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(Jordan got an Instagram yesterday ^-^!! Omg! Lol sorry fangirling over here X3)
You wanted to take a picture of you two in the car to announce that yall are dating "should we take a picture together to announce that we're dating?" You say while taking your phone out "yeah" he says while looking at the camera;you were just about to take the picture when Jordan kissed your cheek *click* you look over at him and blush while smiling  "I thought that would of been a better picture" he says looking back at the road "that WAS a better picture" you say as you admire the it "well I'll post this on Instagram!" You say as you caption 'yes,me and Jordan are dating! ^-^' you automatically get a bunch of likes,comments, and some more followers,you replied to some of the comments too 'I knew it! 'Cool! Wytb!' And others like 'you're lucky!' 'Aww' you replied to one in particular 'hope you'll take more pics with Jordan! And tell him to get an Instagram!' 'We'll take more pictures! And I'll ask too!' You asked Jordan "hey um Jordan why don't YOU have an Instagram?" You ask while looking up from your phone screen "mmm I don't really know" "well are you ever going to get one?" "I'm pretty sure someday I will" "well why not right now?" "Ok" he says while looking over at you "really?" You say surprised "yup" he says with a fast nod "ok,well I think we should get get it when we get our food in the theater" you say as you lock your phone and change the radio station and 'lean on' comes on (that song comes on a lot where I'm at) the song barely played a minute since it was almost over "if you're caller 104 (idk ;-;) you will get to meet FOB and Wiz khalifa backstage with VIP tickets for two!" You look at Jordan in excitement with a huge smile and wide eyes "Jordaaaan! Can you call too?!" You say with puppy eyes "well duh!" He says while taking his phone out and adds the radio station's phone number. Yall called about 12 times each and were going to give up...."congratulations you're caller 104!" You heard through your phone, you were so shocked and happy "omg thank you!" You said into the phone "we'll get back to you in a bit" you heard but off the radio;they put in some commercials and talked to for three minutes about the tickets and how they're going to mail them to you "I told you" Jordan said while looking for a parking place near the entrance of the theatre "yay!" You shouted still excited and happy at the thought of you meeting FOB and Wiz Khalifa
~~after getting the food/snacks~~
"So do you want to get your Instagram right now?" You ask as yall walk through the hallway near the small arcade next to the theatre room "yeah" he says as he unlocks his phone,he downloads Instagram and clicks on it "ok so how do I make one?" He asks hand in you his phone "ok well first,what is your name going to be?" "Um..oh how about Venturianacachalla?" He says in a goofy voice (not goofy from Mickey mouse xD) "if that isn't taken then yeah" you put the name in and isn't staken "ok Venturianacachalla" you say nudging his arm "now you need a profile picture" you say handing him back his phone
(Hi,this is my second day writing this chapter btw and Jordan actually got IG two days ago irl) He took a picture making a silly face at the camera and set it as his picture "ok here" he hands you back the phone and click on bio "what do you want on your bio?" "Just put Jordan Frye" he says getting some popcorn "ok" now put in your email and your password.."ok done" he says while jumping in excitement "ok great now do you want to upload a picture now or later?" You say then taking a sip of your drink "how about we take a selfie together?" He asked as he put his head on your shoulder,you blushed a little "sure" you say leaning on him them making him sit up straight "yay!" *click* *click* "Jordan really?" You say sitting up and looking into the camera *click* "ok I'll post them now" Jordan says as he makes a small collage and posted 'I dunt evun no howl 2 Instagram..but I got one anywoozles! #venturiantale' you laughed as you searched for his profile and read his caption "really Jordan, anywoozles?" You laugh as you followed him and put post notifications on he followed you back and did the same then followed his siblings and mom; you decided to tell people that Jordan finally got a Instagram so posted a video with him "go follow Venturianacachalla! Jordan's *points camera to Jordan's face then waves* Instagram now!" "Yes go follow meh!" You end the video then post 'Go follow Jordan's yes Jordan's Instagram!' And get a bunch of likes instantly and read finally and about time and some people tagging others. Jordan's phone starts blowing up with follows,likes, and comments "this going to be fun, now turn your phone off and let's go watch the movie!" You say as you get up with your snacks/food and drink
