New Neighborhood

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Sophia's POV
I honestly am so happy that we're moving to a new neighborhood. I hated my old school and the people in my old neighborhood. Wow that's so cool how I can say "old" when I think of that hellhole. Holy shit, I'm not enjoying my song that's playing. I have to start it over now. No biggy- I love it anyway. Good thing I have earphones and not the AUX cord. My brother and dad would go nuts.
So I didn't really introduce myself, my names Sophia, I'm a sophomore. I have a baby brother his name is Alex, he's an 8th grader (little shit). My dads name is John, he's in the military. Navy. My moms not in the picture anymore, she was an alcoholic and my dad got tired of it so he got custody of us and left her. I don't really like talking about her so yeah.
The U-haul truck came to a stop in our new place that were staying in. Its on Ainsworth street. Weird name I thought to myself. I quickly paused my music got off the truck and put my phone in my pocket and got the keys to the house and opened the door.
"Woah, its beautiful"
Alex came in the new house
"its alright" he said
"Alright?! Dad its amazing!" I said staring at the stairs. We've never had a 2 story house before so its kind of a surprise. I ran up the stairs to discover my new room, its like a medium sized room. Alex's room is across from mine, and my dads room is down the hall. I helped get my things in my room and Alex's in his. These guys came in so they can put our beds up and the mattress on it. It was the evening now and my dad paid the guys when they were done and they left.
Me and my brother were in our rooms just getting used to the whole thing while we hear my dad calling from downstairs
"Kids! Dinners ready!"
We get out of our rooms going down the stairs and I see the couches set up and still a couple of dads boxes.
"Dad when are you gonna pick up your things?" I laugh
"In a minute princess"
" mmm sure"
We finish dinner and we all pick up our plates and cups and put them in the sink. All of us go to our rooms and while I'm about to shut my door my dad stops the door from slamming and peeks his head and says quietly so my brother won't hear
"Did you take your pill Sophy?"
" I'm about to" I quietly say
" please don't leave this door closed, I'm still worried princess, please understand."
"Dad I'll be fine, I promise"
"Okay then, I trust you. Sweet dreams"
I slowly close the door shut and leave my back resting on the door. My feet start sliding across the floor and I fall to the ground. I put my music on blast playing on my speaker so they won't hear me cry. I put my head on my knees while I hear my favorite band slowly singing. I think to myself, " why am I still bad " I stay thinking this way for an hour.
Shit its already 10:00 p.m - I quickly get up from the floor and make my way too my bathroom in my room and open the mirror too see my prescription. I take it with water. Then I get my other medication for my nightmares and take it. I quickly put both of my medications in the cabinet and close the mirror. I stay there for a moment and look up at the mirror. I'm trying to get better, I'm trying I really am. I get my bangs out of my face and sort of laugh because it looks like I have a mullet. Both sides of my head are shaved and all the hair I have is basically on the top so it looks funny. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear something coming from my bed. It sounds like someone jumping up and down. I quickly open the door from my bathroom and see no one, all I see is my speaker still playing next to my lamp on my drawer.
" what the fuck" I say.
I think nothing of it and just turn off all the lights and I cuddle with my pillow while I'm rolled up in a burrito.

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