Chapter two

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Kaylee's POV

    I return to my seat just before the opening act starts, "Where were you?" Jackie asks elbowing me.

    "I couldn't find it so I had to ask some guy, then afterwards he flirted with me and asked for my number" I reply

    "Was he cute?" they ask in unison.

"Yes he defiantly was." I reply before asking" Who is opening?"

    "This band, Hey Violet," Laura answers as they walk out on stage.

    "I've never heard of them," I say and the two girls agree. The band performs their sets and surprisingly they were pretty good. They leave the stage and after about ten minutes, 5 Seconds of Summer walks out on the stage, the crowd goes wild. Screaming and cheering, The band jumps into singing one of their songs.

    I look at each of the members, there was the one in the middle on guitar, he has blonde hair and seems very energetic. Then I look at the one that looks Asian, but he is not. I had asked Laura and Jackie once but they lectured me about how he is Kiwi and something else, not Asian. Next I look at boy on the left, he had purplish hair and looked like he belonged in front of a crowd. Lastly my eyes gaze upon the drummer, and my mouth drops to the floor, "Oh My God." I say.

    Laura turns to me, "What?" she asks as I continue to stare at the drummer.

    "That boy on stage, what's his name?" I say still in shock.
    "Which one?" She asks also in shock.

    "The drummer," I reply pointing at him, he looks at me and winks.

    "Ashton Irwin" She said, I simply nod my head, still processing what I just figured out, they boy at the bathroom, was him.

    The show continues and all of a sudden Laura turns to me, "Luke just winked at me," she shouts, "Oh My God, what is life?"

    The rest of the show passes and during it Ashton kept his eyes locked on mine and winked at me countless times. As the crowd begins to thin out, Laura and Jackie refuse to leave just in case one of the boys came back out. Once barely anyone but us is left in the theater, I start to force them to leave. "Just one more minute," Jackie says.

    After the minute we all stand up to leave, just then Ashton emerges from the back, "Hey Bathroom Girl," He greets me.

    I turn to look at him, "I thought I told you my name." I tell him.

    "You did Kaylee, But I like Bathroom Girl better," He replies. Just then my friends turn around and see Ashton standing there on the stage, his drum sticks dangling from his hands.

    "You are Ashton Fucking Irwin," Laura says her eyes widening.

    "In the flesh, though my middle name is Fletcher not Fucking but close enough." He jumps down from the stage and walks over to us, a smirk evident on his face. "Nice to meet you..." he trails off

    "Laura," she says, her smile huge. Ashton steps forward and hugs her, they then take a photo together.

    "And you are?" he asks Jackie.

    "Jackie," she says confidently, they hug and snap a photo together.

    "Do you want a photo bathroom girl?" he asks me.

    "Nah," I say, "I don't really do boy bands," a smirk now forming on my lips.
    "We aren't in a boy band, we're punk rock." he replies, sticking out his tongue and holding up his rock and roll sign on his fingers.

    "If that's what you need to sleep at night, then keep telling yourself that." A giggle escapes his lips and he turns to leave, I'll text you tonight, Bathroom Girl." He waves goodbye

    "Alright Drummer Boy." Ashton disappears through the curtains and we turn to exit.

    We quickly get into the car, "That was officially the best night of my life," Laura and Jackie say at the exact same time.

    "Stop that, it's creepy." I say and they giggle.

    "So what was that about with Ashton?" Jackie asks, "You guys seemed all buddy buddy.
    "He was the boy from the bathroom," I explain, they nod their heads in understanding. I turn into our hotel parking lot and we get out of the car.
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