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~Next Day~
Sophia's POV
I wake up yawning like a hippo. Do hippos even yawn? I don't know I don't care. Trying to adjust my eye vision I look over at my drawer to find my phone but instead I see my whole drawer on the other side of the room and with the lamp on the floor.
I think to myself, did I move in my sleep last night and kick it? Did Alex come in messing with my things? I swear to god I will literally bash his face in. Where is that little shit at?
"ALLLLLLLLLLEXXXXXXXXXXXXX" I yell so loud I think the neighbors heard.
I get no response. I got up from my bed and march to his room, his door is locked so I start yelling and banging on his door.
My dad comes from his room
" hey hey what's going on here?"
"Dad Alex came in my room last night and moved my things around and my lamp is on the floor cracked!" I hear from Alex's room a bed creak and the door opens
"What are you blaming me on?" Alex says while rubbing his eyes. (Yes were all heavy sleepers)
"Why did you go in my room and move my SHIT AROUND, MY LAMP FELL AND CRACKED, DO YOU KNOW THATS THE LAMP MOM GAVE ME!" I yell
My dad jumps in as soon as I push Alex.
"Sophia please calm down princess, please"
I know it may look like I'm overreacting but its the lamp mom bought for me.. She told me it reminded her of me.. Even though I'm so mad at her I love her. So much.
I get out of my dads embrace and quickly storm in my room while I hear my dad raising his voice at Alex to not go in my room and Alex saying he didn't do shit. Yeah right.
I lock my door and approach the cracked lamp and immediately fall to the ground. I just remember mom giving it to me and telling me with her sweet words " it reminded me of you Sophia".
I then start getting angry at myself for even feeling bad its broken. I still have so much anger towards her for not fighting for us in court. She just left me and Alex. She chose alcohol over us. All of us. When dad left for deployment she would tell me its my fault he's out there risking his life. If he dies, its my fault. All mine.
I got out of my thoughts and threw this stupid fucking lamp away. I thought to myself "just start putting up your posters, get your mind of shit". So that's what I'm going to do. I quickly got out all the posters that I put under my bed yesterday and set them on my bed. I got my tape from my drawer and set it on my bed as well. I was thinking of which one to start with so I just picked my All Time Low poster to be first put up. I got my tape and the poster and went on top of my bed to put up.
I did this over and over until my last one was reached. I was thinking of where to put it because my whole wall was covered with it, then I see a spot I didn't cover and its a perfect fit for the poster so I got the tape and put it behind the poster and right when I'm putting the poster on the wall I hear something.
It sounds like someone banging in the restroom. I quickly put the poster and turn around.
I don't know what to do, I don't want to be like those stupid girls in the movies and ask " whose there". Instead my dumbass grabs my skateboard from under my bed and approaches the bathroom. I quickly open the door and no ones there.
Seriously what the fuck is going on?!

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