thank you michael

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the rest of the day passed without massive faults. break time ended and michael was in my other three lessons. he hung out with me all day and was protective over me. i had just gotten out of art with michael and we were walking towards the gates. "hey hals?" he asked, nervously.

"yeah mikey?" i asked back.

"do you, maybe wanna do something now?" he asked me, was he asking me on a date? "not like a date, but hang out, as friends?"

"sure, let me just text my parents, what do you wanna do?" i sent a text to ruby and robin, i knew they would have no issue with it seeing as they were practically forcing me to leave my bedroom all summer, but i didnt.

"wanna come over? or could i come over? or... arcade?"

"how about you come over?" i suggested. i wasnt ready to go to his yet. he nodded and we walked out of school. i walked silently while he told me about himself. he was 17, 18 in november, he lived with his mum, hes an only child and he's dyed his hair so many times, hes lost count. he suggested i dyed mine pink, and took that suggestion and bought some dye on the way home. my hair was dirty blonde, but a bit lighter because of summer, he offered to do it for me and i agreed. he obviously had alot of experience. when we got back to mine, neither ruby or robin was home, so we did the hair dye straight away. "michael, what do i need. im new to this."

"you need like plastic-y gloves, and ill do the rest. get a towel around your shoulders and change into a rough tee." i complied and ran into my room and changed into a rough band tee, i didnt have anything but band merch to be honest. and i found some gloves in rubys bathroom, she dyed her hair quite alot too. i went back to michael and handed him the gloves. "sit down on your bed and ill do it for you." i sat there and he was speaking to me again, telling me more about himself. his favourite color was green and he wore coloured contacts. i laughed at that point because he doesnt seem to be the type of guy to be bothered by something as small as eye colour, but he clearly was. his eyes were emerald green ((i know thats total bs, but i like emerald green)) and he once made out with luke. i laughed even harder at that. after he had massaged the dye into my hair, we sat around in my room blaring fall out boy, 20 dollar nose bleed "HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO DISAPPEAR?"

"AND JOIN A MONASTERY." i sung just as loudly.

the time flew by and before i knew it, i washed my hairdye out and was left with bright pink hair, not bright pink, but like a bambi pink. i really liked it. "thanks mikey," i told him "can we do yours soon?"

"yes! what colour? i was thinking of going black, with a white stripe?"

"what, like a skunk? ew. lets do it."

there was a knock on my door, "hey ash-halsey." ruby chirped and poked her head in "whos this?"

"this is my best friend, michael." i smiled. michael made me smile alot, i think ruby would like him.

"nice to meet you ma'am." he held out a hand for ruby and instead of shaking it, she pulled him in for hug and whispered something in his ear. she let go and turned to face the two of us.

"michael do you want to stay for dinner?" ruby asked him. "im ruby by the way"

"yeah, thanks for the offer." hes turned his charm on, i think ruby will talk with me later about him. tonight was monday, which meant one thing. pizza.

we carried on dancing around my room until robin knocked on my room to tell us pizza was here, but he didnt say we were having pizza. we went down the stairs and michael stood in the doorway between the stairs and the dining room with his mouth wide open. "you never told me we were having pizza." he whispered. "i fucking love pizza" we sat down and ate with ruby and robin. they made small talk with michael about his life and he seemed to be good with dealing with them and i think ruby liked that i had a friend. "so michael, do you want to stay the night?" robin asked. michael was taken back and stuttered, "erm, s-sure?" he said.
"do you need me to get the mattress into your room ash?" robin asked, i clenched my jaw.
"robin, my name is not ashley. its halsey." i told him through gritted teeth. "im done with dinner" i said, i hardly ate, but i didnt want to stay in the room any longer as my anger would continue to get worse. i went to my room and punched the wall repeatedly.
"halsey stop!" i heard michael shout. "i know i cant touch you, so please stop." he said calmer this time. i looked down to my bleeding knuckles and slumped on the floor, crying. "c'mon hals, lets clean you up, can i get you up?" i nodded and he put his arm under my arm and helped me off the ground and led me to my en suite. he sat me on the toilet seat and got a small towel. he cleaned up my hands and then applied a bandage. "halsey, you punched the wall earlier didnt you? thats why your hands were bleeding earlier..." i nodded. "why do you do it?" he asked, he sounded upset.
"its better than inflicting pain on myself in other ways." i said to him. he nodded in understanding.
"please, when you feel like, hurting yourself: call me. i dont care if its three in the morning, or ten at night. i promise ill always be here for you." he told me softly. "lets go get you changed for bed."
i walked back into my room and i made him wait a minute before he came in so i could change. as i was still in my rough clothes, i decided to just take off my leggings and crawl into bed. "hals can i come in?" michael called.
"yeah, do you wanna share the bed with me?" i asked him. "or, do you wanna get the matress?"
"which is less hassell for your dad?" he asked.
"hes not my dad, hes robin." i told him, trying to put the thoughts of my real dad to the back of my mind. "sharing a bed would be less hassell by the way" i tell him. he nodded and stripped out of his black skinnys and flannel top, leaving him in his boxers. he got onto the bed next to me and faced me so we were staring at each other. "thank you michael" i whispered to his angelic, sleeping face. a small smile crept onto his face which told me he heard. and i fell asleep.
"ashley, get here right now!" my dad shouted. i limped my way over to him, the pain shooting throughout my body, every step hurting more than the last.
"yes dad?" i tried to choke out. my lip was bust open from where he punched me. he grabbed me by my shoulders and then roughly shoved me back into the brick wall. "why are you such a fucking bitch!" he yelled at me. "youre so worthless" the punches started. "youre so useless. i wish your mother never gave birth to you! look what youre making me do!" he continued to shout. by this time, i was curled up on the floor being kicked in the gut repeatedly. "youre so worthless," he spat before kicking me back into the box room and locking the door.
i was screaming and i felt my forehead covered in cold sweat and the tears wouldnt stop. "halsey, halsey. what happened?" michael asked wide awake. i was crying too much to choke the words out. he put his arms around my body and pulled me into a gentle hug. "do you wanna go back to sleep?" i shook my head. "ill stay up with you, do you wanna talk about it?" i shook my head. "we can listen to fall out boy" i wiped some of my tears and smiled at him weakly. "thank you michael".
authors note; oooOoh, long chapteerrr :))))) i hope you liked it? things like her dreams will contain important things about her past!

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ily guys!


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