He's back, but why now?

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"Justin, are you alright mate?" Niall asks looking at me worried and confused.

"Can we just go back home? Please. I don't wanna be here." I tell him. Why is he here? What does he want? Is he trying to get me back? Did he come to clear things up? He saw Niall, I wonder what he thinks. Is he gonna tell me that he regrets leaving? Or is he here to ruin my life? "Yeah, let's go" Ni said. He turned to see Josh walking behind us. Why is he following us? Ni starts speed walking to the car to unlock it. Suddenly I feel someone put a hand on my shoulder. I flinch and turn around to be met with the boy I was once in love with. "Justin" he says softly. Anger rushes through me. "WHAT, JOSH!?!?! WHY ARE YOU HERE!?!? WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT!?!" He looks taken aback. "I'm here because I want to patch things up." Is he serious right now? "YOU HAD 2 YEARS JOSH!!! 2 FUCKING YEARS!!"

"Justin!?" I turn around to see Niall running towards us. "Who's this?" He asks. "Niall, this is my ex." Niall then reaches for my hand and intertwines our fingers. I feel electricity shoot through my entire body. "Well, Justin's ex, we have somewhere to be. So if you don't mind." He says trying to be cool. "Whatever. Justin, I'll talk to you tomorrow." My suddenly feels cold, then I realize Niall let go. "Josh!! Don't try texting me or calling!! I waited after you left!! I'm done waiting!! Just leave!!" I say as I start to turn around, soon Ni is back at my side. "C'mon babe!!" I hear Niall say as he reaches for my hand once more. I look back at Josh one last time. Me and Niall start walking towards the car, leaving a confused and sad Josh behind. I look down and realize that Nialler and I are still holding hands. I'm not complaining, trust me. I just realized how big his hands are. They're like super huge. Haha. I love how our hands fit perfectly together.

~Josh POV~

Why is he with that guy?? Who is he anyways? When did they meet? Why is he holding Justin's hand!? Justin is mine ..well maybe not anymore. I still consider him mine. I know I left him some time back, but it wasn't like that. I kind of got scared after he said he loved me. I wasn't ready to be in love. I had strong feelings for him, but I didn't love him. I know, I should've told him that. After I left I tried to approach him and explain myself, but something happened. I couldn't exactly tell him what happened and well I was told to stay away from him or else.

~Niall POV~

"Okay Justin spill"

"Alright. I went to London 2 years ago over the summer break. I didn't know anyone so I tried finding friends. One day I met Josh at a cafe, I was sitting alone at a table and he walked up an asked if he could sit with me. I said yes and we started talking, next thing you know we were like best friends. After a while of knowing I decided that I should tell him I was bi. He was very accepting and he told me he was also bi. A few weeks passed and I told him I liked him, turns out he liked me. We started dating we were together for a pretty long time. I told him I loved him, he didn't say it back. Then he just left. I would see him on the streets, but he always avoided me. I was heart broken Ni. After all this time, he just shows up here and expects everything to be alright. I waited for him to call or even text me apologizing or something. I'm still hurt, Ni Ni." He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. He looked so broken and I couldn't do anything about it. Well I could beat the crap out of Josh, but that wouldn't solve anything.

"Juju, I know you're hurting. I've been through the same thing before. It hurts a lot and I'm here for you."

"Thanks Ni. Can we go get ice cream and chocolate?"

"Sure we can." I said as I looked at him. He smiled, then turned away blushing..? No. Why would he be blushing? It's probably warm in here. Yeah, that's it."Hey Ni.""Yeah Justin?""Why did you call me babe in front of Josh? And held my hand?" Shit. I forgot I did that. "Umm. I dunno just did it in the heat of the moment. You know? And just to tick him off." I look at Justin, but he looks sadder than before. What's that all about? It's not like he has feelings for me or something.

~Justin POV~

"Umm. I dunno just did it in the heat of the moment. You know? And just to tick him off." Niall said. Oh so he didn't mean to say it. Well what did I expect, we're just friends. Although I see him as a bit more than a friend. I actually think I'm starting to have a crush on him. But he'll never see me in that way. "Niall, can we go to Nando's instead of getting ice cream?" I see him smile. "Yeah sure mate." Mate? Really? That's all I'll ever be to him, just another mate of his. Whatever I guess. Being his mate is better than nothing, right..?



Sorry i took forever to update. Don't hate me. Please. If you have any suggestions for the book, inbox me or just comment. ..Btw, thank @Lovely_mystery for getting me to update. Haha. Love you Mitchie.

*-Amber A. :) Xx

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