Falling For My Best Mate *Jiall Fanfic*

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Authors Note: This is the first ever fanfic i'm writing, it has to do with One Direction, but in this stor they aren't famous. Hope you guys like it. I won't really include A/N in the story only if iI really have to. Enjoy my potatoes!! -Amber(: Xx


Character descriptions:

Justin Bieber: don't know him. google his name.

The 1D boys: if you don't know about them, google it.

Blake Jones: Tall, tan, brunette, grey eyes, mysterious, intelligent, quiet until he gets to know someone, tough, understanding, and very funny.

Erica Starr: Black hair, brown eyes, braces, tan, loud, funny, random, really outgoing, awesome, fun to be around, sweet, and tall. She's also Stephanie's best friend.

Stephanie Tomlinson: Tall (few inches taller than Erica), Erica's best friend, opposite of Erica, but once she gets comfortable around people she's just like Louis.

Perrie Edwards: if you don't know her, then google it. Haha.

Veronica Parker: Perrie's best friend, she's a brunette, short, pale skin, bluish-green eyes, good sense of humor, very kind, understanding, and if you mess with her friends she seems scary to you.


*Chapter One*

~Justin's POV~

"Mum do we really have to move?" I asked for the millionth time.

"Yes, now hurry up and finish packing so we can go," mum yelled from downstairs where she was waiting for me. As of next week I was no longer going to be living in Canada. Why? Well that's simple I'm moving to Ireland. Crazy, I know trust me it wasn't my idea, if I had a choice i'd stay here in Canada. Mum said we have to move, but she won't tell me why.

*2 hours later*

Now we're getting on the plane. As I look back at my home for one last time, i feel a tear make its way down my cheek. I'm really going to miss this place. Now I have to sit on a plane for hours. Great. Note my sarcasm.


"Isn't it beautiful, Justin!?" My mum said very excited about being here.

"Yeah, sure" I didn't really look up at her, I was avoiding her gaze because I didn't want to be here.

"Justin, I know you aren't too happy that we moved here, but trust me things will get better"

Sure, I thought to myself. I just hope it's soon.

~Niall's POV~

"Niall! Get out of bed!" Oh crap, I forgot today was the firs day of school. I didn't want to go, but it is my first day as an official senior.

"I'm up!" I yelled heading towards the bathroom to get ready. I can't wait to see the lads, their mostly the only reason I'm going to school.

*at school*

"Niall!!" I heard Liam yelling from across the lot.


"How are you mate? Excited for the new school year?" He seems really happy to be here.

"I'm feeling pretty good about today. I'm certainly not as excited as you are LI" I wasn't lieing i do feel good about today. I just hope I don't get in any trouble today. Zayn probably will though. I chuckled at the thought of him in the office before the school day was over. Also this week I plan on telling the lads that I'm gay. I hope they don't freak out or anything. I was very deep in thought when I felt something. Why do i feel like someone poked me?

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