The seceret

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(Skip 30 seconds in the video; I like Charlie's cover of the song so..yeah)
"Well...I think I do have a crush on him but I'm sure more feelings are going to come" you say looking down at the floor a little shocked at what you just admitted "I knew it!" Bethany said while I'm blushing super hard "I saw it in the both of yalls eyes when I saw the both of yall at the door!" She said all excited "shh Bethany!" Cierra said putting her finger on Bethany's lips "oops sorry" she said whispering "it's fine I guess" I say looking at her "well do you want to change into some of my pj's?" Cierra asks "yeah I like wearing something comfortable when I sleep!" You say finally looking up at them both "I have a batman onesie" "yay! I love batman!" You say like an excited child "we'll see if it fits you" you grab the onesie and head to the bathroom
~~after you change~~
You look good in them and they fit you perfect. You walk out and go back to the girl's room "they fit me perfect!" You say all happy "you can have them if you want,they are starting to get small for me" "really thanks these look cool!" You say hugging her "np" she says looking at you smiling "I'm going to the living room to watch some tv ok?"  "Alright" Bethany replies as she starts to draw something but you can't quite see it as you leave "still I call it magic when I'm next to you" you sing a little quiet as you get the remote "so you can sing huh?" You hear Jordan and facepalm "ehh no...fine but only a little" you say a little embarrassed "you should sing more,you're good at it!" He says joining you one the couch right next to you "psh yeah right" you say looking for some cartoons "I mean it,you can sing better than all of us!" He says looking at you,you smile back at him then blush "thanks" you say still looking at you "can you sing to me?" He says  while blushing "what!" You say blushing and laughing "you heard me! So can you? Please!" He says putting his head on your shoulder "but I'm shy!" You say pushing him and blushing "I don't care I want to hear you, please! Do it for me!" He says like a child begging for a toy "ehhh" "please! Or else I won't stop annoying you!" He says trying to convince you "finnnne" you say whining "yay!" He says all cheerful "umm what song" you say shrugging "how about the one you were just singing?" "Ok fine but just letting you know I might laugh while singing" you say a little awkward "it's fine,anyway your still better at it than the rest of us!" He says smiling like a goofball
"Ok here I go" you say nervous
"I call it magic,I call it true,I call it magic,When I'm with you,And I just got broken,Broken into two,Still I call it magic,When I'm next to you,And I don't, and I don't and I don't, and I don't,No, I don't,It's true,I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't,want anybody else but you,I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't,No, I don't,It's true,I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't want anybody else but you
Ooooh ooh ooh
I call it magic
Cut me into two
And with all your magic
It disappears from view
And I can't get over
over you
Still I call it magic
You're such a precious jewel
And I don't, and I don't and I don't, and I don't,No, I don't,It's true,I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't want anybody else but you,I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't,No, I don't,It's true,I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't want anybody else but you
Wanna fall
fall so far
wanna fall
fall so hard
And I call it magic
And I call it true
Still believe in magic
yes I do
yes I do"
You finish nervously and look down "that,that was.." "Weird I know" "beautiful!" He says with a smile and wide eyes "umm..really?" You say shocked "yes! You can sing!" "Well thank you sir!" You say kinda cheeky "that was the best three minutes of my life!" He says still smiling amused "ok you can stop exaggerating about it!" "Ok fine! But you can sing just letting you know!"  You smile at him and continue watching tv for about ten minutes then you turn it off " goodnight Jordan!" You say while yawning "goodnight!" He says yawning too. You go to the girls room and open the door. Bethany puts her drawing away quickly and Cierra looks over at you. "So where do I sleep?" You ask very sleepy "well it looks like your boyfriend made you tired" Bethany joked "he's not my boyfriend Bethany!" You say after you blushed "Bethany!" Cierra slapped her arm softly "hey!" "Can we just go bed you guys!" You say sitting on Cierra's bed "yeah that's better" Bethany says as she turned off the light "ok scoot over (y/n)!" Cierra says laughing,you quickly scoot over to go to sleep...
