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(This song is one of my favorites but sadly you can't buy it anymore XC)After we explained the whole story to her she smiled at us both "Just remember,I trust you ok?" She says getting up and going to the kitchen "well I think I should head home now" he says frowning,you kiss him and he automatically smiled "ok" you say a bit sad "I'll be back tomorrow ok" "Alright" you say leading him to the front door "bye" he said waving at Samantha she waved back "I love you ok" he said then kisses you "I love you too" you say kissing him back and waving
~~Jordan's POV~~
I got to the car and smiled the whole way home while remembering her singing "I love you (y/n)!" I shouted in my car I turned on the radio and the same song came on and put an instant smile on my face.i sang the whole song but messed up on the lyrics sometimes X3
~~parking at da drive way~~
I unlock the front door and laughed at myself "I did it!!!" I screamed and blushed,Cierra ran down the stairs and yelled "yes!" She did a weird victory dance;it was funny "congrats dude!" Issac yelled from the couch "you see Jordan,she was basically your girlfriend when you brought her here!" Bethany said as she walked down the stairs,I blushed "thanks you guys!" *coughs* Cierra *coughs* "hey!" Issac and Bethany yelled together "Cierra was the one helping me ok" I said as I walked up to my room "ahhh, she's my girlfriend" I whispered to myself as I grabbed my phone to text her
J: I miss you already! 😞
You/y: aww,do you!
J: mhmm! 😔
Y: here 😘,better?
J: yes 😘
Y:aww thanks,I love you! 😘😊
J: I love you too! 😘😊❤️
Y: ☺️❤️😘🍭
J: wanna go and eat?
Y: yay food!
Y: I mean yay food with Jordan! 😉
J: you're funny,and I love that about you!
Y: where are we going to eat?
J: how does Chick-fil-a sound?
(Srry I love chick-fil-a X3)
Y: that sounds good!
J: great pick you up in a bit! Love you! 😘😋
Y: ok,I love you too! You goofball! 😘😂❤️
I get out of bed and change into some black jeans and put on a superman shirt with a plain unzipped blue sweater on top and run down stairs "I'm gonna get lunch with (y/n)!" I shouted nearly stumbling halfway down the steps "alright!" Cierra replied I head out the door and get in the car and start to take off
~~your POV~~
I'm getting ready to go eat with Jordan and I put in a batman shirt and a batman jacket that looks like his suit zipped up and put on some skinny black jeans with my joker converse (I would wear dat bc I have all of that X3) I like looking geeky and I luv batman! I get out of my room and go downstairs to tell Samantha "I'm going to get food with Jordan ok?" I ask as if she's my mother "ok, just don' know..." I blushed and we both laughed "it's too early anyway!" As I say that I hear knocking at the door "he's here!" I open the door and Jordan hugs me I hug him back of course "I missed you!" He said pretending to be sad again "here" you kiss his cheek "yay!" He says grabbing your hand "see you later!" You wave at her as you close the door "chick-fil-a here we come!" You say laughing with Jordan as he opens the door for you "Jordan you don't need to do that I'm serious" you say while he runs to his door "I know but you're my princess!" You blush as he said that "well you're my prince!" You say while laughing and turning the radio on and Uma Thurman comes on by FOB! (I love FOB and patd!) you jumped in excitement and Jordan looked over at you with a funny look "I guess you like this song" he says smiling "yes I do!" You say smiling too "may nothing but death do us part!" "I love it when you sing in front of me" he says smiling and blushing,you blush at him and smile too "no! The song is over!" You say with a small frown "in about an hour were going to give away two tickets to go meet fall out boy and wiz khalifa backstage with VIP tickets so stay tuned!" You look at Jordan with a big smile on your face "I want to go to one of their concerts!" Jordan smiled and looked over really quick "we'll try to get those tickets ok" you smiled and kissed his cheek as he pulled into a parking spot "we're here!" He said while kissing you walk out of the car with your hand in his "here ya go!" He says as he opens the door for you "thanks Jordan" you look around and see that it's not too packed besides the kids in the play area "go sit down and I'll order ok" "ok, I want (chicken or sumthin else) and (drink),ok" "ok,now go sit down" he says with a smile which makes you smile. You sit near the corner where a booth is and slide in. You look at your Instagram and see that you got 142 more followers including the fryes and some comments on your pictures. You look up and see Jordan putting the food on the table "here"he says handing you your drink and you take a sip from it "ahhh" you say exaggerating and laughing and look at his shirt "superman huh?" You say in a eldritch voice "and you like batman huh?" He says mocking you "mhmm" you take a sip of your drink then bite into your meal afterwards "superman is better!" Jordan said a little loud which drew some attention "be quiet Jordan" you say laughing "but it's true" he said while putting a piece of chicken into his mouth "nuh uh!" You say at him with a competitive look "finnnnne whatever" he says whining you smile and he pops another chicken in his mouth
~like three minutes later~
you see some people (3)walking over at you and Jordan 'fans' you thought as they got closer they were all happy and looking at each other "can we take a picture with yall?" One of them asked nervously "of course!" You replied you and Jordan got out the both and took a selfie with them "can I get a picture with the three of yall?" You asked "mhmm!" They all said "ok, I'll put this on my Instagram" you say as you go to Instagram and post it "so..are yall dating?" One of them ask nervously "yup!" Jordan replied quickly "really?!" "Mhmm" you replied shaking your head "wish you two the best!" "Thanks" you and Jordan say at the same time you all laugh "well we better go it was nice netting yall!" They wave as they walk away "bye!" Jordan yells "Shh Jordan" you say laughing "oh yeah sorry" he says laughing
~~lunch is ova~~
"ok let's go!" He says as he picks up all the trash and throws it away grabbing your hand 'what a cute weirdo' you say then smile and head out to the car " want to open the door for yourself?" He says with a small frown "just this time then,ok?" "Ok" he says unlocking the car and getting in "woah it's hot in here!" You say turning the a/c on 3 "here have this" Jordan says as he takes a cookie out of his sweater's pocket "yay cookie!" You say giving him a smile "glad you like it" he says looking at you "are you kidding me? I love cookies and cake!" (*coughs* Jacksepticeye *coughs*) you say like a little girl "good to know then!" He says in a cheeky smile. You take a bite and put the cookie near Jordan's mouth to let him have a bite too;he takes a big bite and leaves half of it for you "hey!" You say playfully hitting his arm and laughing;he manages to swallow the chunk of cookie and speak "sorry" he says still laughing "it's fine" you say with a small pout "I'm sorry I took a big bite of your cookie" he says as he was accused of something bad "please forgive me!" He says pretending to be sad "I forgive you,just don't do that again" you smiled letting him know you were just playing "thank you my princess" he kisses your cheek after that,you blush at him thinking 'I'm his princess' "do you want to watch a movie?" "I'll tell Samantha" you text her
Y:hey I'm going to go watch a movie with Jordan ok
S:ok,I'll go to my friends house then ok
"I'll tell them too ok" Jordan nods in agreement
Y:hey Bethany Jordan and I are going to the movies ok?
B:ok,I'll tell the others
"Ok what are we going to watch?" "I don't know whatever you want to watch I guess" "well...I want to watch a scary move" you say with a funny spooky voice "whatever you want!" Jordan says with a cheerful voice "I'm gonna get some candy and a hotdog with some lemonade (what I get) "I'm gonna get some popcorn with a bag of sour skittles (don't know if he would get that or not lol sorry this is kinda short)
•-• I'm thinking of making a channel in the does that sound?

My superman (Jordan/Venturian X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now