Chapter 5

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Adam's phone was ringing and he was outside. An unknown number was flashed on the screen. I pick up the phone, atleast get to know who it was.

"Hello, I am speaking from the City Center hospital. You had a appointment at five o'clock, am I right?" A lady's voice spoke. Should I message 'Yes'? "Um... are you there on the line?" I wished that Adam came here quick. "Is anybody on the line there? Please ans-" I hang up the phone call. Just then Adam came in the house. I quickly ran to him and handed him the phone.

"Did I get phone call?" He asked and I nodded. He went through his calls and called the number I just hanged up on.

"Hello, this is Adam Saleh speaking. I seemed to get a phone call from you?" He put the call on speakers, and threw his right arm around my shoulder, kissing my cheek. I smile and kiss his cheek too.

"Yes, but you seem to hang up." I could hear the annoyance in her voice. Adam rolls his eyes "Anyways... I called you inform you that you're appointment is not at five o'clock anymore. It's at three o'clock." I looked at the time and it read 2:40. Shoot! I quickly I ran up and get dressed up.

My hands gets sweaty as the second tick by. I just want to everything to go fast and without me even noticing it. I looked at Adam and he had a worried look on his face too but he smiled at me when he caught me looking at him.

"Just please don't worry, everything with go right. It's all in Allah's hand." He said and just then my name was called from a nurse. "And listen, everything happens for a reason, and whatever it is Allah has a much better plan ahead of you." He said and I have him a hug and kiss on his cheek.

The nurse told me to change into this weird outfit but I was still allowed to wear my scarf. So the doctor isn't a lady.


Every second that passed by was like a torture. Will Layla be successful in her operation? Will she able to speak again? All these thoughts were getting to me some good conclusions and some bad conclusions. I kept of reciting surahs after surahs.

About an hour later Layla's family and my family came right through the doors. We exchanged our greetings and just sat there in silence, we all being worried about her operation that was currently in process.

(After Layla's operation)

"It's about time." I say looking at the doors that she went in with the nurse. After one hour there was no sign.

"Why is it late?" Layla's mom asked worriedly.

"The operation was due an hour before." Her dad states.

"Ya Allah, what's happening in there?" My mom said. Then we all were silent and after seconds a doctor came out. Oh my God, is that... Abdul?

Layla's mom quickly stood up and we all did. "What happened?" I asked when I saw his face had no emotions. He cleared his throught and looked at the papers that he was holding.

"I-I am sorry, we couldn't help at all. We tried everything we could do. But her case seems to be more helpless than before. Um... I don't think she can ever get her voice back."


"I-I am sorry, we couldn't help at all. We tried everything we could do. But her case seems to be more helpless than before. Um... I don't think she can ever get her voice back." I tried everything I could do, but her case was just helpless, I really wanted her to get her voice back. "Everything is in Allah's hand, He must have a better plan for her. Now if you'll excuse me." I say and walk to my office. I heard cries and whatnot.

Vote! Comment! This chapter is short cuz I have a lot going on. Insha'Allah next chapter will be bigger and better.

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