~~after sleeping~~
you wake and find Cierra gone but Bethany still walk downstairs to hear people talking "I don't know" you hear Jordan say as you get closer to the bottom "hey umm are yall making breakfast?" You say as if you didn't hear them "yeah we're trying to make pancakes!" Issac says while Jordan turns on the tv,Cierra was cleaning the dishes "do you need help?" You ask Cierra "nope but thanks,at least you bother to help" she joked as Issac and Jordan turned to her "hey you don't ask us for help ok?" Issac says as he flips a pancake "I'm the one making the pancakes anyway so Jordan should be the one to help" he says looking at Jordan "hey! I want to watch tv ok?" You laughed and sat next to him on the couch and watched tv with him "hey remember yesterday?" He asked with a smile "yeah about me singing" you say embarrassed Issac and Cierra turn around as soon as you said that "you were singing?" Issac said confused "mhmm and she sang great!" Jordan said happily I smiled "yeah I guess you can say that" "what are you talking about? You sang wonderful!" I smiled at him but Cierra whispered something to Issac just like she did to Bethany "well the pancakes are done!" I immediately ran to the kitchen table and got two. "Well here's the syrup if you want some!" Cierra said as she gave me the bottle. "Thanks" I said as she goes upstairs to wake Bethany up you got some milk to drink and gave them some oj and milk too
~~after breakfast~~
"I think I should go now" you said a little quietly "ok ill drive you home" Jordan said "ok" you said while taking your game out and getting your things "let's go!" You say walking out the door waving bye to the rest. You were going to open the passenger's door but Jordan quickly opened it for you "you don't need to do that all the time you know" you say laughing "but I want to be nice" he says pretending to be sad "aww is baby Jordan sad" you say laughing a little more "yes!" He shouts as he starts to drive "I live a few blocks from here" you say pointing to the left you turn on the radio and the song Marvin Gaye plays (sorry but I thought it would be funny if Jordan tried to sing it X3) you sing some parts and then Jordan tried and kept laughing "you got to give it all to me! I'm screaming mercy mercy please!" You sang and Jordan smiled and looked over at you 'I'm falling for him! I knew it,I mean how can you not fall In Love with this cutie!' You smiled at him "just like they say it in the song until the dawn! Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on!" He sang trying to do his best for you "that wasn't too bad ya know" "really?" He said surprised "no I was just kidding!" You said "hey I thought you were for real with me!" He said while smiling 'uh he's just perfect and I love him!' "just turn here" you said while pointing  to the right. "You can park here" he parks the car and walks up the steps to your house "thanks Jordan,for everything!" You say then hug him,he hugs back and smiles,you do too as you look at his eyes and he looks at yours 'is this really happening? Well I like it anyway!' You thought while the both of you leaned in and kissed each other on the lips right before you two broke each other's lips apart "I love you!" Jordan says to you while looking down and blushing,you move his head up to kiss him on the lips "I love you too!" You say as you unlock the door and walk him inside then locking the door "can we cuddle?" He asks and you take him to the put your things on a small table by the couch with a photo of your pet(s)"come on lay with me on the couch!" He whined "ok fine" you say while making your way to the other end of the couch and laying next to him "I love you" he says again while kissing you on the lips again "I love you too" you say while putting your head in his chest "will you be my girlfriend?" You smile at him "why wouldn't I?" You say then kissing him on the lips 'YES! He did like me well love me this whole time!' "Race you to my room!" You scream and run up your stairs to your room straight down the hall with Jordan right behind you "I'm gonna get you!" He yells as you open the door and land on the bed with him beside you. He kisses your lips "got you!" You smile at him "can we cuddle again?" He says with puppy eyes "how could I say no!" You get underneath the blankets with him and stare at each other not awkwardly but with love in each other's eyes. He broke the silence by kissing you (you two kiss to much X3 but I'm sure yall enjoy that -.^) but this time yall started to make out for a little while until you heard the front door open and the both of yall shot up. You walked down the stairs with Jordan and saw your best friend in the kitchen "well hey! Good afternoon to you too!" She says joking "oh hey, um this is Jordan my boyfriend" you walk to the table near the kitchen smiling with him next to you as she walks near the two of yall "hi I'm Samantha! (Y/n)'s best friend!" They shake hands "you better treat her well Jordan!" She says joking,we all laughed "don't worry I will!" He said and looked at me smiling and I did too "I trust you! I can tell that you two are deeply in love!" She said making Jordan and I blush "thanks,I really love her! Even though we just met not that long ago!" "So how did yall meet?" She asked, Jordan looked at me to see if I was ok with telling her the story,I shook my head nodding "well let's sit down" i said as we went to the table to sit down Jordan grabbed my hand as we explained....

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