Chapter 3

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Dean's POV

We lasted a good solid 48 hours before our next fight happened.

I was leaning back in my chair, in my office, tapping my fingers along to Bon Jovi. The song was one of my personal favorites.

Cas was cooking dinner, and I was waiting patiently, just passing the time by listening to music. Cas usually didn't cook, but this time he said he wanted to do something special for me. I agreed, even though I knew he wasn't that good of a cook. It's the thought that counts, I reminded myself.

"Dean! Dinners ready!" Cas called from downstairs. A small smile appeared on my face as I pushed myself up from my chair, and trudged down the stairs, the smell of something hitting my nose.

"Smells good." I lied, walking over to my husband to give him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed, but it didn't last long. "Thank you." He whispered.

"What did you make?" I asked, leaning against the counter.

"I made Lasagna." He said proudly, and I nodded, moving my way to sit down at the dinner table.

Within minutes, he sat down two plates and two glasses, one in front of me, and the others in front of him. He then sat in front of me, a huge grin on his face.

"So." He said, picking up his fork. "Eat."

I smiled warmly, and dug into the food, pretending to enjoy it with each agonizing chew. "It's good." I lied between bites.

We went on like this for five minutes, chewing and making small talk. It was actually quite nice, but knowing us, it would never last.

"So Dean, how's Benny?" He asked, looking uncomfortable asking the question.

"He's good." I said bluntly, taking a sip of the drink Cas made for me.

"That's good." He said, finishing his food. I nodded quickly.

"Why are you asking about Benny?"

He pushed himself from the dinner table, only to put his his plate into the sink. I watched carefully as he turned and leaned against the counter, eyeing me up and down.

"No reason. You've just been spending a lot of time there." He said slowly.

I rolled my eyes, wiping my mouth with a napkin that was beside my plate. I finished too, copying Cas' actions and putting my plate in the sink.

"Yeah, I have. So? You have a problem?" I asked.

He shook his head immediately. "No no, do whatever you want Dean." He sighed, moving towards the living room.

I followed him.

"Cas, we have this same fight all the time. I'm allowed to have friends, remember?"

He flinched, and then moved around the couch, just standing there.

"No no, you're right. I forgot that Benny cooked for you, and Benny has sex with you. Hell, Benny is your husband. My bad!" He said loudly, his hands flying all over the place. I glared at him before moving closer.

"At least Benny can cook. And not that I would know, but I'm sure Benny is a much better fuck." I snapped.

He laughed loudly, pushing past me to plop down on the couch. "Oh, I'm sure you would know, Dean."

I shot him a confused expression. "Are you kidding me? You think I'm hooking up with Benny?"

"You're over there 24/7, Dean. When was the last time we were intimate? It's been months." He stated simply, switching on the television, flipping through the channels.

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