Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

~~Kelly POV~~ 

I got into my car and stated it. I did I a double take to make sure all the girls were in the car then I drove down the driveway towards what will be the end.

~~Niall's P.O.V.~~ 

I was tied up and blindfolded next to Harry and Liam. I was only wearing a pair of shorts. I had no idea what kind they were but they were very uncomfortable. I was covered in bruises and cut. Some of them were still bleeding and starting to get infected. I heard my stomach growl. I hadn't eaten in over 2 days and I was losing hope of ever leaving......or making Halle my princess. Her and I were meant to be. She was the peanut butter to my jelly. She was the reason why I was here. But I don't regret falling in love with her. The only thing I regretted was not making her my princess before all this happened. I wish I was Harry. He didn't have any regrets with Kelly. He had already made her his. But for all I knew Halle could be swapping numbers with every guy she met. I started crying at the thought of that. She was mine. Nobody else's. I needed to tell her. If I ever see her again....

~~Liam's P.O.V.~~ 

I started remembering the short time I had with Maddy. Even though it wasn't nearly enough time compared to all the time I had spent with Danielle. It was more perfect than the jealous relationship with Dani. Dani was always getting jealous which made my life more difficult than it already was.

~~Kelly POV~~

"Ah, Kelly I almost forgot, can I go get my frying pan?" Cassie asked

"Yeah but hurry up we've got to save the boys" I replied and with that Cassie ran inside to retrieve her frying pan.

~~Cassie POV~~

I ran inside to get my frying pan. As I walked into the kitchen I saw Laura was starting to wake up.

"I don't think so" I said sassily to Laura and grabbed some rope from the closet and tied her up to the best of my ability and I duck-taped her mouth shut so no one would here her plea for help. Then I grabbed my frying pan and left.

~~Laura's POV~~

" I don't think so" I heard the faint voice of Cassie and I felt myself being tied with rope and my mouth duck-taped, and then my eyes closed and I drifted off into unconsciousness again.

-5 minutes later-

I slowly opened my eyes and started to remember what happened.

"That bitch" I whispered to myself and began to shake the ropes off my hands. If you knew Cassie you would know she is the worst knot tier in the history of the world. And in no time at all I had the ropes and duck-tape off.

"We'll I better get there before them" I said to myself. I walked outside and into Kelly's garage to find her jump starters.

"Ah, here they are" I said pulling them off a high shelf. I walked over to the neighbors car and begs to hook it up. Within seconds I had the car started, now to get in I took a hammer out of Kelly's garage and smashed a back window, surprisingly no alarm went off. I crawled in through the window and up to the drivers seat and set off for my destination.

-13 minutes later-

I walked out of the car and into the building, fortunately Zayn and Louis weren't visible, thank god. I walked over to the wall with the hidden compartment and punched the combination in to the keypad and the secret compartment opened I stepped in and the opening closed as I started to walk down the hall to our 'containing' room where we're keeping the three boys held hostage. I opened the door.

"Hello Laura, good to see you've arrived, are you ready to take Harry?" Louis asked

"Hello Louis, glad to see you found the room I was talking about, yes I am ready"

"We'll then he's all yours" I grabbed Harry's arms and helped him stand, I got up to my tip toes and whispered in his ear "Hi Harry, did you miss me?" And with that I led him into my 'special' room.


Credit for most of this chapter goes to: Tuttllau000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Thanks for helping me write this if it weren't for you I wouldn't have updated!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2013 ⏰

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