Meeting their mom

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~~1 week later~~
You look at the time and see that it's 7:53 You see that you got a text from Jordan 12 minutes ago.
J:Good morning!!😊
You reply with
Y:Good morning!! Hehe sorry I'm late!
You get up and go turn your shower on and get your clothes ready,while you were doing that Jordan texted you back.
J: It's ok! Just wanted to tell you good morning!wyd?
Y:I'm about to take a bath,just getting my clothes ready
J:just text me when you're done,ok?
Y: well duh Jordan!
J:lol,yeah you're right
Jordan's POV
While (y/n) takes a bath I'll record a video. I'll play Octodad! (XD) well let's see how this goes! I told Cierra,Bethany, and Isaac I was going to record and started recording
~~18 minutes later~~
"That, is all for this time! If you enjoyed this video of me trying to play and raging leave a like leave a comment, and we'll see you,next time!" *salutes*. After that I went to the living room to join my siblings *vrmm vrmm* My phone buzzed,it was a notification that (y/n) posted a photo.I clicked on it and there she is, making a face at the camera. She titled it 'Out of the shower! What have you been doing so far?'I laughed and commented 'Well I just finished recording while you were taking a shower' then Bethany looked at me with her evil ginger eyes! "Ahh! Don't look into my soul you evil ginger!" I said running back into my room,I could hear them laughing as I walk up the stairs. I plop onto my bed and lay there for awhile then get a message from (y/n)
y:hehe what did you record?
J: Octodad, and let me tell you that game is hard to control!
Y:Ikr! But I finished the game already
J:WHAT?! I can barely finish just one objective!
Y:well maybe you're just not that much of a pro!
J: Hey! I'm just as good as you're just finished it first!
Y:well I guess you're right, but I'm the best at it!
J: fine! You win,just know that when I beat a game first I'll be the king of it!
Y:so does that mean I'm the queen of the game right now?
J: yeah but you won't be a queen for long!
Y: ok whatever Jordan
J: hey it's going to happen ok!
Y: sure, but not that soon! 😏
J: hey don't give me that! I'm going to beat your butt!
Y: umm..Jordan?
Y: Erm...nevermind X3
J: What...What is it?
Y: read that again but in a normal voice...
Y: lol Jordan it's ok, you goofball! 😊
J: I will always be your goofball!
Y: of course you will
J: hehe I know ^-^
Y: so what was it you wanted to tell me before I went to take a bath?
J: I was going to ask if you wanted to come over so we can play some games together
Y: Of course I want to go over!
J: yay!
Y: Well see you in a few
J: I can't wait!
You went up to the front door and Jordan already opens up the door for you to come in. "Well I guess you really couldn't wait" you say giving him a kiss on the cheek. Jordan pulled you to the living room couch. "Geesh Jordan I can get over here myself" you say laughing "I know I just want to get into the game so I can beat you" Jordan says while getting some games out "pick one" Jordan says "you pick it doesn't matter,I'm still going to beat you" you say grabbing a controller "I'll let you know I'm good at all these games. Actually, I'm a complete boss at them" Jordan tries to say in a cool voice "ok whatever" "what happens when I win?" Jordan says with one eyebrow up and a smirk. You run your hand over his face and laugh "you sir get nothing" "is it because you think you're going to win?" He says "well I'm not to sure now,but I honestly have nothing planned even if I win" you say and lay on Jordan's shoulder
"Well that totally went my way" Jordan says putting his hand on his forehead "well it did for me!" You say getting up doing a happy dance "I won,I won,I won haha" you say looking at Jordan. Jordan pulls you down by your waist and makes you lay your head on his lap. "I let you win,you know" he says playing with your hair "oh sure, so when you said "heal me,help me,where do we go, and wait for me" you were letting me win?" You say laughing "psh yeah I was" he says trying to come up with an excuse "well don't think you don't have to do anything since you lost" you say laughing "well what am I going to do?" Jordan said a little nervous but curious "well...uh you can" you start laughing as you thought of what you wanted Jordan to do to the point where you looked like you needed help XP "why are you laughing so hard?" Jordan says while laughing at you "because I know what I want you to do and it's going to be funny!" You say still laughing "if it's so funny then tell me what it is" Jordan says "ok but prepare to laugh at it" you say still laughing "you..