Nando's, Secret Feelings, and a Surprise..?

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**At Nando's**

~Justin POV~

We finally made it to Nando's and let me tell you I'm starving. I'm glad we're finally here. Mm, smells good in here. "Yeah it does." says Niall out of nowhere. "Sorry did I say that out loud?" I say looking at Niall confused. "Yep. Sure did mate." Ugh. Again with the mate thing, jeez if I hear that again my heart will slowly break in half.

~Niall P.O.V.~

I look over at Justin and realize he has a sad look on his face, is it something I said? I don't think so. I guess I should ask him. "Hey. Erm Justin, are you okay? You look a little down babe." Fuck. I called him babe, again. Hopefully he didn't notice. "I'm fine Ni." He says looking at me as our eyes meet he quickly turns away and blushes. He's so cute when he blushes. Ugh. We still haven't ordered our food. I'm hungry. "Hello, I'm Darcy and I'll be your waiter for today?" I heard a girl not much older than us say in a very happy mood. I saw her eyeing up Justin. Oh hell no, she needs to back off. Haha omg I sound like a sixteen year old girl with her boyfriend, except Justin isn't my boyfriend. "Okay your order will be ready in a few minutes." Oh whoops guess I didn't order, did Justin order for me? "Erm Justin did you order for me?" He looks at me and smiles "Yes sir. You looked very deep in thought so I ordered your favorite." I sighed in relief. "Thanks. Umm Justin you looked a little down earlier, what was that about? Are you okay?" As soon as the last word leaves my mouth fear flashes on his face, but why would he be scared? "It was nothing Ni. Honestly." He's lieing. He's hiding something from me, I can read him like a book. "Okay Justin." I say letting it go, but I know he's not okay he looks upset sometimes. It's weird seeing him upset I'm used to seeing him all happy, like me, that's why we get on so well. I want to know what's bothering him so I can help him. Plus I really like him and I hate seeing him like this. He just means too much to me.

~Justin P.O.V.~

Niall looks deep in thought, maybe I should just tell him why I've been acting weird. I'm just afraid of being rejected by him. Should I tell him how I feel? I really like him, more than I should to be honest. I just like everything about him, his smile, his blue eyes that I get lost in, his adorable laugh, his care free attitude, his lips that I wish I could kiss, his muscles, and just everything. "Earth to Justin." Oh whoops I didn't realize I was lost in my thoughts until I heard his angelic voice. "Umm yeah?" I say starting to blush. "You were kind of lost in your own world. Thought you had gone completely bonkers or something. You okay bebz?" Oh gosh, did he just call me bebz? "I'm quite alright. I've just got a lot on my mind." I tell him, well I'm not lieing. "Oh. Like what? If you want to share." I can't tell him that I was thinking about him. "I've just been wondering why my mom made us move here? She still hasn't told me. I'm just really curious. Y'know? And I was wondering why Josh came back after 2 years." Not entirely true, but it'll have to do. (ha that rhymed). "Just ask her. I'm sure she'll tell you. And about Josh, I'm sure he just now realized he lost a great guy." "Ha. Maybe so Ni."

Ring. Ring. Ring.

I look at my phone screen and realize my mom is calling me. "Hello?" I wait for a response. "Justin, sweety I need you to come home asap." "Okay. I'll be home after Ni and I finish eating." Then the line went silent. Wonder why she wants me home. "Yay! Foods here!" I hear Niall say a little excited. "Finally. Haha."

----After Eating----

"Well umm Nialler, I have to get home. Mind dropping me off?" He looks at me, smiles and nods. "Yeah okay. Why do you need to get home so soon?" "I honestly have no idea. My mom just said she wanted me home asap." He looks at me with a questioning look. He looks adorable. "Okay well mate we better hurry." "Haha. I guess." We walked to his car in silence, not an awkward silence but more of a comfortable silence. The ride consisted of me singing along with the radio and little conversations between me and Ni every few minutes. I looked out my window and realized we were at my house. "Here we are." Niall said making me jump a bit. "You wanna come inside? I don't think the 'surprise' is that important." "Yeah sure. Okay." We walked up to the door our arms occasionally brushing against each other. "Hmm that's strange the lights are off." I say noticing it's awfully dark. I reach for the light switch and flick it on. "Surprise!" It takes awhile for my eyes to focus. And who do I see? An old friend. "Ed? What are you doing here?" Yes. I'm good friends with Ed Sheeran. "You never told me you were friends with Ed Sheeran. Thee Ed Sheeran." Niall says practically screaming in my ear. "Niall stop fanboying. Haha. We've been friends for about 6 years or so." "Hi Niall. I'm guessing you're a fan." I see Ed walk over to Ni. "Yes I am. You are a great singer. I love Wake Me Up, it's the best." Niall is so fanboying right now. It's kinda funny to watch. "Thanks lad. So, Swaggy you didn't tell me you were in Ireland." "Sorry. I guess it slipped my mind. I thought you'd be busy." "Busy for my good friend Justin. Never." He says giving me a hug. "Okay. How long are you staying in Ireland?" "A few weeks. I thought maybe I could crash here and we could spend time together."

~Niall P.O.V.~

I can't believe how close Justin and Ed are. I'm so jealous of Ed. I wanna ask him to sing a song. He's really good. I might even become friends with him. He seems like a great guy. "Hey Ed do you think you could sing something?" "Yeah sure mate. What song?" "Kiss Me." "Okay."

×××A/N sorry for the slow update. Vote. Comment. Fan. Do whatever you want. If you have suggestions for the story either leave it in a comment or inbox me. Thanks. Bye.

*-Amber :) Xx

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