Lovely afternoon

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(Omg I love this song,it includes Superman too! X3)
You take the picture and put it next to your lamp on a small table next to you "hug me" Jordan whined,you scooted over to him and just laid next to him instead "I said a hug" Jordan said putting his face onto your shoulder near your neck,that made you blush a little "fine" you say pushing him off you softly but he pulls you with him too. You were halfway on his chest,he smiled which made you blush again "your blushing!" He says teasingly,you laugh but get off of him and putting your face in your pillow. He pulls your over so he can look at you,he kissed you and makes an adorkable face "is this cute?" He asked "it's adorkable" you say as you poke his cheek "booper dooper!" You say as you hide under the covers "hey wanna know my secret?" He says in his Jimmy Casket voice "I'm not sure" you say pulling the cover closer to you "oh come on,it'll be fun! Fun I say!" He says pulling the covers off of you "well.." you say hitting him with a pillow and running out of your room "hey get back here!" He says running after you "no!" You say running underneath the stairs "where did you go?" He says still in his Jimmy Casket voice,you try not to move a lot but make a run for it back in your room shutting the door quickly and not locking it "I heard that!" He says running up the stairs as fast as he could,you hid under the bed that you can barely fit under so Jordan can't get you even if he tried "where are you?" You laughed very softly and scoot on the other end of the bed so he won't see the reflection of your arm "hmm are you in here?" He says opening the closet door,you get out of the bed and run up behind him and jump on his back "ahh!!" He says running to the bed,he flips you over on the bed "gotcha" he says while holding your arms down "so do you want to know my secret?" "Well I don't have a choice do I,so I guess" you say trying to get your arms free "tickle tickle tickle!!" He shouts as he tickles you "hey!! Hehehe sto-haha Jordan!! Haha" you scream as you move EVERYWHERE,a couple seconds later Jordan stops still laughing at you "I wanted you to know my secret!" He says after giving you a kiss *vmm vmm* Jordan's phone vibrated
Isaac:I'm going to record some more FNAF4 ok
Jordan:ok thanks
Isaac:no problem bro
"Isaac is going to record FNAF4" "ok" you say as you check your phone,you see Jordan commented on the photo of you two a ' mine!' You decided to comment 'yours!' On the picture tagging him *phone vibrates* Jordan looks up at you and kisses your lips,you still blush at him kissing you on the lips but love it of course "forever" he says looking at you with a big smile, you smile back at him "and always" you say as you kiss his lips. "Aww" Jordan says as he makes a kissy face at you "more kisses please!" He says as he moves closer to you,you lay back down on a pillow facing Jordan "there's no place that I'd rather be then when your here right next to me" you say looking at him,he leans down and kisses your lips again "I wouldn't want to go anywhere without you" he says as he wraps his arm around you and the other on your cheek,you took this moment and saw all the things Jordan was caring,loving,funny,sweet,cute, and a awesome boyfriend. You smiled and Jordan did too 'I truly love him' you thought "I love the feelings after our kiss, except you always make me feel like this" Jordan says then kisses your lips again but a little bit kissed him back and it went back and forth for awhile,you put your hand through his soft hair O.O O//O
~~like a minute later~~
you guys stopped knowing where it would lead and it would of been TOO soon "I do too" you say smiling at him "can we just stay here for a little while and watch like a movie or play some games?" "Yeah,what do you want to play?" He asks "umm..what about if we play Just Dance?" You say laughing at the thought of him dancing "uh dancing? Well I'm not a dancer but let's see how this goes" Jordan says as he gets up going to the living room "this is going to be funny!" You say still laughing at him "hey it's not like you can dance too,right?" He says making you stop laughing "oh shh it's not a big deal,I'm probably a better dancer than you" you say making a confident face "ok we'll see then!" He say with a competitive face "but I bet you won't look as fabulous as me when I'm dancing!" Jordan says with a cheeky smile "you might beat me at that though" you say as you run halfway down "but you won't beat me at being adorable!" He say poking your cheek,making you blush a little "well duh!" You say jokingly hugging him "now this is going to be hilarious!" You as you turn the tv on and the console "you'll see how good of a dancer I am" Jordan says rolling up his sleeve "ok,but whoever the loser is *coughs* Jordan *coughs* has to do whatever the winner says!" You say nudging his arm "fine!but I'm letting you know that I'm gonna win!" Jordan says while getting a controller "best out of three?" Jordan asked "mhmm" you replied
~~last dance~~