*laughs* you're going to sing" you say and look at Jordan "I'm going to be singing?" He says laughing and shocked "yep" you say smiling "you were right,this IS going to be funny" he says laughing at himself "so when?" He says looking down at you nervously "how's tomorrow?" "what song?" Jordan says "any" Jordan thinks for awhile "ooh I have an idea, can I play the keyboard while I sing?" He says all happy "sure, its going to show how talented you really are!" You say smiling at him. Jordan smiles down at you "I hope it does" you get up and kiss him real quick and he smiles "I have another idea" Jordan says a little bit nervous "what is it?" You say looking at him "what if we sing together?" He says blushing "hehe that sounds like a good idea!" You say really loud "really? Wow cool" Jordan says smiling and still blushing "hey don't be shy! I was shy with you!" You say moving his chin so he can look at you "ok now you're really making me blush" he say laughing "oops sorry" you say laughing "so what song are we going to sing together?" Jordan says scooting a little closer to you "I don't know but I'll think about it until tomorrow" you say putting your head on his shoulder. Jordan put his arm around your shoulder making you blush a little, Jordan noticed "hey what was that you were saying about being the one who blushes?" He says with a little smirk "uh...nothing" you say with a small laugh "mhmm" he says with a giggle "so where are the others?" You say after about an hour alone with Jordan "wow did you really just ask that like right now?" He says looking at you "yeah I know it's late but where are they?" You say laughing "they went to the grocery store with our mom" he says getting up and going to the kitchen. 'Wow we never mentioned anything about meeting our parents, we should of talked about that' you thought to yourself "So I'm going to meet your mom?" You say kinda nervous "yep and don't worry she's going to love you!" He says with a smile and coming back to the couch with two cookies in his hand "are those for me?" You say getting closer to him "well this one is!" He says holding one close to your mouth "hm hm" you say taking a bite out of the cookie "hehe your welcome" he says laughing with a smile. You finish the bite and look at him for more "can I have the rest of th-" Jordan took a bite of the cookie "uh...ok then, I'm going to take a bite out of the other cookie" you say trying to get the other cookie but Jordan keeps moving it away from you "give me a cookie!" You say getting up still trying to get it "fine I'll get two more for myself" you say going to the kitchen and looking for them. You couldn't find them until you heard Jordan come up behind you "boo!" He says trying to scare you "you're going to try harder than that of you want to scare me" you say laughing "well what if I told you there isn't anymore cookies and those were the only two left?" He says cheeky "Jordan I only got one bite!" You say a bit sad "luckily for you I was nice enough to save you this one!" He says handing you the last cookie "don't play with me like that" you say laughing then reaching out for the cookie "what do you say?" Jordan says teasing you "what did I just say? Don't play with me like that" you say still trying to get the cookie out his hand "well no cookie for you then" he says pretending to eat it "ok fine, thank you Jordan" you say then getting the cookie from him "your welcome-" "sike" you say running upstairs to his room real quick "hey you little poop!" He says running after you,you hide in the little closet listening for when he opens the door "hmm I wonder where she went?" He said pretending like he didn't know. You took a bite of the cookie and it made some noise "is she" He says opening the closet door "hey I didn't even finish the cookie!" You say laughing "well that might be my cookie again!" He says taking it away from you and running down to the living room, you chase after him. The front door opens with Cierra unlocking it then picking up bags and putting them on the kitchen counter following along with Bethany and Isaac. Then you remembered you were going to meet their mom. You stopped chasing Jordan and he took a bite of it and handed the rest to you. You ate the rest and waited for their mom to come inside. You heard the car honk to notify it was locked,then came in their mom. She looked over at Jordan and smiled and he did too. "Well it's nice to finally meet you! Jordan talks about you a lot!" She says looking over at Jordan making him blush,you laugh but blush too "I'm (y/n)" you say reaching you're hand out for her to shake "Paula, I know Jordan told me everything about you" she says shaking your hand. You can feel the heat on your face and look over at Jordan who was laughing "You know my son can be weird but he's being himself, so take care of him" she says smiling at you "hehe I will" you say with a small laugh. Cierra,Bethany, and Isaac were almost done putting the groceries away so you decided to help them.

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