to change anything"

I sighed

"I don't know John. As much as I hate to say this, I don't need him anymore. I'm  21 right now. I'm perfectly capable of handling everything alone"

"But you can't stay here alone"

We spent a while laying there, thinking about what was going to happen. I fell asleep there.


The next morning, dad came to pick them up again. While he waited for Lisa and Jason to get ready I figured I might as well ask him about the whole moving situation.

"Lisa said you wanted us to move. To New York." I asked

He sighed

"I think it's the most logical explanation right now. I've reconnected with Lisa and Jason and I don't want to waste another day being apart from them" He said. Then, he looked at me "You're 21. I'm so proud of the woman you've become. I understand that you have a life here and it would be selfish of me to make you move with me. So that is upto you. But just know, you're always welcome"

"Thanks dad"


When all of them had left I asked John "What do you think I should do?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to move." I looked up at him "I want to be with you"

He sighed

"I want to be with you too."

We sat there not knowing what to say,

"Come on tour with me" I expected him to take it back but he didn't

"What?" I asked

"Come on tour with me. It makes sense. There's only four months left. After that we can come back here." he said as if it made perfect sense

"But, but what? Go on tour with you? Isn't that kind of drastic?" I said

"No! I mean it makes perfect sense! It's better than you staying here, alone. We wouldn't be  seperated anymore. Come on!" he said, he was excited but I still didn't get the logic of it

"What happens about my job? and the apartment?" I asked

"Quit the job! Leave the apartment and we can live here whenever we come back" he said, I could tell that the longer he thought about this the more sense it made. To him. "Look, I make enough money to support the both of us."

"No." I said


"No" I repeated

"But why?" he said, I could tell he was getting frustrated

"Because John, what if it doesn't work out?" I asked "What if I drop everything and come with you and it doesn't work out?"

He looked me in the eyes "What if it does? I've known since the first day I met you that I wanted you for today, tomorrow, next month, forever. We've lasted two years Sara, why won't you come with me?"

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