you guys picked a song and laughed through the whole thing,Jordan kept making you laugh since he kept bumping into you which made you fail some of the moves "hey you cheater" you say bumping into him "oh ok I'll win with everything I got cause I'm not a cheater!" He says then focusing on the screen. He almost hit you because he's too close and he swung but you scooted over fast enough "oh my gosh I'm sorry I almost hit you!" Jordan says while he moves over "it's ok" you say laughing "and pose" Jordan says posing to a golden move but misses "dang it!" He says funny frown "hey it's ok I missed it too!" You say then check to see who's winning "noo! You're wining!" You say with an upset voice "yes! I already know what you're going to do!" "Nuuuu! I have to win!" You say trying your best to get more stars "ha! I won!" Jordan says laughing "hmm I guess you did win" "I'm also surprised too!" Jordan says putting his hand on his chin "ok what do I have to do?" You say a little nervous "you have to start a YouTube channel!" Jordan says with a smile "A YouTube channel? Um ok but when?" "How's today or just later this week?" Jordan asked turning off the console and turning the living room tv back to cable "well anytime is alright with me" you say plopping in the couch next to Jordan "how's one video right now sound?" Jordan say looking over at you "sounds good,I'm actually looking forward to this!" You say in excitement "cool just think of your name" he says unlocking his phone "what if I use my username?" "(username) sounds cool!" (Lol what if yours sounds weird X3) "ok I'll put that as my name!" You say opening the YouTube app
~~after dat~~
"Ok I did it,what should my first video be?" You say looking over at Jordan "how about us?" He says smiling "sounds good!" You say taking out your phone camera "ok,this is weird for me" you say looking at yourself in the camera "here I'll record us then" he says grabbing your phone "greetings fellow adventurers! This is Venturian with (y/u)! Oh wait,but this isn't VenturianTale?" Jordan says making a confused face then turning the camera to you "well what is this then?" You say looking confused too "um I think this is your YouTube channel" Jordan says pointing to you "and tell em' why I got one Jordan" you say raising both of your eyebrows "well we made a deal that whoever wins on Just Dance has to tell the loser ehem (y/n) *points camera to you*  to do something"  "mhmm so now I have a YouTube channel,but if your watching this tell me something I should do as a video or an idea for one in the comments!" You say pointing down "yup and well this just a little vlog to tell you guys about the channel" "I'm pretty sure sooner or later the videos are going to be either weird but funny" you say looking into the camera "well that's sure to come!" Jordan says scooting closer to you "yeah no doubt, that's going to happen!" "Well that's it for now,we'll update you guys soon!" Jordan says then kisses you quickly which you didn't expect ,then smiles at the camera "Jordan!" You say blushing and covering your mouth "we'll see you time!" *salutes* "that looks like the beginning of an awesome tale!" Jordan says sitting next to you and handing you you're phone back "I hope so!" You say then kiss his cheek, Jordan blushes a little "hey I'm the one who's suppose to give the kisses,although I do love yours!" "But I want to too!" You say moving to lay on his shoulder "I'll always let you give me kisses no matter what" he kissed you after he said that "I would of done it anyway" you say laughing "I wouldn't mind" he say putting his head on yours
~~2 hours later~~
"Well I'll see your beautiful face later (y/n)" Jordan said with a smile but a sad look in his eyes "ok,just one more thing" "what?" Jordan says a little confused "I love you" you say looking down "there's no need to be shy about it if you know I love you too (y/n)" Jordan says lifting your head and sees you're blushing "I'll see you tomorrow" he says then kisses your forehead and gets up and heads down the stairs,you follow him down "well good night!" He says hugging you tightly you hug him tight too "I'll think of you until I'll see you again" he says letting go (woah what a coincidence I just typed see you again and the song see you again came on pandora! Lol weird) "and I'll think of you too!" You say with a big smile "good night my princess!" He says as he walks to his car "good night my prince!" You say as you blow a kiss to him,Jordan laughs and does the same as he starts to drive and wave bye
~~couple minutes later~~
you were bored now and Samantha just got back "where have you been?" You asked her while you walked to the kitchen to get some gummy bears that you had to hide from Jordan "well I need to talk to you,it's kinda Important" she says a little nervous and worried "is everything ok?" You asked sitting new to her "yeah..I just need to talk about it to someone" "ok" you say putting some bears in your mouth "*sighs* ok here I go..I need help trying to get this guy" she says looking down quickly "well who is it?" "Well you know him and we've known him since he lived next door" she says as her face got pink "how often do you guys see and talk to each other?" You ask "like every other day" "well do you think that he flirts with you?" You ask stuffing more gummy bears into your mouth "well he did say I look good all the time and he looks at me with a smile every time we talk" "well I think he kind of likes you!" You say making her look up at you "really?!" She say with a smile "yup..just be patient" "ok" she says trying not to blush "you finish half of the bag of gummy bears and head upstairs to get ready for bed
~~after night routine~~
You're in some pj's and hope into your bed "good night!" You hear "good night!" You yell back and laugh. You go on your phone for a while and get a notification from Jordan 'venturianacachalla just posted a photo' you click on it and like it,it says 'Had a wonderful day with @ (y/ig/n) today! How was your day? Anyway good night! #venturiantale' you replied with 'I had a awesome time with @ venturianacachalla p.s Jordan I had gummy bears and ate half of the bag after you left,I'll give you the rest tomorrow!' He replied with 'well at least you're going to share them with me! I could of eaten them in a couple of minutes! But it's ok!Good night! :) ❤️'  you replied again 'hehe ok,Good night! CX ❤️' you smile and turn your phone off and go to sleep..
I'm sorry I haven't updated in a month! I guess that says something about school! X3 anyways I hope you enjoyed it!

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