~~after da movie~~
You finished all the food except the candy which you eat at the end;you open the bag and immediately pop one in your mouth while Jordan's phone turns back on still getting a lot of notifications "Instagraming is fun trust me" putting two gummies in your mouth and Jordan looks "do you want one too?" You ask moving the bag closer to him and he takes some "these are good!" He says with two already in his mouth "ok let's go home now" you say as you put some in your mouth "alright" Jordan says as he grabs your hand. A few seconds pass and some people walk to yall in excitement "a fan!" Jordan shouts "omg! Can I take a picture with you guys?!" She says as she starts to form some tears in here eyes "of course you can! We love taking pictures with our fans!" Jordan says as he opens his arm for a hug from the twelve year old girl "ok say venturiantale!" Her mom says "Venturiantale!" You three say "what's your name?" You ask looking down at her "my name's Kate" she says smiling at you then Jordan blushing. You can obviously tell she likes whisper in her ear "why don't you give Jordan a little kiss on the cheek?" She blushes "really?" She asked excited "mhmm" Jordan makes a weird face  at the both of yall. You whisper in his ear too "let her kiss your cheek" he looks at you with a 'sure' look and gets down and squats. Her parents look at her with a 'go ahead' look and she blushes then kisses Jordan's cheek *clicks* her dad took the photo and she blushed a DARK red "thanks" she pulls you down and whispered "your welcome" you whispered back "ok well we need to go on now" her father said "ok it was great meeting you" Jordan says as he grabs your hand and waves with other "bye" you wave at her and she waves with a smile "alright do want to play in the arcade area?" Jordan asks as he looks at you "well duh!" You reply with a grin and he pulls you in a side hug and puts his arm around your waist making you blush and kiss his cheek "I love you" he says giving you a kiss back "I love you too" you say leaning you head on him..he takes his wallet out and grabs a ten dollar bill out and trades it in for quarters "ok here you can have 20" he says as he gives you them "I'm gonna play space invaders first" you say getting two quarters and putting them in. "Ok I'm gonna shoot some zombies" Jordan says as he walks to the horror house game "I'm good at this game" you say as your almost done shooting half the aliens/invaders "crap! I'm dead!" You hear Jordan yell and laugh at himself "ha ha" you say to him as you nearly lost a life by just looking at finally died on 6th level which didn't take that long to get to "how about we go to the photo booth and take some pictures?" Jordan asked "that sounds great" you say walking over to him and getting in the booth and closing the put in four quarters and select 6 seconds "ok let's make a funny face" you say as you make a funny face with him *click* "how about an angry face?" Jordan asked "ok" you reply *click* "now a sad face" Jordan made a pouting face that almost made you laugh *click* "now a kiss" Jordan says as he smiles and kisses your lips *click* "now I kiss your cheek" you say as you look at him and kiss his cheek *click* "now I kiss you cheek" *click* "that was fun" "it was sure fun kissing you!" Jordan says as he kisses you again and getting out the booth. "I wonder how the pictures came out" you said waiting for them to come out..they come out and you grab them "aww look at your face" Jordan said pointing to the picture where he kissed your cheek "look at yours" you say pointing to his silly face one "I look fabulous don't I" he says posing "yep,you sure do" you say laughing at him "ok let's get to the car" Jordan says grabbing your hand again
~~after car ride home~~
You get out the car with Jordan and he walks you inside your house "few,I'm kinda tired" you say running into your room and jump on the bed "ahh" you say Turning the tv on "I'm going to use the restroom ok" Jordan asked,you nodded. You look at the pictures again and take a picture of it and post it on Instagram and tag Jordan "hmmhmm" you laugh at it "what are you laughing at huh?" Jordan asked plopping next to you in the bed "the pictures" you say looking over at him 'how fucking lucky am I' you thought

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