Chapter Four

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Ashton's POV

My alarm goes off at nine thirty, I roll over to my side and sigh, not wanting to get up. Then I remembered what we were doing today, I was going to the mall with the beautiful girl I met last night. I rolled out of bed and stood up, stretching. "Boys get up!" I yell before going to brush my hair.

"Why do we have to get up so early, Ash?" Calum asks, still half asleep.

"Because we are going to the mall," I say in a duh tone.

"But you hate getting up, its nine thirty in the fucking morning, the house could catch on fire, and you would refuse to get up before noon." Michael says as he walks into the bathroom to grab his toothbrush.

"We are meeting someone," I say as I finish brushing my teeth.

"A female someone?" Luke asks as he joins the conversation.

"Maybe..." I trail off and grab my hairbrush to attempt to detangle my rats nest I call hair.

"Spill," Calum says as he spits into the sink.

"She ran into me before the concert, and she didn't know who I was. I showed her to the bathroom and got her number. She was the most beautiful person I have ever seen." I explain as I give up on my hair and just throw bandanna around it.

"Good, I'm happy for you mate." Luke says as he pats me on the back. "Does this girl have a name?"

"Kaylee," I breath, God even her name was perfect. "Oh, and she's bringing her two friends, so maybe you guys can get some" I add, wiggling my eyebrows at them.

Michael looks at me like I've gone insane and throws his water bottle at me, "Grow up Irwin," he rolls his eyes.

I check my phone to see it is already, 9:55, "We better go guys," I say before storming out of the hotel room.

We enter the SUVs waiting for us outside the hotel, our main security gives us sunglasses and hats to try to conceal our identities, I put the sunglasses on and place the hat down next to me, not wanting to wear it.

We quickly arrive at the mall and enter through the doors of Sears. The four of us head to the entrance into the mall, looking for Kaylee. I quickly spot her, my heart skips a beat. I race over to her, wanting to be by her side.


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-Kaylee <3

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