The scream for help

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(This is my first fanfic so Im sorry if it's bad) :/
Your pov
You were on your way to Gamestop ,you were looking for a new game since you are 'Soooo' good at beating them quicklyX3 GameStop is just a few blocks from ur place so you decided to walk there and you get something to eat as well.
~~about 15 minutes later~~
When you were done eating you get back to where you were heading. Once you got there you looked for (n/v/g) and you had found it for your console. You excitedly go to the cashier to pay and scurry home while admiring the new game. You're almost home when suddenly you hear footsteps following you for almost a minute when you stopped at a crosswalk near a gas station,with about only three cars,you decided to turn around and a man's hand had covered your mouth,You tried to kick and scream but it was useless.You start to cry and sob with your eyes already becoming a little red and puffy.The man started pulling you near an alley next to a dumpster,you quickly kick the side of it hoping it will make a sound loud enough to draw someone's attention.You try kicking it with both your feet uncontrollably which made a whole lot of noise and you try screaming to let them know you need help.Luckily someone hears and runs towards you and the punches the man in the face;the man runs out of sight.You,still scared and afraid,hugged the man who helped you and said "Thank you so much,I was scared he was going to do something that might hurt me if you didn't show up!" He stares at you and says "well I'm glad you're fine,do you need a place to stay or be taken care of?" "I live with my best friend,but I think I will be fine..thank you for the offer though!" You look up at him and smile,and he smiles back"My name is Jordan by the way" *hand waits for you to shake it*"I'm (y/n)" *shakes his hand* "Well (y/n) do you want to meet my siblings?" "Yeah I have time,but first I need to pick up my game that I dropped by the stop sign" you say while walking to the stop sign,while Jordan follows behind you. "Ok,let's go!" You say all smiley like if nothing happened just a few minutes ago. "Well you sure seem excited!" He says to you smiling. "Well I'm also nervous,what if they don't like me?" You say while looking down walking with him to his car. "They'll like you,listen I just met you and I already like you!" Jordan say while holding your chin up to look at him. You blushed a little as he said that "really?" You asked with one eyebrow up. "Yeah! You seem cool and look like you're getting along great with me,and trust me I'm the crazy one out of my siblings!" He says just as the both yall get to his car,he opened the door for you too! 'What a gentlemen' you thought. Maybe this IS going to be going great! You smile at that thought "hey! What are you smiling about?" He says as he started the car on and turned on the radio. You blush again 'I think I like him,but I can't can I...can I...already?' ".....(y/n)?....hello!" Jordan says while turning at a light. "Huh..oh um...I was smiling at the thought of playing my game already!" You try not to sound awkward while saying that so he doesn't get curious. "Cool!what game is it?" He says while trying to look at the game case. "It's (n/v/g)!" You say all jumpy. "Awesome I don't have game yet! For what console?" He says while driving through a neighborhood. "It's for the (g/c)!" You say hoping he has one. "Do you want to play it over at my place or wait till you get home?" He says while turning right. "Do you mind if I play it there?" I say a little nervously "Of course I don't mind!" He says kinda childish 'I honestly think I'm getting feelings for him!' Jordan parks the car up on his driveway. "It's ok alright? You'll fit right in, trust me!" He says smiling at you while locking the car. "Ok" you say while walking close beside him.
Jordan's POV
'I don't know if I like her...but I just met her...I probably don't really know yet it's too soon to tell!' I unlock the front door and open it and hold it for (y/n) to come inside.i come in to see Cierra and Issac looking at me,Bethany was probably upstairs editing the video for today.Cierra gets up and walks toward me,but introduces herself to (y/n) instead. "Hi,my name is Cierra I'm Jordan's sister!" She says a little loud. Issac looks at me and introduces himself. "Ello! I'm Issac,I'm Jordan's brother but beware I'm a troll!" He says with a little grin. Well now it's time to introduce her to them!
your POV
I'm a little relieved that they're also weirdos too X3 "I'm (y/n)! I like video games,anime/TVshows/cartoons,and drawing!" Right after I said that Cierra shouted "perfect!!" I just stud there thinking what the heck is she talking about? "Huh?" I asked "You are exactly like us! You like playing video games drawing and watching/anime/shows/cartoons!" Cierra blurted out loud "Hey what's with all the noise down here?!" I saw a ginger walk down the stairs yelling. "Did Jordan get a girlfriend?" She yelled,Jordan and I started blushing but I was blushing a little more since I didn't really know them! "Nope,actually I don't really know" Issac yelled back,this family shouts a lot! "Well now that everyone is here lets talk about this situation on the couch" Jordan said and we all sat on the couches; Cierra, Issac,and the ginger sat in the same couch while Jordan and I sat on the same one. "This is (y/n) she...well she was about to get done bad things to her by a man,but she was smart enough to kick a dumpster and scream loud enough for me to hear and I punched the man and he ran I saved her..." Jordan hugged me knowing that I would start to cry and sob. If he wasn't there then I would know but I also would of never met him. 'Thank you Jordan for helping me!' I keep thinking of how no one would of came if Jordan was there. "So this is Bethany,my other sister...if you didn't tell already she's a ginger!" "Jordan!"Said the ginger I know now as Bethany. We all laughed at Jordan and Bethany" about my game Jordan?" I say trying to change the subject. "Oh,yeah sorry!" He gets up and puts the game in the (g/c) "Thanks Jordan!" He even made a new profile just for me! "What do you want your name to be?" Jordan asked. "(Y/u)" I say all happy "nice username (y/n)!"Bethany says "thanks" I say back to her! I think this going to be a great day even though what happened earlier!

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