Chapter 2

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I hated seeing Adam coming home with a bruise. I just wish he tell me everything as exactly it is, but he was too stubborn to let go. And I have a operation on this coming Friday for my throat. And it was safe to say I was scared as hell. But Insha'Allah everything will work out and my operation will be successful.

"What you thinking?" Adam asks me and I shook my head as a no. "No, I know something is troubling you. Spill it out." He said putting an arm on my shoulder. I rest my head on his shoulder. I said nothing, as I'm worried I'd have to listen to his big lectures. He grabbed paper and pen, "Go on, I'm waiting."

I shook my head and dragged paper and pen away from me. He sighs, "Don't tell me you're thinking about you're operation, again." He said as if he could read my mind, I couldn't help but smile. He giggles and rolls his eyes, "Please Layla, just... leave everything upon Allah - he is the most merciful one." He said I nodded.

No one in my family was mute, everyone could talk, except me. Which is somewhat painful. Seeing that people could speak out their thought anywhere. Not a single voice would leave my mouth, most people who couldn't speak had a little voice in them - but for me, it was a different case. I tried so hard to speak, I had little hope in me that I will - I could - speak. In high school days I used to cry myself to sleep. I did a operation when I was sixteen, it was unsuccessful. But with hope in Allah, I had courage to live again, and didn't lock myself in a room. And here I am, a 25 year old girl married to a 27 year old man who loves me so much.

Adam is like a gift from Allah. He cares so much about me, on our honeymoon he took to me Miami - and it was my dream to go there - and so many other places. Later I found out that he's been saving all the money from a long time, which melted my heart.

'Oh my God!' Were the first words that came to my mind when Adam told me that we are going to Miami. I wanted to scream my heart out and thank Allah. I hugged Adam and literally broke down in his arms.

So we went to Miami and spent the whole day touring Miami and took so many pictures that I have it in my little album. Life definitely got better after marriage, it felt like I was living a normal girls life, again. And my love for Adam is unconditional.

It's been almost one year to our marriage and I was counting the days till our one year anniversary. I wanted to celebrate it and make the most unforgettable day of my life.

I wanted to scream 'I love you, Adam Saleh' on top of my lungs. So loud that people in Africa would hear me.

"It's getting late, I'm going to sleep it's weekend tomorrow so I can sleep peacefully." He said getting me out of my train of thought. I nodded even though I didn't want him to go sleep just yet. "You sure?" He said raising his right eyebrow. I nodded and wrote,

' Yeah, you need your beauty sleep anyway '

He read and nodded, he left a kiss on my forehead saying his goodnight he went to bed. I'll just watch some tv until I feel sleepy.


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